Allied Warships

HMS Kingston Jacinth (4.45)

ASW Trawler

NavyThe Royal Navy
TypeASW Trawler
Class[No specific class] 
Built byCook, Welton & Gemmill (Beverley, U.K.) 
Laid down 
Launched28 Feb 1929 
CommissionedNov 1939 
Lost12 Jan 1943 

Completed on 3 April 1929.
Taken over by the Admiralty on 30 August 1939.
Displacement: 356 tons.

HMT Kingston Jacinth (Skipper Reginald Walter Denny, RNR) was mined off Portsmouth on 12 January 1943.


Commands listed for HMS Kingston Jacinth (4.45)

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and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War.

1Cdr. (retired) Francis Theodor Hare, RN10 Sep 19391 Nov 1939
2Cdr. (retired) Samuel Arthur Brooks, RN1 Nov 1939Dec 1940
3Lt.Cdr. (retired) Albert Ayre, RNRDec 1940Feb 1941
4T/Lt. Edward George James, RNVRFeb 194114 Apr 1941
5Skr. Arthur George Day, RNR14 Apr 194124 Jul 1942
6Skr. Reginald Walter Denny, RNR24 Jul 194212 Jan 1943

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Notable events involving Kingston Jacinth include:

5 Jan 1942
At 1430 hours, HMS P 38 (Lt. R.J. Hemingway, DSC, RN), departed Portsmouth for Gibraltar. She was escorted by HMS Kingston Jacinth (Skr. A.G. Day, RNR) until 1730 hours.

P 38 was to proceed to Malta where she was to join the 10th submarine flotilla. (1)

7 Jun 1942
Around 1000B/7, HMS Torbay (Cdr. A.C.C. Miers, DSO and Bar, RN) made rendezvous with HMS Unbeaten (Lt.Cdr. E.A. Woodward, DSO, RN) and their escort towards Portsmouth HMS Kingston Jacinth (Skr. A.G. Day, RNR). (2)


  1. ADM 199/424
  2. ADM 199/1868

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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