Danish language books

Hajer og Smefisk

by Ott, Wolfgang
(Sharks and little fishes) (1963, Det Schxnbergske Forlag)
Description: This highly acclaimed novel realistically describes the life of a German U-boat officer in WWII. A movie based on the book was released in 1957.
- This book has been translated from another language
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Jagten på de grå ulve

by Schmidt, Peter
(The hunt for the grey wolves) (1991, Forlaget Mariteam)
ISBN 8789716000
168 pages
Description: This book deals with the search for the "golden U-boat" in Danish waters.
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Kampen om U-843

by Nyrgaard, Erik
(The fight for U-843) (1970, Chr. Erichsens Forlag)
ISBN 8755500196
Description: The raising of a German WWII U-boat and its treasures.
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Sidste melding: Sænket

by Schmidt, Peter
(Last message: Sunk) (1991, Forlaget Mariteam)
ISBN 8789716027
Description: This book deals with the search for the "golden U-boat" in Danish waters.
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by Buchheim, Lothar-Günther
(The U-boat) (1978, Forlaget Forum)
ISBN 8753317154
Description: This well-known novel, stemming from the author's experiences as a war correspondent on U-96, describes a single U-boat patrol from beginning to end. ...
- This book has been translated from another language
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by Cremer, Peter
(U-333) (1991, Forlaget Forum)
ISBN 8753318673
Description: This well-written first-person narrative is about the career of Kptlt. Cremer of U-333.
- This book has been translated from another language
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by Johanssen, Steen
Nazi Ubåden ved Anholt (1988, Bollerup Boghandels Forlag)
Description: This book is written by the man that found U-534 in the Kattegat off Denmark in 1986 diving from the ship Ternen. The boat was raised from the seabed ...
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Ubåde gennem 75 år

Ubåde gennem 75 år

by Bjerg, H. Chr., Kock, H. Chr. Dahlerup, Nielsen, P.B.
(Submarines through 75 years) (1984, Forlaget FORUM)
Description: The history of the Danish submarine from 1909 to 1984.
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