Allied Warships

HMS Delhi (D 74)

Light cruiser of the D class

HMS Delhi in 1942 after being refitted as Anti-Aircraft cruiser in the U.S.A.

NavyThe Royal Navy
TypeLight cruiser
PennantD 74 
Built byArmstrong (Newcastle-on-Tyne, U.K.) : Wallsend 
OrderedJul 1917 
Laid down29 Oct 1917 
Launched23 Aug 1918 
CommissionedJun 1919 
End service5 Jul 1945 

HMS Delhi was converted to an Anti-Aircraft cruiser in the United States at the New York Navy Yard from May to December 1941. Armament became as follows;
5 5" DP guns
8 2pdr AA (2x4)
10 20mm AA (2x2,6x1)

Delhi was damaged by German explosive motorboats at Split on 12 February 1945. She was patched up and returned home in April 1945. She was not repaired.

Paid off on 5 July 1945.

HMS Delhi was finally sold to be broken up for scrap on 22 January 1948. She arrived at Cashmore, Newport in April 1948.


Commands listed for HMS Delhi (D 74)

Please note that we're still working on this section
and that we only list Commanding Officers for the duration of the Second World War.

1Capt. Louis Henry Keppel Hamilton, DSO, RN24 Aug 193916 Dec 1939
2Capt. Alfred Spalding Russell, RN16 Dec 193927 May 1941
3A/Cdr. Frank Gordon Emley, RN27 May 194124 Nov 1941
4Capt. Allan Thomas George Cumberland Peachey, RN24 Nov 1941Dec 1943
5Capt. Gilbert Ridley Waymouth, RN1 Dec 1943May 1945
6Cdr. Arthur John Cinnamond Pomeroy, RNVRMay 19455 Jul 1945

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Notable events involving Delhi include:

9 Oct 1939
Around 1130A/9, the German passenger/cargo ship Cap Norte (13615 GRT, built 1922) is captured north of the Faeroer Islands in approximate position 63°35'N, 07°50'W by the light cruiser HMS Belfast (Capt. G.A. Scott, DSC, RN).

Light cruiser HMS Calypso (Capt. N.J.W. William-Powlett, DSC, RN) also arrived on the scene to assist.

The German ship was sent to Kirkwall with a prize crew. Later the light HMS Delhi (Capt L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN) arrived to escort her as did the armed boarding vessel HMS Northern Rover (Lt. (Retd.) M.H. Macpherson, RN). They arrived at Kirkwall on 12 October.

The Cap Norte was later renamed Empire Trooper and served as troopship.

25 Oct 1939
The German merchant Rheingold (5055 GRT) is intercepted and captured south-east of Iceland in position 64°00'N, 11°40W by the British light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN).

12 Nov 1939
The German merchant Mecklenburg (7892 GRT, built 1921) is intercepted east off Iceland in position 63°09'N, 11°38'W by the British light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN). However before the German ship can be captured she is scuttled by her crew.

10 Dec 1939

Convoy TC 1.

This convoy of troopships departed Halifax around 0510Q/10, for the Clyde where it arrived on 17 December 1939.

The convoy was made up of the following troopships / liners; Aquitania (British, 44786 GRT, built 1914, carrying 2638 troops), Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928, carrying 1312 troops), Empress of Australia (British, 21833 GRT, built 1914, carrying 1235 troops), Empress of Britain (British, 42348 GRT, built 1931, carrying 1303 troops) and Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931, carrying 961 troops),

Close escort was provided on leaving Halifax by the battleship HMS Resolution (Capt. O. Bevir, RN) and the Canadian destroyers HMCS Fraser (Cdr. W.N. Creery, RCN), HMCS Ottawa (Capt. G.C. Jones, RCN), HMCS Restigouche (Lt.Cdr. W.B.L. Holms, RCN) and HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. de Wolf, RCN). These Canadian destroyers remained with the convoy until 12 December 1939 when they set course to return to Halifax.

Cover for the convoy was provided by the battlecruiser HMS Repulse (Capt. E.J. Spooner, DSO, RN), aircraft carrier HMS Furious (Capt. M.L. Clarke, DSC, RN), light cruiser HMS Emerald (Capt. A.W.S. Agar, VC, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Hunter (Lt.Cdr. L. de Villiers, RN) and HMS Hyperion (Cdr. H.St.L. Nicholson, RN). At dusk on the 10th both destroyers were detached to join the local escort. They returned to Halifax with the Canadian destroyers.

Early on the 15th, HMS Emerald was detached, HMS Newcastle (Capt. J. Figgins, RN) had joined the cover force in the afternoon of the 14th to take her place.

When the convoy approached the British isles, the destroyers HMS Eskimo (Cdr. St.J.A. Micklethwait, RN), HMS Bedouin (Cdr. J.A. McCoy, RN), HMS Mashona (Cdr. P.V. McLaughlin, RN), HMS Somali (Capt. R.S.G. Nicholson, DSC, RN), HMS Kandahar (Cdr. W.G.A. Robson, RN), HMS Khartoum (Cdr. D.T. Dowler, RN), HMS Kingston (Lt.Cdr. P. Somerville, RN), HMS Kashmir (Cdr. H.A. King, RN), HMS Fearless (Cdr. K.L. Harkness, RN), HMS Ilex (Lt.Cdr. P.L. Saumarez, RN) and HMS Impulsive (Lt.Cdr. W.S. Thomas, RN) departed the Clyde on the 12th to sweep ahead of the convoy. HMS Imperial (Lt.Cdr. W. Kitcat, RN) was also to have sailed but was unable to join. HMS Matabele (Cdr. G.K. Whitmy-Smith, RN) was sailed in her place and later joined the other destroyers at sea.

After German warships had been reported in the North Sea, and concerned for the safety of convoy TC.1, Admiral Forbes, departed the Clyde on the 13th to provide additional cover with the battleships HMS Warspite (Capt. V.A.C. Crutchley, VC, DSC, RN), HMS Barham (Capt. H.T.C. Walker, RN), battlecruiser HMS Hood (Capt. I.G. Glennie, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral W.J. Whitworth, CB, DSO, RN) and the destroyers HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, RN), HMS Icarus (Lt.Cdr. C.D. Maud, RN), HMS Imogen (Cdr. E.B.K. Stevens, RN), HMS Imperial, HMS Isis (Cdr. J.C. Clouston, RN) and HMS Foxhound (Lt.Cdr. P.H. Hadow, RN). The destroyers HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN) and HMS Firedrake (Lt.Cdr. S.H. Norris, RN) sailed from Loch Ewe and later joined this force at sea. Three cruisers from the Northern Patrol were ordered to patrol in position 53°55’N, 25°00’W to provide cover for the convoy. These were the heavy cruisers HMS Berwick (Capt. I.M. Palmer, DSC, RN), HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN) and the light cruiser HMS Glasgow (Capt. F.H. Pegram, RN).

The light cruisers HMS Southampton (Capt. F.W.H. Jeans, CVO, RN), HMS Edinburgh (Cdr. C. Wauchope, RN, temporary in command) departed Rosyth to patrol between the Shetlands and the Faroes.

The destroyers HMS Afridi (Capt. G.H. Creswell, DSC, RN), HMS Maori (Cdr. G.N. Brewer, RN) and HMS Nubian (Cdr. R.W. Ravenhill, RN) departed Rosyth and proceeded north at high speed to try to cut of the enemy warhips if they were to enter the Atlantic.

The light cruisers HMS Cardiff (Capt. P.K. Enright, RN), HMS Ceres (Capt. E.G. Abbott, AM, RN), HMS Delhi (Capt L.H.K. Hamilton, DSO, RN), HMS Diomede (Commodore E.B.C. Dicken, OBE, DSC, RN) which were on the Northern Patrol were to concentrate near the Faroes where they were joined by HMS Colombo (Commodore R.J.R. Scott, RN) and HMS Dragon (Capt. R.G. Bowes-Lyon, MVO, RN) which were on passage to their patrol stations.

Around 0430Z/17, in foggy conditions, the outward bound liner Samaria (British, 19597 GRT, built 1921) collided with both HMS Furious and the Aquitania but no major damage was done to either one of the three ships.

The convoy arrived safely in the Clyde on 17 December 1939. (1)

7 Feb 1940
Vice-Admiral J.C. Tovey, CB, DSO, RN, transferred his flag from HMS Galatea (Capt. E.G.H. Bellars, RN) to HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN). (2)

14 May 1940
The heavy cruisers Duquesne (Capt. G.E. Besineau), Tourville (Capt. A.J.A. Marloy), light cruisers HMS Neptune (Capt. J.A.V. Morse, DSO, RN), HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.C. Tovey, CB, DSO, RN), HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN), HMS Dragon (Capt. R.G. Bowes-Lyon, MVO, RN), destroyers HMAS Stuart (Cdr. H.M.L. Waller, RAN), HMAS Vampire (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Walsh, RAN, HMAS Vendetta (Lt. R. Rhoades RAN), HMAS Voyager (Lt.Cdr. J.C. Morrow, RAN), HMS Tigre (Capt. M. De La Forest Divonne), Lynx (Cdr. A.M. De Gouyon Matignon de Pontourade) and Forbin (Lt.Cdr. R.C.M. Chartellier) conducted exercises off Alexandria. (3)

15 May 1940
Fleet exercises were carried out of Alexandria in which the following warships are thought to have participated; battleships HMS Warspite (Capt. D.B. Fisher, OBE, RN, flying the flag of A/Admiral Sir A.B. Cunningham, KCB, DSO and 2 Bars, RN), HMS Royal Sovereign (Capt. H.B. Jacomb, RN), heavy cruisers Duquesne (Capt. G.E. Besineau), Tourville (Capt. A.J.A. Marloy), light cruisers HMS Neptune (Capt. J.A.V. Morse, DSO, RN), HMS Orion (Capt. G.R.B. Back, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.C. Tovey, CB, DSO, RN), HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN), HMS Dragon (Capt. R.G. Bowes-Lyon, MVO, RN), Duguay Trouin (Capt. J.M.C. Trolley de Prevaux), destroyers HMAS Stuart (Cdr. H.M.L. Waller, RAN), HMAS Vampire (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Walsh, RAN, HMAS Vendetta (Lt. R. Rhoades RAN), HMAS Voyager (Lt.Cdr. J.C. Morrow, RAN), HMAS Waterhen (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, RN), HMS Tigre (Capt. M. De La Forest Divonne), Lynx (Cdr. A.M. De Gouyon Matignon de Pontourade) and Forbin (Lt.Cdr. R.C.M. Chartellier).

Some of these ships remained out on exercises during the night of 15/16 May.

[It is possible that more ships participated in these exercises but much information is not available.]

13 Jun 1940
Around 1500N/13, HMS Hermes (Capt R.F.J. Onslow, DSC, MVO, RN) and HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) made rendezvous off the Canary Islands. They then continued the patrol in company with each other.

Around 1450N/16, they parted company again, HMS Hermes was to proceed to Dakar. HMS Delhi briefly continued to patrol after which she was to proceed to Gibraltar. (4)

16 Jun 1940

Dakar, the French battleship Richelieu
and the fall of France
Timespan; 16 June to 7 July 1940.

The fall of France, 16 June 1940.

On 16 June 1940, less then six weeks after the invasion of France and the low countries had started on May 10th, all military resitance in France came to an end. The question of control of the French fleet had thus become, almost overnight, one of vital importance, for if it passed into the hands of the enemy the whole balance of sea power would be most seriously disturbed. It was therefore policy of H.M. Government to prevent, at all costs, the French warships based on British and French harbours overseas from falling into the hands of Germany.

The bulk of the French fleet was at this time based in the Mediterranean. There drastic steps were taken to implement this policy. Elsewhere the most important units were the two new battleships completing, the Jean Bart at St. Nazaire and more importantly as she was almost complete, the Richelieu, at Brest.

Events during the Franco-German negotiations 17-25 June 1940 and politics.

It was on the 17th of June 1940, when the newly-formed Pétain Cabinet asked the Germans to consider ‘honourable’ peace terms in order to stop the fighting in France. At 1516 (B.S.T.) hours that day the Admiralty issued orders that British ships were not to proceed to French ports. On receipt of these orders Vice-Admiral George D’Oyly Lyon, Commander-in-Chief South Atlantic, ordered the aircraft carrier HMS Hermes (Capt R.F.J. Onslow, DSC, MVO, RN) then on her way to Dakar after a patrol off the Canary Islands to proceed to Freetown instead at her best speed. At the same time he recalled the British SS Accra which had sailed from Freetown for Dakar at 1730 hours (zone +1) with 850 French troops on board. She returned to Freetown at 0800/18. The British transport City of Paris with 600 French troops on board from Cotonou was ordered to put into Takoradi. On the 18th the Commander-in-Chief was also informed by Commander Jermyn Rushbrooke, RN, the British Naval Liaison Officer at Dakar that the Commander-in-Chief of the French Navy, Admiral Darlan had ordered Admiral Plancon at Dakar to continue fighting and also that the shore batteries and AA personnel there had declared for the British. At 0245/18 Vice-Admiral Lyon passed this information to the Admiralty, cancelled his orders to HMS Hermes to proceed to Freetown and directed her with the armed merchant cruisers HMS Carnarvon Castle (Capt. M.J.C. de Meric, RN) and HMS Mooltan (Capt.(Retd.) G.E. Sutcliff, RN), which were on passage to Freetown from the Western Approaches, to proceed to Dakar at full speed in order to strengthen the French morale. That afternoon the Admiralty ordered HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) to leave Gibraltar and proceed to Dakar and join the South Atlantic Station. She left Gibraltar on the 19th with an arrival date of the 23rd. In the morning of the 18th the French troopship Banfora reached Freetown, from Port Bouet, Ivory Coast with 1000 troops on board, and sailed for Dakar without delay. The French armed merchant cruiser Charles Plumier, which had been on patrol south of the Cape Verde Islands reached Dakar at 1015/18.

Meanwhile the British Naval Liaison Officer, Dakar’s signal had been followed by a report from the Naval Control Service Officer at Duala that an overwhelming spirit existed amongst the military and civilian population of the French Cameroons to continue fighting on the British side, but that they required lead, as the Governer was not a forceful character; but that morning the Governor of Nigeria informed the Commander-in-Chief that he considered steps to be taken to prevent a hostile move from Fernando Po (off the entrance to the Cameroon River). Accordingly, at 1845/18, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Bulolo (A/Capt. C.H. Petrie, RN) sailed from Freetown at 14 knots to show herself off San Carlos on the morning of the 23rd, and thence to anchor of Manoka in the Cameroon River the next day (her draught prevented her from reaching Duala). A/Capt. Petrie was then to proceed to Duala and call a conference.

