Allied Warships

HMAS ML 826 (ML 826)

Motor Launch of the Fairmile B class

NavyThe Royal Australian Navy
TypeMotor Launch
ClassFairmile B 
PennantML 826 
Built byNorman Wright (Sydney, Australia) 
Ordered19 May 1942 
Laid down 
Commissioned1 Jan 1944 
End service 

Sold in 1949


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Notable events involving ML 826 include:

7 Oct 1944
HMS Sirdar (Lt. J.A. Spender, RN) departed Fremantle for her 6th war patrol (4th in the Far East and 1st in the South-West Pacific area). She was ordered to patrol in the Sunda Strait and on the way back to Fremantle to reconnoitre Christmas Island. She was escorted out by HMAS ML 826.

For the daily positions of HMS Sirdar during this patrol see the map below.


28 Apr 1945
Around 1200I/28, HrMs O 24 (Lt.Cdr. P.J.S. de Jong, RNN) ended her 23th war patrol (11th in the Far East and 1st for this deployment) at Fremantle. On entering harbour D/G trials were carried out.

She was escorted in by HMAS ML 826 (Lt. S.A. Hancock, RANR) which had joined around 0930H/28. (2)

18 Jun 1945
Around 1600I/18, HrMs O 24 (Lt.Cdr. P.J.S. de Jong, RNN) arrived at Darwin.

She was escorted in by HMAS ML 807 (Lt. W.M. Marley, DSC, RANVR) which had joined around 1245I/18. (2)


  1. ADM 199/1869
  2. ADM 199/1879

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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