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A Blue Water Navy

The Official Operational History of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War, 1943-1945, Volume II, Part II

By WAB Douglas, R. Sarty, M. Whitby et al.
2007, Vanwell Publishing Limited
ISBN 1551250691
Hardcover 650pp 7 x 9.5

Descripton: Based on extensive research, Blue Water Navy follows the RCN's path to victory from 1943 to 1945 as Canadian warships engage the enemy across the globe in the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific Oceans, covering: * the Allies' North Atlantic triumph over the German submarine arm * the RCN's combined operations role in Dieppe, Africa and Sicily * the procurement of large fleet destroyers and their operations * culmination of the RCN's overseas buildup with Operation Neptune * multi-function capabilities from MTBs, minesweeping and anti-submarines activity * acquisition of cruisers and Canadian manned escort carriers Thoroughly explores the world-wide scope of the Royal Canadian Navy's involvement in the Second World War and its transition from a small-ship navy into a balanced force.

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