It was difficult to arrive at a clear appreciation of the situation in French West-Africa but on the morning of the 19th June the Commander-in-Chief informed the Admiralty that, as the evidence pointed to an established resolve on the part of the West-African Colonies to join Great Britain whatever happened, he intended to allow French troop movements to continue. This he anticipated would avoid French exasperation and mistrust. During the early afternoon he heard from the Governors of Nigeria and the Gold Coast that French officers and non-commissioned officers were planning to leave the Cameroons and to join the British forces in Nigeria. At 1900/19 the Commander-in-Chief held a conference with the Governor of Sierra Leone at which it was decided that the Governor should cable home urging immediate action to persuade the French colonial troops and authorities to remain in their territories and hold their colonies against all attacks. In the evening the Commander-in-Chief reported to the Admiralty that French Guinea was determined to keep fighting on the British side. Meanwhile the Governor-General of French Equatorial Africa at Brazzaville was wavering and suggested leading his troops to the nearest British Colony. Late that night, still on the 19th, the Commander-in-Chief informed him that it was essential that he should remain at his post and that it was the expressed intention of French West Africa to fight on to victory.

Next morning, on the 20th, the Admiralty informed the Commander-in-Chief that the new French battleship Richelieu (about 95% complete) had departed Brest for Dakar on the 18th. Her sister ship, Jean Bart (about 77% complete) had left St. Nazaire for Casablanca on the 19th. During the afternoon of the 20th the British Liaison Officer at Dakar reported that according to the French Admiral at Dakar the French Government had refused the German armistice terms and would continue the fight in France. This was entirely misleading. For nearly two days the Commander-in-Chief had no definite information till at noon on 22 June when a BB C broadcast announced the signing of a armistice between France and Germany, which was to followed by one between France and Italy. Still there was much uncertainty, and the rest of the day was apparently spent in waiting for news. Early next morning, the 23rd June, the Admiralty informed the Commander-in-Chief that the French Bordeaux Government had signed an armistice with Germany. As the terms were not fully known the attitude of the French Navy remained uncertain. Shortly after 0200/23 the Admiralty gave orders that HMS Hermes was to remain at Dakar, and gave the Commander-in-Chief the text of the British Government’s appeal to the French Empire and to Frenchmen overseas to continue the war on the British side. The final collapse of France naturally exercised an important influence on the dispositions and movements of the South Atlantic forces. Also on the 23rd the cruiser HMS Dorsetshire (Capt. B.C.S. Martin, RN) and the destroyer HMS Watchman (Lt.Cdr. E.C.L. Day, RN) departed Gibraltar for Dakar and Casablanca respectively, and the same morning HMS Bulolo arrived off Fernando Po and showed herself of San Carlos and Santa Isabel. At noon she anchored off Manoka, in the Cameroon River, in the hope of restoring morale at Duala. Meanwhile HMS Mooltan had arrived at Freetown from Dakar and the United Kingdom, and during the afternoon (1500/23) the armed merchant cruiser HMS Maloja (A/Capt. V. Hammersley-Heenan, RN) reached Dakar from the Northern Patrol to join the Freetown escort force. Half an hour later the Richelieu and escorting destroyer Fleuret arrived at Dakar.

For a time the attitude of the French Governor-General at Dakar, the French North African colonies and the French Mediterranean Fleet, and the battleship Richelieu remained in doubt. Then owning to the anticipated difficulty of maintaining French salaries and supplies if the French did not accept the British offer, the situation at Dakar rapidly deteriorated, and by the evening of the 23rd reached a critical state. Early on the 24th, therefore, the Admiralty ordered the Commander-in-Chief to proceed there as soon as possible. The Commander-in-Chief replied that he intended to proceed there in the ex-Australian seaplane carrier HMS Albatross (Cdr. W.G. Brittain, RN), which was the only available ship, and expected to reach Dakar around noon on the 25th. At 1015/24 he left Freetown and reached Dakar around 1600/25. Meanwhile the Richelieu had put to sea. From then on the naval operations centred mainly on the battleship.

The problem of the Richelieu, 25-26 June 1940.

The Richelieu which had been landing cadets at Dakar, had sailed with the Fleuret at 1315/25 for an unknown destination. She was shadowed by an aircraft from HMS Hermes until 1700 hours. She was reported to be steering 320° at 18 knots. At 1700 hours the Admiralty ordered HMS Dorsetshire to shadow her, and at 2200 hours HMS Dorsetshire reported herself as being in position 16°40’N, 18°35’W steering 225° at 25 knots, and that she expected to make contact with the Richelieu at midnight. At 2126 hours, the Admiralty ordered the Vice-Admiral aircraft carriers (Vice-Admiral L.V. Wells, CB, DSO, RN) in HMS Ark Royal (Capt. C.S. Holland, RN) to proceed with dispatch to the Canary Islands with HMS Hood (Capt. I.G. Glennie, RN) and five destroyers (actually only four sailed with them; HMS Faulknor (Capt. A.F. de Salis, RN), HMS Fearless (Cdr. K.L. Harkness, RN), HMS Foxhound (Lt.Cdr. G.H. Peters, RN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. H.R. Graham, RN)). They departed Gibraltar in the morning of the 26th.

Early on the 26th, the Admiralty informed the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic, and the Vice-Admiral, aircraft carriers, that His Majesty’s Government had decided that the Richelieu was to be captured and taken into a British port. They were to take every step to avoid bloodshed and to use no more force then was absolutely necessary. It was understood that the French battleship had H.A. ammunition on board but no main armament ammunition, that forenoon however, the British Liaison Officer Brest reported that she had embarked 15” ammunition before leaving there. HMS Hood was to perform this task if possible but that there were a risk that the Richelieu might get away before her arrival, or if she tried to enter a neutral port such as La Luz in the Canaries, HMS Dorsetshire was to take action. After the capture she was to be taken to Gibraltar. The battleship HMS Resolution (Capt. O. Bevir, RN), which was at Gibraltar, was detailed to intercept the Jean Bart in case she would depart Casablanca and deal with her in the same way.

Vice-Admiral Wells reported that HMS Ark Royal, HMS Hood and their escorting destroyers would pass through position 36°00’N, 06°35’W at 0300/26, steering 225° at 20 knots. HMS Dorsetshire, meanwhile, having seen nothing of the Richelieu by 0015/26, had proceeded to the northwestward, and then at 0230/26 turned to course 030°. At 0530/26 she catapulted her Walrus aircraft to search to the northward, and at 0730 hours it sighted the Richelieu in position 19°27’N, 18°52’W on course 010°, speed 18.5 knots. Eleven minutes later she altered course to 195°. The aircraft proceeded to shadow, but missed HMS Dorsetshire when it tried to return and in the end was forced to land on the sea at 0930 hours about 50 nautical miles to the southward of her. The Dorsetshire which had turned to 190° at 0905 hours was then in position 18°55’N, 17°52’W. She turned to search for her aircraft. Around noon she abandoned the search and steered 245° at 25 knots to intercept the Richelieu, which she correctly assumed to be continuing to the southward. She made contact soon after 1430 hours and at 1456 hours reported that she was shadowing the battleship from astern.

In the meantime the French Admiral at Dakar had informed Vice-Admiral Lyon that the ‘Admiral Afrique’ had ordered the Richelieu and the Fleuret to return to Dakar. At 1512 hours the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic asked the Admiralty whether, under these circumstances, HMS Dorsetshire was to attempt to capture the Richelieu. He was confident that any interference would antagonise all the local authorities and the French people in general. He also pointed out that His Majesty’s ships at Dakar would be placed in a most difficult position.

At 1630/26, HMS Dorsetshire, reported that she was in position 17°21’N, 18°22’W with the Richelieu within easy visual distance. Relations between the two ships remained cordial. The French ship had not trained her guns when she sighted the Dorsetshire, and she expressed regret that, having no aircraft embarked, she was unable to co-operate in the search for her missing Walrus aircraft but she signalled to Dakar for a French plane to assist. In view of her declared intention to return to Dakar, Capt. Martin took no steps to capture her and at 1700 hours he was ordered by the Admiralty to only shadow the Richelieu. At the same time HMS Hermes left Dakar to search for HMS Dorsetshire’s Walrus.

Shortly after 1900/26, the Admiralty ordered Ark Royal, HMS Hood and their four escorting destroyers to return to Gibraltar. At 2015 hours, the Admiralty ordered HMS Dorsetshire to cease shadowing the Richelieu and to search for her missing Walrus. On receipt of these orders she parted company with the Richelieu and Fleuret at 2300/26, being then some 70 nautical miles from Dakar. HMS Dorsetshire then proceeded to the north-north-eastward at 23 knots.

At first light on the 27th, HMS Hermes, then some 30 nautical miles to the southward, flew off seven aircraft to assist in the search. It was however HMS Dorsetshire herself which eventually found and recovered her aircraft at 1107/27. Meanwhile the Richelieu had arrived off Dakar at 0900/27 but did not enter the port. Shortly afterwards she made off the the north yet again. HMS Hermes then steered to the northward to be in a position to intercept if needed. Nothing was seen of the Richelieu until she was again located off Dakar at 0500/28. HMS Hermes, by that time about 400 nautical miles north of Dakar, was ordered to proceed southwards and return to Dakar.

The Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic, at Dakar 26-29 June 1940.

While these movements were going on at sea, the position at Dakar was steadily deteriorating. At about 1830/26, the Commander-in-Chief had reported to the Admiralty that the French Admiral at Dakar had informed him, on Admiral Darlan’s instructions, that the presence of British warships at Dakar was in contrary to the terms of the Franco-German armistice. At 1700/26 (zone -1) however, the Admiralty had signalled to the Commander-in-Chief that, as the French codes were compromised, that French authorities could no longer be sure that orders came from Admiral Darlan but Admiral Plancon refused to question the authenticity of any signal he received. During the night the appointment of the British Liaison Officer at Dakar was terminated.

At 0500/27 the Richelieu was seen approaching Dakar, but 25 minutes later she turned to seaward again and the Commander-in-Chief ordered a Walrus aircraft from HMS Albatros to shadow her. That afternoon he informed the Admiralty that the Richelieu had put to sea to escort five French armed merchant cruisers [according to another source these were the armed merchant cruisers (four in number and not five) El D’Jezair, El Kantara, El Mansour, Ville d’Oran and the large destroyers Milan and Epervier which came from Brest] to Dakar. The Admiralty was clearly anxious that the Richelieu should not escape and at 0021/28, they ordered Vice-Admiral Wells with HMS Ark Royal, HMS Hood escorted by four destroyers (HMS Faulknor, HMS Fearless, HMS Foxhound and HMS Vidette (Cdr.(Retd.) D.R. Brocklebank, RN) to proceed to the Canaries to intercept her if she continued to steam to the northward. These ships (with HMS Escapade instead of HMS Vidette) had only returned to Gibraltar late the previous evening from their first sortie to intercept the Richelieu. Now they left again around 0600/28 but were quickly ordered to return to Gibraltar and were back in port around noon.

Around 0500/28 HMS Dorsetshire, proceeding back towards Dakar after having picked up her lost aircraft encountered the Richelieu about 10 nautical miles north of Dakar. Admiral Wells was then ordered by the Admiralty to return to Gibraltar. The rapid deterioration of the situation in West Africa is clearly shown in a series of signals which passed between the Commander-in-Chief South Atlantic and the Admiralty on 28 June. At 1100 hours, the Commander-in-Chief signalled that the French had refused HMS Dorsetshire permission to enter Dakar and that she was therefore proceeding to Freetown with all dispatch to fuel and return to the Dakar area as soon as possible. HMS Dorsetshire arrived at Freetown at 0545/29. At 1415/28 the Commander-in-Chief informed the Admiralty that the French Admiral at Dakar had issued orders to prevent H.M. ships from communicating with, or receiving stores, from the shore. In reply he had told the French Admiral that HMS Hermes would enter Dakar on the 29th to embark aircraft stores and fuel, and that he himself would sail from there in HMS Albatros after seeing the commanding officer of HMS Hermes. At 1515/28 the Commander-in-Chief informed the Admiralty of the steps he would take in case the Richelieu would proceed to sea again. The Admiralty then issued orders that Dakar was to be watched by an 8” cruiser within sight of the French port by dayand within three miles by night. HMS Hermes was to remain off Dakar until relieved by HMS Dorsetshire after this ship had returned from fueling at Freetown.

HMS Hermes arrived at Dakar at 0900/29. During the day she embarked Fleet Air Arm personnel and stores which had been landed there earlier. She then completed with fuel and sailed at 1800/29. She then patrolled off Dakar until she was relieved by HMS Dorsetshire at 1800/30. The Commander-in-Chief had sailed from Dakar in HMS Albatros at 1030/29. He arrived at Freetown at 1800/30 and transferred his flag to the accommodation ship Edinburgh Castle.

Deterioration of Franco-British relations, 1 – 3 July 1940.

The first few days of July saw a swift deterioration of Franco-British relations everywhere. The paramount importance of keeping the French fleet out of the hands of the enemy forced the British Government to take steps. According to the armistice terms the French fleet had to assemble at ports under German or Italian control and be demilitarized. To the Government it was clear that this would mean that the French ships would be brought into action against us. The Government therefore decided to offer the French naval commanders the following options; - to continue the fight against the Axis, to completely immobilization in certain ports or to demilitarize or sink their ships.

Already a powerful squadron, known as ‘Force H’ had been assembled at Gibraltar, in order to fill the strategic naval vacuum in the Western Mediterranean caused by the defection of the French fleet, and on 30 June Vice-Admiral J.F. Somerville hoisted his flag in HMS Hood. His first task was to present the British alternatives to the Admiral commanding the French ships at Oran, failing the acceptance of one of them, he was to use force.

To return to West-Africa, HMS Hermes reached Freetown with the Fleet Air Arm passengers and stores from Dakar on 2 July. Early that afternoon the Commander-in-Chief asked the Consul General at Dakar to obtain, if possible, assurance from the French Admiral there that if British warships were not allowed to use Dakar, enemy men-of-war should also be forbidden to use it. At 1915/2, the ex-British Liaison Officer, who had not yet left Dakar, reported the arrival of a British merchant ship which had not been diverted. He also reported that the French ships Katiola and Potiers might be sailing for Casablanca, escorted by armed merchant cruisers and destroyers. The Admiralty however ordered HMS Dorsetshire, which was maintaining the watch on Dakar, to take no action. At 2310/2 the Commander-in-Chief asked the Consul-General whether there was any chance of the Polish and Belgian bullion which was in the armed merchant cruiser Victor Schoelcher being transferred to either the Katiola or Potiers. He received no reply, and the continued silence of the British Consul led him to believe that the Consul’s signals were either being held up or mutilated.

