Allied Warships

HMS Fraserburgh (J 124)

Minesweeper of the Bangor class

NavyThe Royal Navy
PennantJ 124 
ModReciprocating engined 
Built byLobnitz & Co. Ltd. (Renfrew, Scotland) 
Ordered9 Sep 1939 
Laid down8 Aug 1940 
Launched12 May 1941 
Commissioned23 Sep 1941 
End service 

Sold 1 January 1948.


Commands listed for HMS Fraserburgh (J 124)

Please note that we're still working on this section
and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War.

1Lt.Cdr. (retired) George Walter Alexander Thomas Irvine, RNR11 Aug 1941

2Cdr. (retired) Claude Plumer, RN10 Feb 194215 Jan 1944
3Cdr. Herbert Guy Abbott Lewis, RN18 Jan 1944early 1945
4Lt. William Charles Jelley, RNearly 1945late 1945

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Notable events involving Fraserburgh include:

27 Sep 1943
In the morning HMS Viking (Lt. R. Bannar-Martin, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises at Scapa Flow with HMCS Haida (Cdr. H.G. De Wolf, RCN) and HMS Vigilant (Lt.Cdr. L.W.L. Argles, RN) and later HMCS Iroquois (Cdr. J.C. Hibbard, DSC, RCN) joined as well. In the afternoon, HMS Viking carried out A/S exercises with HMS Fraserburgh (Cdr.(Retd.) C. Plumer, RN) and HMS Bootle (Lt.Cdr. A. Ecclestone, RN). (1)

27 Sep 1943
HMS Viking (Lt. R. Bannar-Martin, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises at/off Scapa Flow with HMCS Haida (Cdr. H.G. De Wolf, RCN), HMS Vigilant (Lt.Cdr. L.W.L. Argles, RN), HMS Fraserburgh (Cdr.(Retd.) C. Plumer, RN) and HMS Bootle (Lt.Cdr. A. Ecclestone, RN). (1)

1 Oct 1943
HMS Viking (Lt. R. Bannar-Martin, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises at/off Scapa Flow with HMCS Haida (Cdr. H.G. De Wolf, RCN), HMS Janus (Lt.Cdr. W.B.R. Morrison, RN), HMS Fraserburgh (Cdr.(Retd.) C. Plumer, RN) and HNoMS Stord (Lt.Cdr. S.V. Storheill). (2)


  1. ADM 173/18453
  2. ADM 173/18454

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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