Naval Warfare Books

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Canadian Submarine Service in Review

By Perkins, J. David
2000, Vanwell Publishing
ISBN 1551250314
Hardcover, 209 pages, 150+ illustrations

Descripton: This is the story of Canada's submarines from the viewpoint of a man who spent over sixteen years serving in British and Canadian submarines. It describes how these submarines were acquired, what type they were, how they were used, and depicts the men who sailed in them. Told in a fast-paced, entertaining style, with an unsurpassed selection of photographs of Canadian submarines from the beginning to the present.There are extensive technical descriptions in plain language on the ship types, full operational specifications and histories including commanders and officers, and a wealth of photographs. Students of naval history and submariners themselves will find it a valuable reference. Submarine buffs will be delighted with the absorbing details on these fascinating weapons of war.

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