Next forenoon, 3 July, the Commander-in-Chief informed the Admiralty that he intended to divert all British shipping in the South Atlantic from all French ports. Early that morning Vice-Admiral Somerville’s Force H had arrived off Oran. For the next ten hours strenuous efforts were made to persuade the French Admiral to accept one of the British alternatives, but without success. At 1554 hours (zone -1) Force H sadly opened fire on the ships of their former ally at Mers-el-Kebir, inflicting heavy damage and grievous loss of life. None could predict the result of these measures on the Franco-British relations, but it was sure they would not be improved.

During the afternoon of July 3rd the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic, on Admiralty instructions, directed all British Naval Control Officers and Consular Shipping Advisers to order all Biritsh and Allied ships to leave French ports as soon as possible, if necessary disregarding French instructions. All British warships in French ports were to remain at short notice and to prepared for every eventuality. The only warship in a French port within the limits of the South Atlantic Station at the time was HMS Bulolo, which was at Manoka in the Cameroons. At 2048 hours (B.S.T.) the Admiralty ordered all British warships in French ports to proceed to sea and at 2223 hours the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic ordered HMS Bulolo to proceed to Lagos, where she was to remain with HMS Dragon (Capt. R.G. Bowes-Lyon, MVO, RN) until further orders.

HMS Dorsetshire off Dakar, 3-7 July 1940.

Meanwhile HMS Dorsetshire had continued her watch off Dakar. On 3 July 1940 there were sixteen French warships and seven auxiliaries in the harbour. This number included the battleship Richelieu, the large destroyers Fleuret, Milan, Epervier, the armed merchant cruisers El D’Jezair, El Kantara, El Mansour, Ville d’Oran, Ville d’Alger, Victor Schoelcher and Charles Plumier, the colonial sloop Bougainville, the submarines Le Heros and Le Glorieux. At 0917/3 the Admiralty asked the Commander-in-Chief for the Richelieu’s berth at Dakar. HMS Dorsetshire informed him that at 1125/3 she was in position 045°, Cape Manuel lighthouse, 2.6 nautical miles, ships head 230°. Captain Martin seems to have drawn his own conclusions from this question and at 1350 hours he signalled to the the Commander-in-Chief his opinion that the Richelieu’s propellers could be severely damaged by depth charges dropped from a fast motor dinghy, and he asked permission to carry out such an attack about 2300 hours that night. Vice-Admiral Lyon replied that he had no instructions from the Admiralty to take offensive action against the Richelieu. At 1625 hours, however, the Admiralty ordered HMS Dorsetshire to get ready, but to await approval before actually carrying out an attack. This was followed at 1745 hours by a signal that the proposed attack was not approved as it was feared to be ineffective and for the time being the idea was ‘shelved’. [More on this idea later on.]

At 1904/3, the Admiralty ordered HMS Hermes to leave Freetown with all despatch to join HMS Dorsetshire off Dakar at 0500/5. At 2112/3 the Admiralty ordered HMS Dorsetshire to shadow the Richelieu if she sailed and proceeded northwards. If the vessel however made for the French West Indies, the Dorsetshire was to make every effort to destroy her by torpedo attack, and, if that failed, by ramming [ !!! ]. Late that evening the French Government decreed that all British ships and aircraft were forbidden, under penalty of being fired upon without warning, to approach within 20 nautical miles of French territory at home or overseas. Just before midnight the Admiralty gave orders that HMAS Australia (Capt. R.R. Stewart, RN), after refueling at Freetown, was to join HMS Dorsetshire off Dakar. At 0926/4, the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic ordered HMS Hermes and HMAS Australia to rendez-vous with HMS Dorsetshire 21 nautical miles from Dakar instead of the 15 nautical miles previously arranged and at 1037 hours he informed all three ships that as the French Air Force and submarines had orders to attack British ships off Casablanca and Dakar. He therefore issued orders that French aircraft and submarines were to be attacked and destroyed on sight. During that afternoon the Prime Minister announced in the House of Commons that, as an alternative to the German demands, French warships might proceed to the West Indies. At 2041 hours the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic asked whether, in view of this, the Admiralty intended that the Richelieu should be attacked if she was to proceed to the West Indies. Before this message was received, a signal was sent at 2050 hours cancelling the orders for the Richelieu’s destruction and at about midnight the Admiralty directed that she should be shadowed only.

Early on the 5th the Consul-General at Dakar reported that the merchant vessel Argyll with Commander J. Rushbrooke, RN, the ex-British Naval Liaison Officer, Dakar and his staff onboard, had, in accordance with instructions from the French authorities left Dakar the previous day but that she was recalled on reaching the outer boom, an order which had led the Consul-General to make a protest. Soon after midnight 4/5 July orders were received from the Admiralty that the sloop HMS Milford (Capt. R.J. Shaw, MBE, RN) should be sent to join the patrol off Dakar to provide A/S protection. She left Freetown for Dakar at 1000/5.

At 0723/5, in view of the French order forbidding the approach of British vessels and aircraft within 20 nautical miles from French territory at home and overseas, the Commander-in-Chief ordered his ships off Dakar not to approach within 20 nautical miles of the shore and replied in the affirmative when HMS Dorsetshire asked whether this rule also applied by night. During the afternoon he informed his command that French warships was orders not to attack the British unless they were within these 20 nautical miles. He later added that also submarines had the same orders.

At 1853/5, the Commander-in-Chief ordered HMS Dorsetshire, HMAS Australia, HMS Hermes and HMS Milford not to attack French submarines outside the 20 mile zone unless they were obviously hostile. An Admiralty report then came in the the Richelieu was reported to have put to sea but HMS Dorsetshire quickly contradicted that report.

Dispositions off Dakar at 0300 on 7 July 1940.

At 0300/7, two of the British warships off Dakar which were under the command of Capt. Martin (being the senior officer) were patrolling of Dakar (HMS Dorsetshire and HMS Hermes). The third ship (HMAS Australia) was patrolling about 35 to 40 nautical miles further to the north. The fourth ship HMS Milford was approaching Dakar from the south. At 0307 hours a signal from the Admiralty was received which gave a completely different complexion to their operations.

More on this in the event for 7 July 1940,
The attack on the Richelieu.
This event can be found on the pages of the ships involved; HMS Hermes, HMS Dorsetshire, HMAS Australia and HMS Milford. (5)

11 Aug 1940

Convoy SL 43.

This convoy departed Freetown on 11 August 1940.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; Baron Inchcape (British, 7005 GRT, built 1917), Baron Scott (British, 4574 GRT, built 1939), Baronesa (British, 8663 GRT, built 1918), Benledi (British, 5943 GRT, built 1930), Cieszyn (Polish, 1386 GRT, built 1932), Chile (British, 6956 GRT, built 1915), Corinthian (British, 3121 GRT, built 1938), Dartford (British, 4093 GRT, built 1930), Debrett (British, 6244 GRT, built 1940), Dixcove (British, 3790 GRT, built 1927), Helmspey (British, 4764 GRT, built 1931), Helvig (British (former Danish), 2252 GRT, built 1937), Hindpool (British, 4897 GRT, built 1928), Imperial Valley (British, 4573 GRT, built 1924), Liberian (British, 5129 GRT, built 1936), Logician (British, 5993 GRT, built 1928), Maccreggor Laird (British, 4992 GRT, built 1930), Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), Marken (Dutch 5719 GRT, built 1937), Matadian (British, 4275 GRT, built 1936), Mount Othrys (Greek, 6527 GRT, built 1919), Oregon I (British (former Danish), 4774 GRT, built 1916), Port Dunedin (British, 7441 GRT, built 1925), Prome (British, 7043 GRT, built 1937), Rodney Star (British, 11803 GRT, built 1927), Spar (Dutch, 3616 GRT, built 1924), St. Clears (British, 4312 GRT, built 1936), St. Margaret (British, 4312 GRT, built 1936), St. Usk (British, 5472 GRT, built 1909), Stad Vlaardingen (Dutch, 8501 GRT, built 1925), Staffordshire (British, 10683 GRT, built 1929), Taygetos (British, 4295 GRT, built 1918), Theodoros T. (Greek, 3409 GRT, built 1912), Turkistan (British, 6935 GRT, built 1939), Tyr (Norwegian, 4265 GRT, built 1926) and Umtali (British, 8135 GRT, built 1936),

The transport New Brooklyn (British, 6546 GRT, built 1920) departed Bathurst on 13 August to join the convoy at sea.

Several transports, some of which had been coaling at St. Vincent (São Vicente Island), Cape Verde Islands, were to join the convoy at sea on the 14/15th. these were the following, Alchiba (Dutch, 4427 GRT, built 1920), Alcyone (Dutch, 4534 GRT, built 1921), Bendoran (British, 5567 GRT, built 1910), Duquesa (British, 8651 GRT, built 1918), Georgios P. (Greek, 4052 GRT, built 1903), Marconi (British, 7402 GRT, built 1917), Minnie de Larrinaga (British, 5049 GRT, built 1914), Springfontein (Dutch, 6406 GRT, built 1921) and Warfield (British, 6070 GRT, built 1917).

On departure from Freetown the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Dunvegan Castle (Capt.(Retd.) H. Ardill, RN) and the sloop HMS Milford (Capt.(Retd.) S.K. Smyth, RN).

On 13 (or 14) August 1940, the Cieszyn and HMS Milford parted company to proceed to Bathurst where they arrived at 1945N/15. On board the Cieszyn was the Gambia Company, Sierra Leone Battalion, Royal West African Frontier Force.

Around 1855Z/14, the light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) joined the convoy. She parted company around 2020Z/16.

On 26 August, the sloop Fowey (Lt.Cdr. R.M. Aubrey, RN) and corvette HMS Periwinkle (Lt.Cdr. H. Row, RNR) joined the convoy.

On 27 August, the destroyer HMS Winchelsea (Lt.Cdr. W.A.F. Hawkins, DSC, RN) and corvette HMS Primrose (Lt.Cdr. C.B. Sanders, RNVR) joined the convoy.

On 27 August, HMS Dunvegan Castle parted company with the convoy to proceed to Belfast where she was to be taken in hand for repairs.

28 Aug 1940

Operation Menace, the attack on Dakar, 23-24 September 1940.

Part I, initial movements of the Allied naval forces

The actual attack on Dakar took place on 23 and 24 September 1940 but preparations off course started earlier.

28 August 1940.

The battleship HMS Barham (Capt G.C. Cooke, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Gibraltar. She was escorted by HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, DSO, RN), HMS Eclipse (Lt.Cdr. I.T. Clark, RN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. H.R. Graham, DSO, RN). They were joined at sea by HMS Echo (Cdr. S.H.K. Spurgeon, DSO, RAN) which sailed later.

29 August 1940.

The transports Anadyr (British, 5321 GRT, built 1930), Casamance (French, 5817 GRT, built 1921), Fort Lamy (British, 5242 GRT, built 1919), Nevada (French, 5693 GRT, built 1918) and the tanker Ocean Coast (British, 1173 GRT, built 1935) split off in position 54’N, 18’W from convoy OB 204 (which had departed from the British east coast on 26/27 August) to proceed to Dakar. When they split off their escort towards Dakar were the Free French sloop Savorgnan de Brazza and the Free French A/S trawler President Houduce.

31 August 1940.

On this day three groups of ships departed from British ports.

From Scapa Flow the following ships sailed; troopships Ettrick (British, 11279 GRT, built 1938), Kenya (British, 9890 GRT, built 1938) and Sobieski (Polish, 11030 GRT, built 1939). These were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Fiji (Capt. W.G. Benn, RN) and the destroyers HMS Ambuscade (Lt.Cdr. R.A. Fell, RN), HMS Antelope (Lt.Cdr. R.T. White, DSO, RN), HMS Volunteer (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, RN) and HMS Wanderer.

From Liverpool the following ships sailed; troopships Karanja (British, 9891 GRT, built 1931), Pennland (Dutch, 16082 GRT, built 1922) and Westernland (Dutch, 16313 GRT, built 1918) and the transport Belgravian (British, 3136 GRT, built 1937). These were escorted by the destroyers HMS Mackay (Cdr. G.H. Stokes, RN), HMS Vanoc (Lt.Cdr. J.G.W. Deneys, RN) and the corvette HMS Erica (Lt.Cdr. W.C. Riley, RNR).

From the Clyde the following warships sailed; HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN, the Commander of the upcoming operation), the destroyer HMS Harvester (Lt.Cdr. M. Thornton, RN) and the French sloops (minesweepers) Commandant Dominé and Commandant Duboc.

All these ships were expected to arrive at Freetown on 13 September where they would be joined by ships coming from Gibraltar and ships that were based at Freetown.

1 September 1940.

The outward passage was initially uneventful and Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s group joined up with the group that came from Liverpool at 0600/1 (zone -1). But that evening misfortune occurred when HMS Fiji was torpedoed by the German submarine U-32 when about 40 nautical miles north-northeast of Rockall in position 58°10’N, 12°55’W. She then returned to the Clyde. Her convoy then continued on escorted by the four destroyers until they met Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s force at 0900/2. The convoy was now known as ‘Convoy MP’. The place of HMS Fiji in the operation was subsequently taken over by the Australian heavy cruiser HMAS Australia (Capt. R.R. Stewart, RN).

2 September 1940.

HMS Barham (Capt G.C. Cooke, RN), HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, DSO, RN), HMS Echo (Cdr. S.H.K. Spurgeon, DSO, RAN), HMS Eclipse (Lt.Cdr. I.T. Clark, RN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. H.R. Graham, DSO, RN) arrived at Gibraltar from Scapa Flow.

The destroyer escort for the MP convoy parted company at 1400/2 and was ordered to join HMS Revenge (Capt. E.R. Archer, RN) which was escorting Canadian troop convoy TC 7 to the Clyde.

Passage of the MP convoy southwards was relatively uneventful except for some submarine alarms and also some engine defects during which speed had to be reduced a bit.

6 September 1940.

HMS Barham (Capt G.C. Cooke, RN), HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, DSO, RN), HMS Echo (Cdr. S.H.K. Spurgeon, DSO, RAN), HMS Eclipse (Lt.Cdr. I.T. Clark, RN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. H.R. Graham, DSO, RN) departed Gibraltar for Freetown in the evening but now accompanied by ships from Force H; the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal (Capt. C.S. Holland, RN), battleship HMS Resolution (Capt. O. Bevir, RN) and the destroyers HMS Faulknor (Capt. A.F. de Salis, RN), HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN), HMS Foresight (Lt.Cdr. G.T. Lambert, RN), HMS Fortune (Cdr. E.A. Gibbs, DSO, RN), HMS Fury (Lt.Cdr. T.C. Robinson, RN) and HMS Greyhound (Cdr. W.R. Marshall A'Deane, DSO, DSC, RN).

After passing between Madeira and the Canary Islands on the 8th this force, which constituted the major part of the warships involved in the upcoming operation, turned south at 0900/9. By 0800/11 the force was in position 20°18’N, 19°54’W about 1000 nautical miles south of Casablanca.

Vice-Admiral Cunningham in HMS Devonshire was then in position 16°50’N, 22°00’W, about 240 nautical miles to the south-west ward of the main force. He had just sighted the MS convoy (the five transports), escorted by Savorgnan de Brazza, some 300 nautical miles north-west of Dakar. Vice-Admiral Cunningham ordered the convoy Commodore to take the convoy into Freetown.

A signal was then received that Vichy-French warships had passed the Straits of Gibraltar and had turned south. Three light cruisers and three large destroyers were reported to have made up this force. It was not known where they were bound for but possibly Casablanca. Their appearance seriously affected the whole operation.

The Vichy-French cruiser force.

At 1850 hours on 9 September 1940, H.M. Consul General, Tangier, had informed Admiral Sir Dudley North, Flag Officer commanding North Atlantic, and repeated to the Foreign Office, that a French Squadron in the Mediterranean might try to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar within the next 72 hours. This report received confirmation the next day when the French Admiralty requested the British Naval Attaché, Madrid, to advise the Naval authorities at Gibraltar of the departure from Toulon on the 9th of three light cruisers of the Georges Leygues class and three large destroyers of the Fantasque class. They would pass through the Straits of Gibraltar on the morning of the 11th, no mention was made of their destination. This information reached the Admiralty at 2350/10 and Admiral North at 0008/11.

The Government policy with regards to Vichy warships at that time had been defined in a signal sent to all Commanders-in-Chief and Flag Officers commanding shortly after the attack on the battleship Richelieu at Dakar in July. This message, after stressing the importance of terminating the state of tension then existing between the French navy and ourselves, stated that His Majesty’s Government had decided to take no further action in regard to French ships in French colonial and North African ports, and went on to say ‘ We shall, of course, however, reserve the right to take action in regard to French warships proceeding to enemy controlled ports.’ Recent intelligence had indicated that it was highly improbable that any warships would make for the German occupied Biscay ports, and a Admiral North had not been informed of the Dakar project, he saw no reason to take any steps to interfere with the movements of the French warships.

Early on September 11th, the destroyers HMS Hotspur (Cdr. H.F.H. Layman, DSO, RN), HMS Griffin (Lt.Cdr. J. Lee-Barber, DSO, RN) and HMS Encounter (Lt.Cdr. E.V.St J. Morgan, RN), which were hunting a reported submarine to the eastward of the Strait of Gibraltar. At 0445 they sighted six French warships steaming fast to the westward and reported them. At 0617/11, Admiral North informed the Admiralty that the lights of six ships, probably warships, steering west at high speed, had been reported by HMS Hotspur at 0515 hours in position 36°03'N, 04°14'W (60 miles east of Gibraltar) and that he had ordered the destroyers to take no further action. At 0711 hours he added that he intended to keep in touch with this force by air and that he would report probable destination.

Meanwhile, Vice-Admiral Somerville, commanding Force H, on receiving the signal from HMS Hotspur had brought HMS Renown (Capt C.E.B. Simeon, RN) and the only destroyer available, HMS Vidette (Lt. E.N. Walmsley, RN), to one hour’s notice for full speed. He did not put to sea because he too, believed the Government’s policy was to avoid interference with French warships as stated in the signal of 12 July.

The French squadron passed Gibraltar to the westward shortly after 0830/11 having given it’s composition in reply to the demand as the light cruisers Georges Leygues, Gloire, Montcalm and the destroyers Le Malin, Le Fantasque and L’Audacieux. This information reached the Admiralty at 1043/11 in a signal sent by Admiral North at 0917/11.

No further action was taken during the forenoon and the situation at noon was that the French Squadron was in position 35°00'N, 06°40'W (about 75 nautical miles south-south-west of Gibraltar) steering 213° at 20 knots. They were being observed by reconnaissance aircraft from RAF 200 Sq. based at Gibraltar. The Admiralty and Air Ministery were being kept informed.

Here was a complication that might well effect the Dakar operation should Dakar be the destination of the French Squadron. It does not seem to have been viewed in this light at the Admiralty, until the 1st Sea Lord himself, who was attending a meeting in the Cabinet Offices that forenoon, telephoned orders for HMS Renown and all available destroyers to raise steam for full speed. A signal to this end was then sent to Admiral Somerville at 1239/11. This was over twelve hours after the original message from Madrid had reached the Admiralty.

Movements of Force H, 11 to 14 September 1940.

The noon position and their course indicated Casablanca as the most probable destination of the French Squadron and at 1347/11 the Admiralty ordered Admiral Somerville to sea to intercept them. Further instructions followed at 1429 hours. These was no objection with them going to Casablanca but they could not be allowed to proceed to Dakar. Shortly after 1600 hours aircraft reported that the French Squadron had entered Casablanca.

Admiral Somerville left Gibraltar at 1630 hours in the Renown escorted by the destroyers HMS Griffin, HMS Velox (Cdr.(Retd.) J.C. Colvill, RN) and HMS Vidette. At 2006 hours he was ordered by the Admiralty to establish a patrol to intercept the French Squadron if they sailed southwards from Casablanca. In the early morning hours of the 12th at 0235 hours, HMS Vidette, encountered a four-funneled French destroyer (this was Milan) in position 33°55'N, 08°31'W (west-north-west of Casablanca). She sighted a darkened ship some 6 miles on her port bow. She challenged but got no reply. A searchlight was turned on and revealed a four-funneled French destroyer. Vidette then fired two salvoes and the French destroyer, ignoring a signal to stop, then retired at high speed behind a smoke screen. Shortly afterwards Vidette was recalled from her patrol and ordered to rejoin Renown.

The French squadron was still at Casablanca at 0923/12 according to an aircraft report. At 0934 hours, Admiral Somerville turned north to meet three more destroyers coming from Gibraltar. These were; HMS Hotspur, HMS Encounter and HMS Wishart (Cdr. E.T. Cooper, RN). These were met at 1300 hours, in position 33°05'N, 09°40'W. They then turned to the south-west again. HMS Hotspur was stationed to patrol closer inshore.

At 0405/13, HMS Renown sighted three darkened ships in position 31°25'N, 11°30'W. These were thought to be the three Fantasque class destroyers. They were steaming north at 20 knots and were allowed to proceed. Admiral Somerville continued his patrol but fuel began to become an issue. The weather was to rough for the destroyers to fill up at sea and two of them will have to be detached that evening to refuel. This would much reduce the chance to intercept the French Squadron and Admiral Somerville informed the Admiralty of this. Adding tat he considered a patrol should be established off Dakar. His signal crossed one from the Admiralty stating that according to French sources the Squadron would remain only shortly at Casablanca before proceeding to Dakar.

This forecast proved correct. At 1530/13 aircraft reported that the light cruisers were no longer at Casablanca. Due to his fuel situation Admiral Somerville signalled that he would leave his patrol area for Gibraltar at 2000 hours that evening. But at 1916 hours the Admiralty ordered him to steer for Dakar at 18 knots. This was being done but Vidette and Velox were detached to Gibraltar to fuel.

At 2335/19 the Admiralty cancelled the order so at 0121/14, Renown and the four remaining destroyers set course to return to Gibraltar which they reached at 2000/14.

Patrol of Dakar by Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s forces.

To return to Vice-Admiral Cunningham. He knew that the French Squadron had left the Mediterranean at 1542/11 and that Vice-Admiral Somerville had been ordered to intercept them. Within a couple of hours he learnt that the French Squadron had entered Casablanca. The next forenoon (0947/12) he was informed that Vice-Admiral Somerville had been ordered to establish a patrol and to prevent them from proceeding to the south.

Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s forces were then approaching Freetown. At 1145/12, an aircraft from HMS Ark Royal approached HMS Devonshire to report that the Ark Royal would be in position 13°59'N, 20°08'W at 1300 hours and expected to arrive at Freetown with HMS Barham, HMS Resolution and ten destroyers at 0700/14. The next morning, 13 September, at 0820 hours an aircraft again closed HMS Devonshire. An order was then passed that four destroyers were to be detached to join HMS Devonshire and the convoy before dark. At 1008 hours HMS Devonshire left the convoy to close Ark Royal’s force, sighing it an hour later 20 nautical miles to the north-north-east. Devonshire remained in visual touch until 1700 hours when course was set to return to the convoy taking the destroyers HMS Faulknor, HMS Foresight, HMS Forester and HMS Fury with him.

Shortly after 1800/13, Vice-Admiral Cunningham was informed that the French cruisers had left Casablanca and that Vice-Admiral Somerville in the Renown had been ordered to proceed to the Dakar area.

Shortly after midnight 13th/14th, a signal came in from the Admiralty ordering Vice-Admiral Cunningham to establish a patrol immediately to prevent the French cruisers from reaching Dakar, employing every available ship. The same orders went to the Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic. HMS Cumberland (Capt. G.H.E. Russell, RN), which had departed Freetown for the U.K. at 2000/13 was placed under Vice-Admiral Cunninham’s orders and HMS Cornwall (Capt. C.F. Hammill, RN), on her way from Simonstown to Freetown, was ordered to increase speed.

The original operation was now swallowed up in the task of intercepting the French ships. Time had become a factor of the utmost importance and without waiting for daylight, Vice-Admiral Cunningham and General Irwin, went over to see General de Gaulle on board the Westernland at 0120/14, who immediately roused Capitaine Thierry d’Argenlieu and armed him with a letter forbidding any French warship to proceed to Dakar. Within twenty minutes they were on their way back to the Dorsetshire with Capt. D’Argenlieu and the following measures were taken;

HMAS Australia which was coming from the Clyde to take the place of HMS Fiji was ordered to close HMS Devonshire, which would be steering for Dakar, then 400 nautical miles distant.

The Ark Royal was ordered to sent her six remaining destroyers; HMS Inglefield, HMS Greyhoud, HMS Fortune, HMS Echo, HMS Eclipse and HMS Escapade to Freetown to fuel and herself proceed with despatch to position 16’N, 17°40’W.

HMS Barham and HMS Resolution and the other four destroyers; HMS Faulknor, HMS Foresight, HMS Forester and HMS Fury, were to fuel at Freetown and leave for the Dakar area as soon as fuelling had been completed.

Convoy’s MP and MS were to proceed to Freetown with their French escorts.

HMS Devonshire meanwhile had altered course to the northward for Dakar at 0230/14, speed 18 knots. It was not possible to transfer General Irwin and his staff and the General thus found himself speeding northward with the orders for the landing while his troops went on to Freetown. HMAS Australia joined HMS Devonshire at 0300 hours and half an hour later the cruisers had worked up to 27 knots. HMS Cumberland and HMS Ark Royal were approaching from the south.

At 1000/14, HMS Devonshire and HMAS Australia were 200 nautical miles south of Dakar in position 11°23’N, 17°42’W, with HMS Cumberland and HMS Ark Royal respectively 45 and 100 miles astern of them. Aircraft from Ark Royal carried out reconnaissance ahead of Devonshire and Australia from this time onwards. Also flights over Dakar were carried out. That afternoon a large amount of shipping was reported in the harbour and also a submarine was sighted on the surface at 1533 in position 260°, Cape Manuel, 10 nautical miles, steering 260°. It could not be seen if the French cruisers had arrived at Dakar.

At 1900/14 the Devonshire and Australia, reduced to 17 knots on reaching the latitude of Dakar and then turned back to join Cumberland. She was met at 1940 hours and then the cruisers turned northward once more. They established a patrol line at 2320 hours, 4 miles apart, courses 270°-090°, between the meridians 17°30’W and 18°00W in latitude 16°00’N.

But they were too late. Just before midnight 14/15 September a message was received from the Admiralty that a Vichy report had announced that the cruisers had arrived safely at Dakar. The Vichy cruisers actually had arrived at Dakar at 1600/14.

Dawn air reconnaissance on the 15th failed to spot the cruisers at Dakar and by this time the three heavy cruisers were running low on fuel and at 1001 hours Vice-Admiral Cunningham sent a signal to the Admiralty to ask if he should withdraw to Freetown to refuel and prepare for operation ‘Menace’, leaving HMS Cumberland to patrol off Dakar, or to report the patrol about 0001/17 and accept indefinite delay of operation ‘Menace’. He recommended the first alternative.

At 1027 hours, however, the Ark Royal signalled that the cruisers had been located at Dakar. All ships then set course for Freetown to refuel except HMS Cumberland which was left to patrol off Dakar. The next day, the 16th, she met the Vichy French merchant vessel Poitiers (4185 GRT, built 1921) 100 miles south of Dakar and fired a salvo across her bows. Her crew then set her on fire and abandoned her. She was then sunk by gunfire from the cruiser.

Cancellation of Operation ‘Menace’.

By the evening of 15 September, Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s forces were all making once again for Freetown. A destroyer had been sent on ahead with the operation orders and two staff officers. The escape of the French cruisers, however, called for a drastic re-consideration of the original plan.

In London the War Cabinet met at 1000/16 to consider the new situation. The Prime Minister pointed out that in his view the operation had to be cancelled and at 1346/16, Vice-Admiral Cunningham received a signal that the landing of troops at Dakar in ‘Operation Menace’ was impracticable. It was proposed that General de Gaulle’s force should land at Duala with the object of consolidating his influence in the Cameroons, Equatorial Africa and the Chads. The British portion of the force was to remain at Freetown. Unless de Gaulle had any strong objection, this plan had to be put into operation forthwith.

Vice-Admiral Cunningham and General Irwin were reluctant to take this view. They replied at 1642 hours suggesting that if HMS Cornwall and HMS Cumberland would be added to their force they should be enough to deal with the French cruisers. The answer came at 2245 hours; they were left a liberty to consider the whole situation and discuss it with de Gaulle, whom they informed of the new proposal.

HMS Devonshire arrived at Freetown at 0630/17. The Vice-Admiral and the General proceeded to consult with General de Gaulle. The latter was much perturbed at the possible cancellation of the original plan and that very morning he sent a telegram to the Prime Minister desiring ‘to insist’ that the plan should be carried out and emphasising the vital importance to the Allies of gaining control of the basis in French Africa. He now urged on the Force Commanders that if the unopposed landing failed the Free French troops should attempt a landing at Rufisque. They decided to support this proposal and shortly after midnight they forwarded their recommendations to the Admiralty for consideration. The reply from H.M. Government came at 1159/18;
‘ We cannot judge relative advantages of alternative schemes from here. We give you full authority to go ahead and do what you think is best, in order to give effect to the original purpose of the expedition. Keep us informed.’

With a free hand such as is seldom enjoyed in these days of rapid communication by the leaders of an overseas expedition in unbroken touch with their Government, the Joint Commanders decided to proceed with ‘Menace’ on 22 September.

The French cruisers again, 19 to 26 September 1940.

The naval and military staffs were working hard at preparations for the landing when the next day, 19 September, French cruiser appeared again on the scene. HMAS Australia, which had left Freetown the day before to relieve HMS Cumberland on patrol, at 1019/19 in position 10°23’N, 16°54’W, north-west of Freetown, sighted the three La Galissonniere class cruisers 14 nautical miles off steering south-east. Once more the naval forces had to raise steam with all despatch. HMAS Australia and HMS Cumberland were already had on the trial. General de Gaulle again arranged for Captain Thierry d’Angenlieu to carry a message requisting the French cruisers to return to Casablanca.

General Irwin and his staff, with Admiral Cunningham’s Chief Staff Officer, Capt. P.N. Walter, were transferred to the troopship Karanja, and at 1400 hours HMS Devonshire left Freetown at 27 knots with the destroyers HMS Inglefield, HMS Greyhound and HMS Escapade. It was hoped to sight the French cruisers before dark. HMS Barham with HMS Fortune and HMS Fury made for a position to the south-east of the French. HMS Ark Royal, which had engine trouble to repair first, was to follow at 0500/20. A message came from the Admiralty that the French cruisers were not to return to Dakar.

The French cruisers turned back to the north-west and increased speed to 29 knots. Torrential rain was falling, hiding everything from view, but HMAS Australia and HMS Cumberland were able to keep in touch and at 1830/19 HMAS Australia managed to pass directions not to return to Dakar. She was then in position 09°02’N, 15°14’W, just keeping in touch while doing 31 knots. Then the French cruiser Gloire broke down and separated from the other two cruisers. The British then lost touch with these two cruisers. HMS Devonshire meanwhile was steaming to a position to cut off the way to Conakri in French Guinea. HMS Cumberland then regained touch with the two French cruisers (Georges Leygues (flag) and Montcalm) who were speeding north while HMAS Australia picked up the Gloire which was steering eastwards at reduced speed. Night had fallen when HMS Devonshire with HMS Inglefield still in company showed up. HMS Inglefield took Captain d’Argenlieu on board of the Gloire. The French captain refused to accede to his representations, but when Vice-Admiral Cunningham intervened he agreed to proceed to Casablanca. HMAS Australia escorted her until 21 September, leaving her then, on Admiralty instructions, to proceed unescorted.

HMS Cumberland meanwhile managed to keep in touch with the other two cruisers. Her attempts at parley failed, but the French signalled that ‘under no circumstances shall my cruisers pass under German control’. HMS Cumberland followed them all the way to Dakar but was unable to prevent them from entering, which they did at 0550/20.

Meanwhile, on 18 September, far away to the southward, a fourth French cruiser had been sighted escorting a naval tanker. This was the Primaguet escorting the Tarn. HMS Cornwall had departed Freetown on 16 September to meet HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) and HMS Dragon (Capt. R.J. Shaw, MBE, RN) off Cape Formosa (south Nigeria). They swept towards Fernando Po [now called Bioko] to intercept any French forces bound for the Cameroons with instructions to direct them back to Casablanca. On 17 September at 2000 hours information came that a French warship and an oiler had been in position 07°25’N, 14°40’W at 1500/15. The Cornwall proceeded to search and on the 18th her aircraft picked up the cruiser Primaguet and oiler Tarn 35 nautical miles ahead. The Commander-in-Chief, South Atlantic ordered her to be shadowed.

Her lights were sighted at 2142/18 but disappeared at 0425/19. When dawn broke the horizon was clear. She was picked up again at 1009/19. A boarding party from HMS Delhi went on board. The Captain, after making a formal protest, asked to be allowed to remain stopped until 1700/19 after which she proceeded, first westward, then northward, being shadowed by HMS Cornwall and HMS Delhi until 1830/21 when HMS Delhi had to proceed to Freetown to refuel. HMS Cornwall shadowed her alone untul the 23rd when she was rejoined by HMS Delhi. For two days they followed her close, still steaming north. On the 25th Primaguet fuelled from the Tarn. They were then off the Cape Verde Island. The next day the Admiralty approved the cruisers to return to Freetown. The Primaguet gave a promise that she would proceed to Casablanca with the Tarn where they indeed arrived in due course. The British cruisers then turned south. They had kept the Primaguet and Tarn in sight for five days. Thus two out of the four cruisers in the area had been diverted to Casablanca without the use of force. (5)

23 Sep 1940

Operations Menace, the attack on Dakar, 23-24 September 1940.

Part II, the actual attack.

General intentions.

By 20 September the attack force was assembled at Freetown. It was made up of the following warships; battleships HMS Barham (Capt G.C. Cooke, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN), HMS Resolution (Capt. O. Bevir, RN), aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal (Capt. C.S. Holland, RN), heavy cruisers HMS Cumberland (Capt. G.H.E. Russell, RN), HMS Cornwall (Capt. C.F. Hammill, RN) (detached), HMAS Australia (Capt. R.R. Stewart, RN), HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN), light cruisers HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) (detached) and HMS Dragon (Capt. R.J. Shaw, MBE, RN), destroyers HMS Echo (Cdr. S.H.K. Spurgeon, DSO, RAN), HMS Eclipse (Lt.Cdr. I.T. Clark, RN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. H.R. Graham, DSO, RN), HMS Faulknor (Capt. A.F. de Salis, RN), HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN), HMS Foresight (Lt.Cdr. G.T. Lambert, RN), HMS Fortune (Cdr. E.A. Gibbs, DSO, RN), HMS Fury (Lt.Cdr. T.C. Robinson, RN) and HMS Greyhound (Cdr. W.R. Marshall A'Deane, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Inglefield (Capt. P. Todd, DSO, RN), sloops HMS Bridgewater (A/Cdr.(Retd.) H.F.G. Leftwich, RN), HMS Milford, Savorgnan de Brazza (Free French, Lt.Cdr. A. Roux), Commandant Dominé (Free French, Lt. J.P.Y. de la Porte des Vaux) and Commandant Duboc (Free French, Lt.Cdr. M.A.F. Bourgine) , auxiliary patrol vessel Président Houduce (Free French, Lt. L. Deschatres) and the net tender HMS Quannet (T/Lt. C.E. Richardson, RNR).

Vice-Admiral Cunningham then transferred his flag from HMS Devonshire to HMS Barham accompanied by General Irwin and his staff. All was ready for the passage to Dakar but at General de Gaulle request the opening day was deferred to 23 September.

The task force would arrive off Dakar at dawn on 23 September. It would patrol in groups while French airmen would take off in aircraft from HMS Ark Royal and land at Ouakam airfield to endeavour to win over the French air force. British aircraft meanwhile would drop proclamations and announcements of the arrival of de Gaulle on the town of Dakar and the forts.

An hour later, Captain d’Argenlieu would land in a motor boat with a communication from General de Gaulle to the Governor requiring a reply within two hours. The Free French sloops carrying de Gaulle’s troops would approach and, if necessary, force the anti-submarine boom. Meanwhile Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s Force with fighter and anti-submarine patrols would lie off the harbour as follows.

Group A) The two French troopships, Pennland and Westernland, ten miles to the south of Cape Manuel.

Group B) HMS Barham, HMS Resolution and the cruisers, two miles to the seaward of group A.

Group C) The four British troopships, two miles to the seaward of Group B.

Group D) The other transports, six miles to the seaward of Group C.

Group E) HMS Ark Royal further to the seaward.

If there appeared to be a good chance of a favourable reception the Free French sloops would land their troops at one of the wharves while the French troopships made for the harbour.

It was hoped that the forts would be reluctant to fire on French ships and as soon as de Gaulle was firmly established the British Force would withdraw. If the forts offered serious resistance General de Gaulle would call on Vice-Admiral Cunningham to quell it with a minimum of force. If it was clear that an organised and continuous resistance would be offered and local authorities refused to parley, the Free French ships would withdraw out of range while the British force broke down resistance and landed troops to capture the town and its defences.

The possible contingencies would be referred to as situation ‘Happy’, ‘Sticky’ or ‘Nasty’ according to events. ‘Happy’ would mean a favourable reception and unopposed landing. ‘Sticky’ would mean resistance of a formal or sporadic nature. ‘Nasty’ would mean serious resistance. HM ships then would move in to engage the forts, and British troops would prepare to land.

Commencement of operations.

The forces left Freetown in three groups;

Group I consisted of the five transports escorted by HMS Bridgewater, HMS Quannet and President Houduce. It had already left Freetown on the 19th of September.

Group II consisted of the French troopships Pennland and Westernland, the food ship Belgravian and the three Free French sloops and also of the British troopships Ettrick, Karanja, Kenya and Sobieski escorted by HMS Devonshire, HMS Faulknor, HMS Forester, HMS Fury and HMS Milford (Capt.(Retd.) S.K. Smyth, RN). This group departed Freetown at 0600/21.

Group III consisted of HMS Barham, HMS Resolution, HMS Ark Royal, HMS Inglefield, HMS Greyhound, HMS Foresight, HMS Fortune, HMS Echo and HMS Escapade. This group departed Freetown at 0900/21. Early the next day this group was joined by HMS Cumberland, HMAS Australia and HMS Dragon.

The weather was fine and the sea was calm. Passage north to Dakar was uneventful. Aircraft from the Ark Royal conducted photographic reconnaissance on the 22nd.

At Dakar there were the following French warships; the uncompleted battleship Richelieu, the light cruisers Georges Leygues and Montcalm, the destroyers Le Fantasque, Le Malin, L’Audacieux and Le Hardi, three submarines Ajax, Perseé and Bévéziers (this last one was in dock) and some smaller vessels.

Zero hour for the commencement of the attack was set at 0550/23 and all ships managed to get into their assigned positions at that time. Visibility was however very poor due to mist, and was no more then 3 to 5 nautical miles. The fog was expected to clear during the day but in fact the opposite happened and visibility decreased steadily during the day. The shore was rarely sighted.

During the forenoon, the warships and transports patrolled up and down. Punctually at daybreak (0505 hours), HMS Ark Royal, then some 25 nautical miles from Dakar, flew off five aircraft most of which were manned by Free French flying officers. Two of these aircraft landed safely at Ouakam airfield at 0554 hours. Within 10 minutes a signal was displayed indicating ‘success’. This however proved to be premature. At 0608 hours a third aircraft landed on the airfield. Disembarked her three passengers and then took off without much interference. Two minutes later the ‘success’ signal was removed and a fourth aircraft broke off her attempt to land. Nothing more was heard from the Free French officers that had been landed. Two fighters were then seen to take off and they chased away the three remaining aircraft together with AA fire from the Richelieu and from the battery on Gorée Island. The attempt to win over the airfield had failed.

HMS Barham had sighted the Westernland at 0600 hours and Vice-Admiral Cunningham had sent a message of goodwill to General de Gaulle. The Free French sloop Savorgnan de Brazza was of the boom at 0555 hours and her two motor boats, with Captain d’Argenlieu and the Generals other emissaries were on their way to the boom gate at 0605 hours. The gate was open and at 0640 hours they were entering the harbour.

Visibility was poor, and the Savorgnan de Brazza took station of the boom to keep the boats in sight. The emissaries landed and encountered a hot reception. They were fired on and wounded in resisting an attempt to arrest them, but managed to re-embark and withdraw under fire. A blank round was fired at the Savorgnan de Brazza at 0745 hours followed by three salvoes, which fell astern. Just then the motor boats were sighted and at 0750 hours Captain d’Argenlieu sent a signal that he had met serious resistance. This reached Vice-Admiral Cunningham at 0807 hours. The other French sloops were to be at the boom at 0905 hours to pass it (or force it if needed) and land their troops. If the reception had been favourable the French troopships were then to enter the harbour to disembark the main body of troops. The Commandant Dominé and Commandant Duboc were actually at the boom at 0805 hours, one hour early. They encountered no opposition until they approached the mole. They were taken under fire with heavy machine guns and were ordered to stop. The Richelieu fired a blank round and then opened fire with small guns. Both sloops then turned for the gate under the cover of a smoke screen. Also the guns from the Gorée Island battery were joining in. At 0820 hours the Commandant Dominé and Commandant Duboc were sighted by the Savorgnan de Brazza which was intended to lead them in at 0905 hours. The sloops had not expected such a hostile reception and retired on the British Fleet which was sighted a 0900 hours.

Meanwhile HMS Barham at 0706 hours had turned north-north-west towards the land, and at 0740 hours Cape Manuel was in sight some 5 nautical miles away. At 0827 hours, with the land still just visible from HMS Barham Vice-Admiral Cunningham asked General de Gaulle whether he wished the British ships to close the shore and show themselves at the risk of being fired on. Five minutes later came the signal ‘proposals rejected’. At 0840 hours General de Gaulle signalled that the Richelieu and Gorée Island guns had been firing and that he had ordered his own ships to make a determined effort; if they failed he suggested that the Vice-Admiral should show himself of Dakar. Just then, one minute later, came the signal from the Savorgnan de Brazza confirming the emissary’s proposals had been rejected.

Situation deteriorates.

It was clear by this time an unfavourable situation was rapidly developing. General de Gaulle’s proposals to the Governor had been rejected and two of his emissaries had been seriously wounded, his sloops had been fired upon and the Vichy French ships in the harbour were raising steam. In spite of these manifest tokens of hostility the General apparently still hoped for a peaceful solution. At 0905 hours, however, Vice-Admiral Cunningham warned his force that the situation was developing towards ‘Sticky’.

Valuable and comprehensive reports were coming in from the British aircraft reconnoitring Dakar. Although these aircraft were fired on by all the French ships in the harbour and by machine guns on the jetty, Vice-Admiral Cunningham gave orders that a French flying boat over the fleet should not be attaked, for there still seemed to be hopeful signs that the French air force might join de Gaulle. At 0948 hours a signal arrived from HMS Ark Royal to say that one of the Gloire class cruisers had slipped. The Vice-Admiral at once instructed HMS Foresight, the northern destroyer of the anti-submarine screen, to order any French cruiser sighted to return to harbour. At 1005 hours, however, the shore batteries opened fire on HMS Foresight and the Vice-Admiral ordered her to withdraw following this with a signal to HMS Ark Royal to stand by with six aircraft to bomb Gorée Island. He also warned the French Admiral that if the fire were continued he would regretfully be compelled to return it. The French Admiral replied that if Vice-Admiral Cunningham did not wish him to fire he should remove himself more then 20 nautical miles from Dakar. Meanwhile the force had turned westwards at 1016 hours. Two minutes later Vice-Admiral Cunningham detached HMAS Australia to examine a ship reported to the north. At 1025 hours, HMAS Australia, identified two Le Fantasque class destroyers steering westwards and ordered them to return to harbour, backing up this order with a warning shot. They at once turned back and the Australia then resumed her place in line after having been fired upon by shore guns.

At 1030 hours, two La Galissonnière class cruisers were reported leaving Dakar and Vice-Admiral Cunningham at once informed the French that if their ships left the harbour he would use force to compel their return. Two French submarines were also reported to be underway and at 1050 hours Vice-Admiral Cunningham warned the French Admiral that if they left Dakar harbour he would attack them. One minute later a report came in that the submarines were passing the entrance and when a torpedo missed HMS Foresight Vice-Admiral Cunningham cancelled the order for HMS Ark Royal to bomb Gorée Island but to bomb the submarines instead. At the same time he detached HMS Inglefield and HMS Foresight to attack them and he also turned the remained of the force to close Gorée Island to support them. Almost immediately HMS Foresight came under fire and at 1051 hours she was hit forward by a shell. Thus the actual first hit was made by the French.

By 1100 hours the whole force was under fire from the guns at Cape Manuel. HMS Inglefield reported also being missed by a torpedo. Two minutes later HMS Inglefield and HMS Foresight were were engaging one of the submarines (the Perseé) on the surface to the north-westward. Events followed rapidly. HMS Inglefield was hit by a shore battery. By 1104 hours the submarine was sighted on the Barham’s port bow. She was engaged by the 6” guns from HMS Barham, HMS Resolution and HMS Dragon. She was badly hit and soon abandoned by her crew, finally sinking at 1137 hours in position 065°, Cape Manuel lighthouse, 2740 yards. Simultaneously HMS Barham fired five 15” gun salvoes at the Cape Manuel battery but accordingly to a subsequent French broadcast they caused heavy civilian casualties ashore.

When the force turned back to the south-westwards at 1107 hours, HMS Inglefield was again hit aft by a shore battery. With HMS Foresight she engaged the second submarine (the Ajax) which at once made for the harbour entrance, and Vice-Admiral Cunningham, still hoping for a peaceful solution, and in accordance with the agreement to use no more force then necessary to overcome sporadic resistance, ordered the force to cease fire.

At 1119 hours however, HMS Dragon, ordered to attack the second submarine, came under fire from the guns at Cape Manuel. The whole force at once turned west but though the land was barely visible through the mist, HMS Foresight and HMS Cumberland, which were close to HMS Barham were hit almost immediately by the shore guns. The damage to HMS Cumberland was serious. She was struck by what was thought to be an 11.2” shell (actually it was a 9.4” shell) just above the armour belt on the port side. The engine rooms became temporary untendable and she was forced to withdraw to Bathurst, taking no further part in the operation. Nothing further was to be gained by remaining close inshore and at 1135 hours the force turned to the southward.

At 1154 hours a signal from the High Commissioner, French West Africa was received stating ‘We confirm that we will oppose all landings, you have taken the initiative in causing French blood to flow’. The situation at noon was thus far from hopeful but it was decided a final attempt to land the Free French troops at Rufisque would be undertaken (operation ‘Charles’).

Situation ‘Sticky’.

Operation ‘Charles’ was to be a final attempt for a peaceful landing of the Free French troops at Rufisque Bay before beginning a systematic reduction of the Dakar defences as a preliminary to a British landing.

It was considered essential in this plan to maintain the French character of the landing as far as possible; the Free French transports were to be accompanied as far as possible by their own warships, and by two British destroyers only, HMS Inglefield and HMS Forester, which would lead them in and, if necessary, provide flanking fire.

At 1158 hours, Vice-Admiral Cunningham signalled to de Gaulle, ‘what about operation ‘Charles’ now ?’. The General replied at 1212 hours that he desired to to ahead with operation ‘Charles’ but that he required the latest reports. He was then given the latest aircraft reports, which showed no surface ships outside the boom. A zero hour for ‘Charles’ was then set at 1530 hours if the Generals ships could reach Rufisque Bay in time. A signal was sent to the entire force that the situation was now ‘Sticky’.

General de Gaulle then asked Vice-Admiral Cunningham what opposition might be expected from shore batteries and the Vice-Admiral replied that the bad visibility would help the forces taking part in ‘Operation Charles’. At 1335 hours HMS Barham proceeded westwards to endeavour to locate the General’s flagship the Westernland but she could not be found. HMS Barham then spent three hours searching for her in the mist.

A baffling phase of uncertainty followed. In the thick weather which precluded visual signalling between Barham and Westernland radio telephony and wireless communication between Vice-Admiral Cunningham and General de Gaulle, though at first satisfactory, deteriorated progressively during the afternoon. This was due to jamming of radio telephony by a heavy traffic of military signals between the Westernland herself and the Free French sloops. At the root of the trouble was the fact that General de Gaulle was in a separate ship. Everything possible had been done to improvise additional lines of communication, but these proved inadequate to meet the situation. For some three hours that afternoon all contact was lost with General de Gaulle and the French transports.

At 1358 hours Vice-Admiral Cunningham informed the Admiralty that de Gaulle was attempting a landing but at 1445 hours a signal was received from de Gaulle to say that he was awaiting instructions to which the Vice-Admiral replied at 1504 hours ‘carry out Charles, report zero hour’.

But to carry out ‘Charles’, however, HMS Inglefield and HMS Forester had to get in touch with the French transports, and despite repeated calls for their positions no one knew where they were.

An ultimatum was made ready to be sent to the authorities and people of Dakar informing them that failing to accept General de Gaulle proposals, the British fleet would open fire on the fortifications of Dakar. This was misunderstood by General de Gaulle and he thought that the ultimatum had already been delivered so he suspended ‘Operation Charles’. Troops would not be landed by the transports but only a smaller number would be landed by the French sloops. Vice-Admiral Cunningham was only informed about this after two hours.

Meanwhile further complications had arisen. Aircraft reported a French destroyer off Gorée Island (this was the L’Audacieux), threatening the approach to Rufisque Bay. HMAS Australia, HMS Fury and HMS Greyhound were detached at 1608 hours to ward her off. The French destroyer was engaged and set on fire after she had fired two torpedoes at HMAS Australia.

Around 1630 hours HMS Devonshire finally sighted the French transports some 20 nautical miles from Rufisque Bay. This meant that ‘Charles’ could not be completed before dark. These was at least one enemy submarine (possibly two) in the area. In these weather conditions it was not though possible to give sufficient protection to the transports in Rufisque Bay. On these grounds Vice-Admiral Cunningham cancelled ‘Operation Charles’ at 1642 hours.

Two minutes later an air report reached him reporting two La Galissonniere class cruisers three nautical miles north-north-east of Gorée Island which were steering towards Rufisque Bay at 17 knots. Vice-Admiral Cunningham at once turned the battleships towards Rufisque to cover the Westernland and Pennland in case they were still making for it. He held this course until 1710 hours and then altered to the southward to regain contact with the British transports. A signal timed 1635 hours from General de Gaulle that he expected to arrive at 1650 hours, which would be zero hour, reached Vice-Admiral Cunningham at 1720 hours. Actually at that moment the Free French sloops, having parted from the French transports at 1648 hours reached Rufisque Bay. It is not clear how they were missed by the Vichy cruisers, which and air report placed, together with a large destroyer, two nautical miles were of Rufisque at 1740 hours. This was the last air report, for at 1745 hours weather conditions obliged HMS Ark Royal to withdraw all reconnaissance aircraft. It did not reach Vice-Admiral Cunningham until 1835 hours.

Meanwhile at 1805 hours, General de Gaulle’s signal timed 1620 hours had at last arrived and the Vice-Admiral knew that the Free French sloops would probably be attempting a landing. He immediately sent off HMS Inglefield and HMS Forester, which found the Westernland in position 155°, Rufisque Bay, 10 nautical miles at 1835 hours.

Free French sloops at Rufisque, 23 September 1940.

As mentioned previously the Free French sloops parted company with the Westernland and Pennland at 1648 hours some 7.5 nautical miles from Rufisque to carry out ‘their mission’. There seemed to be considerable doubt as to what this mission was. It certainly was not ‘Operation Charles’ as had been intended. The landing party in each sloop consisted of about 60 ‘fusilier marines’, making it about 180 in total. They arrived off Rusfisque at 1720 hours. The Savornan de Brazza, whose draught was greater then the other two, anchored about 500 yards from the shore. The Commandant Dominé and Commandant Duboc pushed in right towards the jetty, and all three lowered their boats. Fire was almost immediately opened on the Commandant Duboc by a 4” gun in a blockhouse at Cap de Biches. She was hit and one officer was killed and three men seriously wounded. Fire was opened by the sloops and the battery was knocked out. The Commandant Duboc then retired behind a smoke screen. Two of the Savorgnan de Brazza’s motor boats towing whalers were making for the beach to the right of the jetty. When within 300 yards from the shore they met with heavy machine gun fire and stopped, while the Commandant Dominé, covering them, opened fire on the shore emplacements, but could not locate them in the failing light and mist. But then at 1758 hours a signal was received from the Westernland cancelling ‘Operation Charles’. The landing parties were then re-embarked and at 1838 hours the three Free French sloops left for their patrol line.

Situation ‘Nasty’.

The day was drawing to a close. All hopes of a friendly reception had been scattered. The ships were lying in a fog off a hostile coast with submarines in the vicinity. Vice-Admiral Cunningham and General Irwin considered landing British forces at Rufisque, but decided against it.

At 1910/23, while the Free French sloops were closing the Westernland and Pennland, Vice-Admiral Cunningham with the ‘battlefleet’; HMS Barham, HMS Resolution and HMS Devonshire, turned west to cover the transports (which were still to the southward) for the night.

Ten minutes before, at 1900 hours, the Vichy French Governor General, M. Pierre Boisson, had in a broadcast stated emphatically that Dakar would not submit. There could be no further hope of a peaceful settlement and at 2052 hours General de Gaulle was asked whether he agreed that the situation was now ‘Nasty’ and to the issue of the ultimatum. The Admiralty had been kept fully informed of the situation and at 2105 hours a personal message from the Prime Minister arrived ‘Having begun we must go on to the end, stop at nothing’.

General de Gaulle reply arrived at 22235 hours, he agreed that the situation was now ‘Nasty’ and that the ultimatum should go out. It was broadcast at 2345 hours in French and English to the Admiral, Governor General and people of Dakar. They had prevented General de Gaulle from landing. Dakar might be seized by the Germans / Italians and the Allies were bound to prevent this. Their forces were approaching. The conditions offered must be accepted by 0600/24 or the guns of the Allies would open fire.

The Governor General’s answer reached Vice-Admiral Cunningham at 0400/24. It was an unqualified refusal; ‘I shall defend Dakar to the end’. There was nothing more to be said. At dawn the battlefleet was approaching the coast to take up their bombardment stations.

The attack on Dakar, the attack opens, 24 September 1940.

HMS Ark Royal had orders to carry out a reconnaissance as early as possible backed up by bombing attacks on the Richelieu, Forts Manual and Gorée, and the two light cruisers lying off Dakar.

Visibility had greatly improved since the previous day and was six nautical miles at 0625 hours when the first striking force of six Skua’s of No. 800 Squadron, loaded with 500 lb. S.A.P. bombs, took off from HMS Ark Royal to attack the cruisers and other suitable targets.

At 0703 hours aircraft reported a destroyer damaged off Rufisque, two cruisers in the roads and three destroyers coming slowly out. It was seven minutes later when the Skuas carried out a high level bombing attack on the Richelieu and one of the destroyers. By this time the battlefleet was on its bombardment course and the Barham’s spotting aircraft was in the air. They were followed by six Swordfish of No. 820 Squadron loaded with G.P. bombs for an attack on the town of Dakar, which was to synchronise with the ships bombardment.

It had been calculated that at 0725 hours the battlefleet would be within 16000 yards of the forts and fire could be opened, but unfortunately when the moment arrived nothing could be seen of them in the prevailing mist. A long range bombardment was clearly impractical, and the fleet turned away temporarily in order to re-dispose the cruisers and destroyers for a short range attack. At the same time HMS Fortune was detached to obtain a shore fix, but she came under accurate fire from the forts and her fix proved unreliable.

The Ark Royal’s first Swordfish striking force was diverted to bomb Cape Manuel. At 0800 hours she despatched another striking force of six Swordfish of No. 810 Squadron loaded with S.A.P. bombs to attack the Richelieu. It was hoped that by the time it attacked the Richelieu the opening of the naval bombardment would provide a diversion, but this did not occur; one Swordfish was shot down and two others failed to return.

A diversion was also provided on the enemy’s side. At 0805 hours HMS Fortune, which had rejoined the battlefleet, reported a submarine contact inside the screen and dropped three depth charges. At 0831 hours the Vichy French submarine Ajax surfaced. She was unable to dive or move and surrendered. Her whole crew was rescued before she sank. The Fortune’s boarding party found six ‘tube ready’ light burning, and it was evidently only the destroyers depth charges that saved the fleet from attack.

The incident still further delayed the bombardment and it was not till 0920 hours, forty minutes after the first Swordfish striking force had attacked the Richelieu with S.A.P. bombs, that Gorée Island was sighted. At 0935 hours the shore batteries opened fire and one minute later the Barham and Resolution replied with their 15” guns, firing on the Richelieu at ranges of 13600 to 15000 yards respectively, while the cruisers HMAS Australia and HMS Devonshire engaged a destroyer of the Le Fantasque class.

The first bombardment.

As soon as the British ships opened fire a French destroyer of the Le Fantasque class steamed south laying a smoke screen to the eastward of the anchorage and Gorée Island. The French cruisers inside the boom to the northward, sheltering amongst the many merchant vessels, also made a smoke screen, which drifted slowly south and, combining with the mist and heavy smoke from the vicinity of the Richelieu, eventually obscured all targets.

Shooting became extreme difficult, for range taking was nearly impossible. There were other serious handicaps. HMS Barham, which was newly commissioned after repairs, had never carried out any bombardment practice. Neither battleship had done any concentration firing, and neither had its customary observer in the air.

After engaging the Richelieu for nine minutes the Resolution’s director training gear failed and she shifted fire to the Cape Manuel battery, on which she probably obtained a hit. The Barham’s aircraft reported several straddles across the Richelieu, which was thought to have been hit. The smoke-laying cruiser was still active, and at 0942 hours the Barham’s 6” guns engaged her without success.

Meanwhile the Devonshire and Australia had engaged and damaged a large destroyer of Rufisque which was subsequently engaged by the Inglefield, Foresight and Forester, and left burning.

The fire encountered by the fleet consisted of occasional one- and two-gun salvoes (yellow splash) from the Richelieu’s 15” guns, salvoes of 9.4” from Cape Manuel (white splash), Gorée Island, and an unseen battery, and a number of smaller rounds from the Richelieu and various shore batteries. The French fire was slow but accurate. By 1010 hours the targets were wholly obscured by smoke, and shortly afterward the fleet withdrew to the southward, leaving the Ark Royal to report the result of the bombardment.

As the fleet made to the south, Vichy Glenn-Martin bombers made high level attacks on it without success, though three bombs fell close to HMAS Australia.

At 1141 hours the Ark Royal reported the results of the bombardment; several near misses with bombs on the Richelieu; one near miss with a bomb on a destroyers; one 15” hit on the Cape Manual battery, which had ceased fire; one 15” hit and repeated straddles on the Richelieu; straddles across the cruisers in Hahn Bay, one of which was set on fire aft. No hits had been obtained on the Gorée Island battery.

The second bombardment.

At 1146 hours relief spotting aircraft for the battleships were ordered and targets for a further bombardment at 1315 hours were allocated as follows; the Barham on Richelieu; the Resolution on Goréé Island; the Devonshire on Cape Manuel; the Australia on the cruisers inside the boom. The spotting aircraft took off from HMS Ark Royal at 1220 hours and as a report reached her about this time that Vichy cruisers and destroyers were proceeding towards Rufisque, a torpedo striking force was got ready to attack them immediately after the second bombardment.

French aircraft were still busy. At 1217 hours a French bomber dropped six bombs close to HMS Barham. It was driven off by Skuas. Shortly afterwards a shadowing cruiser was sighted while the fleet was approaching Gorée Island. She was engaged from 14500 yards by the main armament from HMS Barham and HMS Resolution. She then turned away under a smoke screen. Fire was then checked. At 1248 hours, Vice-Admiral Cunningham ordered the Devonshire and Australia to engage her, but cancelled this order five minutes later when his destroyers, which were coming under an accurate fire from shore batteries, were told to take station on his disengaged side. By an unfortunate mischance the first order – to engage the cruiser – never reached the Devonshire and she interpreted Vice-Admiral Cunningham’s second signal ‘cruisers negative engage’, which referred only to the hostile cruiser, as an order to take no further part in the bombardment. Accordingly at 1300 hours she turned away to the east with HMAS Australia and neither ship took part in the subsequent bombardment.

The bombardment was reopened in the afternoon, at 1300 hours HMS Barham obtained a shore fix and turned north-west on her bombardment course. Five minutes later she engaged the Richelieu bearing 330°, range 17000 yards. HMS Resolution opened fire on Gorée Island from 16000 yards. The batteries at Cape Manuel, which had been reported hit, Gorée Island and Dakar Point at once replied. The Richelieu also opened fire with her 15” guns firing two gun salvoes with fair accuracy. She continued firing until her fire was blanked by the mole.

The French gunfire concentrated on the Barham and was heaviest between 1312 and 1320 hours. At 1315 hours an 9.4” projectile hit the Barham. At 1320 hours she was hit again and two minutes later she was hit twice.

The smoke screen tactics of the forenoon were repeated as soon as the British ships were sighted, and by 1311 hours the targets again became obscured. Although spotting aircraft reported that the Barham was straddling the Richelieu, the salvos appeared to be out for line, and apparently the Vichy French battleship was not being hit. The Resolution did not succeed in silencing the main Gorée Island battery and it is doubtful whether she was being spotted on the correct target. She was straddled by several salvoes of 5.4” and 6” shells from the shore batteries. At 1323 hours the Richelieu ceased fire. A minute later HMS Barham and HMS Resolution broke off the attack and at at 1326 hours the shore batteries also ceased firing.

The results of the bombardment were not encouraging. Despite the expenditure of nearly 400 rounds of 15” ammunition, none of the larger shore batteries had been silenced. The Richelieu was still in action, and the position of several 5.4” batteries, whose fire had proven effective against the destroyers, and would be still more so against the transports, had not even been located.

In spite of the poor visibility the fire of the shore batteries had been remarkably accurate and indicated that their fire was directed by listening devices rather then from forward observation posts, from which the battlefleet would generally had been out of sight. French air action had increased considerably since the previous day and the French will to resist appeared unimpaired. A report from HMS Ark Royal stated that the hostile attitude of the French fighters had made it hazardous for her aircraft to operate in the Dakar harbour area.

The question of a landing in force still remained. In these circumstances Vice-Admiral Cunningham decided to consult General de Gaulle and at 1400 hours the Barham withdrew to the southward to meet the Westernland before dark.

Swordfish aircraft attack the French cruisers.

Then minutes later, at 1410 hours, HMS Ark Royal’s striking force of nine Swordfish aircraft of No. 820 and 810 Squadrons took off while a fighter escort of three Skuas to attack the Vichy-French cruisers proceeding towards Rufisque. At 1440 hours the leader was forced down with engine trouble, his crew being picked up by the destroyer HMS Escapade. At 1500 hours the eight remaining Swordfish Swordfish attacked the two La Galissonnière class cruisers and a destroyer in the bay. In the prevailing haze the attack, which was made from an east-south-easterly direction, took the French by surprise. When the first sub-flight came down just outside the anti-submarine nets the three vessels were barely moving, but they immediately put their helms hard over and turned to port at full speed. The Swordfish claimed hits on one of the cruisers and the destroyer but this seemed to be doubtful. One Swordfish was forced down by AA fire on her way back to the Ark Royal. The crew was rescued by the destroyer HMS Echo.

Conference with General de Gaulle.

HMS Barham stopped at 1615 hours. General de Gaulle then came on board to confer with Vice-Admiral Cunningham and General Irwin. General de Gaulle, though deeply distressed and surprised about the nature of the defences, was still confident that the situation in French West Africa would improve as the power of his movement grew stronger. He explained that in view of the determined opposition encountered, and the probable destructive effects of the bombardment, it was imperative, from the point of view from the French opinion, that he should not be closely connected with the destruction and loss of French life, which had presumably taken place, lest his further utility to the common cause should be hopelessly compromised.

Though he would prefer not to use his troops he was prepared, if really needed, to support a British landing regardless of consequences. He considered, however, that a British landing was no longer feasible, and emphasised that a reverse would be a most serious check to the Allied cause.

He blamed himself for undue optimism in underestimating the possibility of a resolute defence, and suggested that the bombardment should be suspended at his direct request and Dakar so informed; that his forces should go to Bathurst for exercises, with a view of a possible advance upon Dakar over land; that British naval action should be taken to cover his passage and prevent the reinforcement and revictualling of Dakar.

General de Gaulle returned to the Westernland at 1800 hours. The situation was considered by Vice-Admiral Cunningham and General Irwin in the light of these proposals. A Swordfish, which had crashed near the Barham at 1830 hours, reported that one cruiser was beached and burning east of Rufisque, one buring in Gorée Bay, and two detroyers were beached in Hann Bay (this information was subsequently found to be incorrect). It was essential to immobilise the Vichy French cruisers and neutralise the main armament of the French forts before attempting a landing. It was decided that the attack on the defences must be renewed the next day if weather conditions were favourable. General de Gaulle and the Admiralty were informed accordingly and dispositions were made for a landing of British troops at Rufisque, to follow up any success obtained by the bombardment.

Final bombardment. HMS Resolution torpedoed.

The next day, 25 September 1940, broke fine and clear with extreme visibility. The Ark Royal at 1531/24 had proposed bombing Ouakam and Gorée at dawn and at 2348/24 was ordered to do so, but owning to wireless congestion, this was not received until 0200/25 when Captain Holland considered it too late. The targets allocated to the battleships and cruisers were the same as for the second bombardment; spotting aircraft, with fighter protection, were to be in position at 0900/25. At 0530 hours three reconnaissance aircraft took off from the Ark Royal, but by 0700 hours, two had been driven back by French fighter patrols. At 0754 hours, HMS Devonshire sighted a submarine submerging some eight nautical miles to the east of the battlefleet, which was then some 25 nautical miles to the south of Dakar. HMS Forester was at once detached to hunt it, leaving only two destroyers to screen the battlefleet.

At 0803 hours they were ordered to withdraw to the disengaged flank as soon as the shore batteries opened fire. The battleships were then steaming towards Gorée Island ready to open fire, with the cruisers three miles away to the east. HMS Resolution had orders to take independent avoiding action if necessary during the bombardment. At 0857 hours a circular buoy was sighted which HMS Barham fired on, suspecting it to be a sound locating device. One minute later the Richelieu opened fire on HMS Barham from a range of 23000 yards.

At 0901 hours the signal to turn to the bombarding course (050°) was hauled down in HMS Barham. It was not only the British which acted on this signal. Captain Lancelot of the Vichy submarine Bévézièrs was watching the approaching battleships though the periscope. Experience with the Royal Navy before the fall of France had taught him our manoeuvring signals. On seeing ‘Blue 7’ hoised, he waited for it to be hauled down; then fired his torpedoes at the turning point. Thus it came about that as the Resolution was turning, five torpedoes were seen approaching her port beam. Already committed to the turn she could only apply full helm in the hope of turning short and combing the tracks. In this she almost succeeded, for three torpedoes passed ahead and another narrowly missed her astern. The fifth, however, struck her on the port side amidships causing serious flooding, but fortunately no loss of life. HMS Barham avoided the three torpedoes that had missed the Resolution ahead and they passed astern, exploding harmlessly on the bottom.

HMS Resolution, which had developed a list of 12° to port, was still able to steam. At 0905 hours HMS Barham opened fire on the Richelieu from 21000 yards and also the cruisers engaged their targets, HMS Devonshire firing on Cape Manuel and HMAS Australia on the French cruisers inside the boom. Fire from the Richelieu and shore batteries was deliberate and accurate; it was concentrated on HMS Barham and frequently straddled her. The British cruisers were also under heavy fire. HMS Barham was hit once and HMAS Australia twice. HMS Resolution was badly damaged and it was necessary for her to withdraw and at 0912 hours HMS Barham turned to cover her. About this time HMS Foresight reported that she had sunk the French submarine with depth charges (but this was not the case). She and HMS Inglefield were then ordered to cover HMS Resolution with a smoke screen. The two cruisers were recalled. About 0918 hours Vichy French fighters shot down the Australia’s Walrus aircraft. HMS Forester was ordered to try to rescue the crew but she came under heavy fire from shore batteries and had to retire.

At 0921 hours, HMS Barham ceased fire and took station close astern of HMS Resolution with HMS Devonshire and HMAS Australia on each quarter. The Ark Royal was ordered to provide maximum fighter protection, and the battlefleet withdrew to the southward.

HMS Resolution was steaming at 10 knots and between 0940 and 0950 hours two high level bombing attacks were made on her, both of them were unsuccessful. The whole force now steered south-west at the best possible speed and by 1134 hours the flagship, HMS Barham had the whole force in sight.

The Vice-Admiral now had to decide whether to continue the attack on Dakar or to withdraw his force. The chance of capturing Dakar was clearly remote and in the end it was decided to discontinue the attack and to withdraw his force to Freetown without further delay. A signal to this effect was made at 1152 hours.

Withdrawal to Freetown.

Before a signal could be passed to the Admiralty a signal was received from the Prime Minister who was aware of the damage to HMS Resolution. Vice-Admiral Cunningham was ordered to abandon the enterprise against Dakar.

By 2000/25, HMS Barham was about 100 nautical miles south of Dakar steering south at 7 knots. The next day the sea was smooth as the weather was fine. HMS Resolution was taken in tow by HMS Barham. On the 27th the tow parted but was quickly secured again and the battleships were able to continue southwards at 6 knots.

HMS Cumberland rejoined the force having effected temporary repairs at Bathurst. HMS Cornwall and HMS Delhi had also joined after having chased the French cruiser Primaguet and the tanker Tarn.

At 0550/29, HMS Barham passed the boom at Freetown followed by the rest of the force. So ended a difficult operation. No British warship had been sunk but several had been damaged. HMS Cumberland was out of action for 13 days and HMS Fiji for six months. HMS Resolution was temporarily patched up at Freetown but was not fully operational. She returned to England six months later but was then sent on to the U.S.A. for full repairs. It was a full year later before she was again ready for active service. Five more ships HMS Barham, HMAS Australia, HMS Dragon, HMS Inglefield and HMS Foresight were also damaged but their fighting efficiency was not seriously impaired. (5)

2 Oct 1940

Landing of Free French troops in the French Cameroons.

Around 1740N/2, the troopships Pennland (Dutch, 16082 GRT, built 1922) and Westernland (Dutch, 16313 GRT, built 1918) departed Freetown for either Ambas Bay or the Cameroons River estuary. They were escorted by the heavy cruiser HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN), destroyers HMS Faulknor (Capt. A.F. de Salis, RN), HMS Foresight (Lt.Cdr. G.T. Lambert, RN), HMS Fury (Lt.Cdr. T.C. Robinson, RN) and the sloops FFS Commandant Dominé and FFS Commandant Duboc.

Around 0001N/3, the sloop Savorgnan de Brazza departed Freetown to join the troop transport convoy. She had been delayed with engine defects. She only joined after the convoy arrival at Ambas Bay, arriving there at 1130A/7. She arrived with defects, which also required the ship to be docked for repairs.

Around 1100N/3, the destroyer HMS Forester (Lt.Cdr. E.B. Tancock, RN) departed Freetown to joined the troop transport convoy. She joined around 1200Z/5. HMS Foresight was detached at 1430Z/5 to return to Freetown with correspondence.

At 0910N/4, FFS Commandant Duboc was detached to Lagos to embark General De Gaulle and then rejoin the convoy. She rejoined the convoy after its arrival at Ambas Bay arriving there at 1300A/7.

At 2100Z/5, HMS Forester was detached to fuel at Lagos and to proceed to Ambas Bay on completion where she arrived at 1000A/7.

The troop transport convoy arrived off Victoria (now Limbe) and anchored in Ambas Bay around 0800A/7. Two of the destroyers were kept outside the bay for A/S patrol as was the A/S trawler HMS Kelt (Skr. W.McK. Smith, RNR). At Ambas Bay troops were then transferred to smaller vessels and stores to lighters. This was completed by 1800A/9.

The heavy cruiser HMS Cornwall (Capt. C.F. Hammill, RN) was also patrolling in the area.


At 0930N/3, a convoy of French transports [identity currently not known to us] departed Freetown for the Cameroons. The British transport Ocean Coast (1173 GRT, built 1935) was also with this convoy.

This convoy was escorted by the light cruisers HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN), HMS Dragon (Capt. R.J. Shaw, MBE, RN), sloop HMS Milford (Capt.(Retd.) S.K. Smyth, RN) and the A/S trawlers HMS Turcoman (Skr. A.G. Day, RNR) and FFS President Houduce.

HMS Turcoman later had to be detached to Lagos due to engine trouble. HMS Kelt departed Ambas Bay at 1200A/8 to take over from her.


At 0900A/8, the sloops FFS Commandant Dominé and FFS Commandant Duboc departed Ambas Bay for Douala with General De Gaulle and 200 troops on board.

At 1300A/8, the transports Warrien (?) and Eketien (?) departed Ambas Bay with 500 troops for Douala. They were escorted by HMS Forester.

At 2100A/8, the Pennland departed Ambas Bay to return to Freetown unescorted.

At 2200A/8, the Westernland departed Ambas Bay for Pointe Noire. She had still about 400 Free French soldiers on board. She was escorted by HMS Cornwall.

At 0715A/9, the transports Dayspring (British, 1102 GRT, built 1928), Ajaza (?) and the tanker Glarona (Norwegian, 9912 GRT, built 1928) departed Ambas Bay for Douala. They were escorted by the destroyers HMS Forester and HMS Fury.

At 0815A/9, HMS Devonshire and HMS Faulknor departed Ambas Bay to provide cover for the transport convoy proceeding towards the Cameroon River estuary.

At 1105A/9, HMS Faulknor, HMS Forester and HMS Fury were ordered to proceed with despatch to Freetown, their services being urgently required in the Mediterranean.

All transports and HMS Devonshire anchored in the Cameroons River estuary in the afternoon. HMS Milford and HMS Kelt then conducted A/S patrols.

On the 10th HMS Delhi and HMS Dragon were ordered to proceed to Lagos to fuel. They arrived there on the 11th. HMS Milford also went to Lagos to dock and refit. She arrived there on the 12th.

HMS Devonshire for the moment remained at anchor off Monoka.


12 Oct 1940
At 0645 hours (zone -1,5 hours), HMS Dorsetshire (Capt. B.C.S. Martin, RN), transferred the escort of the captured Vichy-French passenger/cargo ship Touareg to her relief, the light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN). (7)

20 Oct 1940
At 0715A/7, HMS Devonshire (Capt. J.M. Mansfield, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN) made rendezvous with HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN). HMS Delhi was detached to Manola and HMS Devonshire took over the patrol off Libreville. (8)

7 Nov 1940

Operations against Gabon / landings off Libreville.

During the night of 7/8 November 1940, Free French Foreign Legion troops were landed by the Free French transport Fort Lamy (5242 GRT, built 1919) at Mondah Bay (north of Libreville). The Fort Lamy had departed Monaka around 0730A/6 escorted by the Free French sloop Savorgnan de Brazza (Lt.Cdr. A.J.M. Roux). They were known as ' convoy A '. Also in company had been the transport Anadyr (5224 GRT, built 1930) but she was later detached to proceed to Pointe Noire unescorted.

Around 2100A/6, ' Convoy B ' departed Manoka to land additional Free French troops at Mondah Bay after the first landings had proven to be successful. ' Convoy B ' was made up of the transports Casamance (5187 GRT, built 1921) and Nevada (5618 GRT, built 1917). They were escorted by the Free French sloop / minesweeper FFS Commandant Dominé (Lt. J. de la Porte des Vaux) and auxiliary patrol vessel FFS President Houduce (?).

Cover for this operation by the Free French was provided by British warships, these were the heavy cruiser HMS Devonshire (Cdr. H.M.S. Mundy, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN) which departed Manoka around 0900A/6 and then first provided cover for ' Convoy A '.

The light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) had departed Manoka around 0930A/3 to patrol off Gabon. Also patrolling off Gabon were the sloop HMS Milford (Capt.(Retd.) S.K. Smyth, RN) which had departed Manoka around 1300A/4 and the auxiliary ASW trawler HMS Turcoman (Skr. A.G. Day, RNR) which had departed Manoka around 1000A/4.

HMS Devonshire remained near ' Convoy A ' until 1800A/6 when she set course to make rendezvous with HMS Delhi. Rendesvous was effected around 0545A/7.

Meanwhile HMS Milford and HMS Turcoman were on A/S patrol north to north-east of Cap St. Lopez near Port Gentil. This was so that the Vichy French submarine Poncelet (Lt.Cdr. P.H.S.B. de Saussine du Pont de Gault) which was at Port Gentil could not proceed to Libreville to reinforce the Vichy French ships stationed there which were the sloop Bougainville (Cdr. R.J.A. Morin) and a river flotilla made up of the armed tugs Falaba, Mandji and Oviro and three fishing smacks Saint François, Le Nicot and Christiane.

At 0630A/7, HMS Devonshire launched her Walrus aircraft to search for the Vichy French submarine Poncelet. Shortly afterwards HMS Delhi was detached with orders to show herself between Cape Santa Clara and Cape Esterias (north-west of Libreville) and then rejoin HMS Devonshire at 1100A/7.

At 0745A/7, the Walrus aircraft returned and reported that the Poncelet was anchored off Port Gentil (138°, Cape Lopez, 8 nautical miles).

At 1500A/7, both cruisers parted company to show themselves off Cape Gombé (HMS Devonshire) and between Cape Santa Clara and Cape Esterias (HMS Delhi).

At 1552A/7, HMS Milford reported that the Vichy French submarine Poncelet had gotten underway. This signal was however not received by Vice-Admiral Cunningham. An amplifying report set by Milford at 1615A/7 was received at 1623A/7. It reported Poncelet zig-zagging on course 060°. HMS Milford's own course was reported as 048°, speed 16 knots. At 1636A/7, Milford's signal timed 1619A/7 was received. It gave Milford's position as 00°20'S, 08°50'E. She reported the submarine bearing 030°, steering 060°, distance 7 nautical miles.

At 1650A/7, HMS Devonshire flew off her Walrus aircraft to attack the Poncelet with the intention to either damage the submarine or force her to submerge so that HMS Milford could overtake and attack her.

At 1715A/7, HMS Milford's signal timed 1700A/7 was received. It gave the position now as 00°11'S, 08°57'E. The submarine was now steering 039°, at 16 knots. Distance between the enemy and HMS Milford was 6.5 nautical miles.

At 1739A/7, HMS Milford's signal timed 1720A/7 was received. It stated that HMS Milford was now engaging the Vichy submarine which had altered course to the west and dived. Shortly afterwards she signalled that the Poncelet had surfaced in position 00°04'S, 08°56'E.

At 1801A/7, HMS Delhi was ordered to close this position and put a prize crew on board the submarine and then escort it to Lagos.

At 1815A/7, HMS Devonshire received HMS Milford's signal timed 1805A/7. It stated that Poncelet's engines had broken down and that she had surrendered.

At 1837A/7, HMS Milford's signal timed 1820A/7 was received. It stated that the Poncelet had been scuttled by her crew and that Milford was picking up the survivors. HMS Delhi was ordered to assist in recovering the survivors. All survivors were however picked up by HMS Milford, these were a total of three officers and fifty-one ratings. The French Commanding Officers had elected to go down with his submarine. From the French it was learnt that the Poncelet had actually fired two torpedoes at HMS Milford but that one of them had got stuck in the tube and toxic gasses had entered the submarine. Also about one third of the crew of the submarine had been landed at Port Gentil to bolster the garrison there.

At 1922A/7, HMS Devonshire received HMS Delhi's signal timed 1922A/7 which stated that she was in company with HMS Milford and HMS Turcoman in position 00°01'N, 09°03'E. HMS Milford would keep the prisoners on board for the night. HMS Turcoman's Asdic dome had been punctured.

At 2346A/7, HMS Devonshire received a signal from the Savorgnan de Brazza timed 2130A/7 that the operation (landing) was proceeding satisfactorily and that she was awaiting the news from the troops which were landing up the creeks.

At 0545A/8, HMS Devonshire made rendezvous with HMS Milford to obtain a full report on the sinking of the Poncelet.

At 0700A/8, HMS Devonshire made rendezvous with HMS Delhi and HMS Turcoman after which HMS Devonshire set course to proceed to the northwards.

At 0910A/8, a signal was received from the Savorgnan de Brazza timed 0630A/8 that the troops had been landed around 0730A/8 but that they had been machine gunned by enemy aircraft. Casualties were however small. ' Convoy B ' had just arrived and was proceeding to the anchorage to disembarked their troops.

At 1500A/8, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1335A/8 was received stating that all troops and material from the Casamance had been landed and that they were now at Assimba Island but would proceed to join the troops to the north of the airfield after dark. The Nevada was disembarking her troops for landing up the Mondah River.

At 1700A/8, HMS Devonshire closed the Gabon River estuary to see of Vichy French ships were patrolling there but none were sighted.

At 1840A/8, HMS Turcoman left the area as she was short of coal and water. She was to proceed to Port Harcourt.

At 1920A/8, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1745A/8, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that the Commandant Dominé was patrolling from 10 miles west of Cape Santa Clara to 10 miles west of Gombé lighthouse with the Savorgnan de Brazza 5 miles to the westward. They intended to take offensive action against the Vichy-French sloop Bougainville the following morning. The transport Casamance was still at Monday Bay. The transport Fort Lamy was patrolling east of Corisco Island and the transport Nevada was patrolling north and west of Corisco Island.

At 2216A/8, the President Houduce's signal timed 2030A/8, was received, it stated that she had disembarked the governor at Assimba Island and that she would remain there throughout the night.

At 0745A/9, HMS Milford disembarked the Vichy French prisoners of the Poncelet to HMS Delhi. The Walrus aircraft of HMS Devonshire conducted an A/S patrol in the area during the transfer.

An ultimatum was sent to the Vichy French.

At 1306A/9, HMS Devonshire received a signal from the Savorgnan de Brazza timed 1150A/9 that she and the Commandant Dominé were proceeding up river towards the airfield. The Commandant Dominé was sweeping for mines ahead of the Savorgnan de Brazza.

At 1400A/9, HMS Delhi was detached to fuel at Lagos and also to land the Vichy French prisoners there. She arrived at Lagos around 1130A/10.

At 1410A/9, gunfire was heard on board HMS Devonshire coming from the direction of Libreville.

At 1457A/9, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1355A/9, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that she was about to attack the enemy which was trying to put to sea.

At 1622A/9, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1430A/9, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that the Bougainville was on fire and that the Vichy transport Cap des Palmes was picking up survivors.

At 1940A/9, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1820A/9, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that the Savorgnan de Brazza and Commandant Dominé was anchored off Libreville and that the Cap de Palmes was used as hospital and depot ship.

At 0044A/10, Savorgnan de Brazza's 2230A/9, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated the the Vichy-French had accepted the terms issued to them.

At 0754A/10, Savorgnan de Brazza's 0605A/10, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that negotiations were proceeding and that it was hoped that Port Gentil would also be included.

At 1157A/10, a message was received which stated that at 1100A/10, Libreville was occupied by Free French naval and other military Free French forces. Negotiations were still going on with Port Gentil but there were communication difficulties.

At 1730A/11, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1505A/11, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that the Commandant Dominé would leave Libreville tonight and was expected to arrive at Port Gentil around 0800A/12 to arrange for a peaceful occupation by Free French troops.

At 1916A/11, Savorgnan de Brazza's 1840A/11, was received by HMS Devonshire. It stated that the President Houduce and the three transports had been ordered to join the Savorgnan de Brazza at Libreville.

At 1530A/12, HMS Delhi rejoined coming from Lagos. HMS Devonshire then departed the area for Lagos. HMS Turcoman was also enroute to return to the area to relieve HMS Milford.

At 2016A/12, a signal was received from the Commandant Dominé that negotiations were ongoing but that most likely some more force must be shown off Port Gentil.

Around 0600A/13, the Savorgnan de Brazza departed Libreville for Port Gentil followed around 1730A/13 by the transport Casamance. Free French troops occupied Port Gentil at 0830A/14. (6)

26 Nov 1940
HMS Neptune (Capt. R.C. O'Conor, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN, the Vice-Admiral commanding 1st Cruiser Squadron) and HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) made rendezvous around 1000A/26 in approximate position 01°20'N, 06°30'E. (9)

10 Dec 1940
HMS Neptune (Capt. R.C. O'Conor, RN, flying the flag of Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN, the Vice-Admiral commanding 1st Cruiser Squadron) and HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) made rendezvous around 0900A/10 in approximate position 02°40'N, 06°00'E. (10)

28 Dec 1940
Vice-Admiral J.H.D. Cunningham, CB, MVO, RN, the Vice-Admiral commanding ' Force M ' struck his flag in HMS Neptune (Capt. R.C. O'Conor, RN).

HMS Neptune then departed Freetown to provide cover for HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) which is escorting the troopships Cap des Palmes (French, 3082 GRT, built 1935) and Touareg (French, 5135 GRT, built 1924) from Cameroon to Freetown. (11)

6 Jan 1941
Around 0830N/6, the aircraft carrier HMS Furious (Capt. A.G. Talbot, DSO, RN), light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) and the destroyers HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN) and HMS Encounter (Lt.Cdr. E.V.St.J. Morgan, RN) departed Freetown for Takoradi.

The light cruiser HMS Neptune (Capt. R.C. O'Conor, RN) was to join later at sea. (12)

8 Jan 1941
Around 1000Z/8, the light cruiser HMS Neptune (Capt. R.C. O'Conor, RN) joined the aircraft carrier HMS Furious (Capt. A.G. Talbot, DSO, RN), light cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) and the destroyers HMS Isis (Cdr. C.S.B. Swinley, DSC, RN) and HMS Encounter (Lt.Cdr. E.V.St.J. Morgan, RN) in approximate position 04°30'N, 01°00'W.

During the period 8 to 10 January, HMS Furious conducted flying operations near Takoradi in which 39 Hurricanes and 9 Fulmars were flown off which were to proceed overland towards Egypt.

Durning these flying operations the other ships provided cover and A/S escort.

HMS Delhi, with RAF personnel on board, parted company around 1220Z/10 to proceed to Lagos where she arrived aroud 0915A/11.

In the afternoon of January 10th, both HMS Encounter and HMS Isis fuelled from HMS Neptune after which the four remaining ships set course to proceed to Freetown where they arrived around 1430N/12. (13)

13 Jan 1941
At 1837Z/13, a German unit was found by D/F bearings to be within 80 miles from position 05°30'N, 16°00'W.

The sloops HMS Milford (Capt.(Retd.) S.K. Smyth, RN) and HMS Bridgewater (A/Cdr.(Retd.) H.F.G. Leftwich, RN) were ordered to investigate supported by the light cruisers HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) and HMS Dunedin (Capt. R.S. Lovatt, RN). (14)

14 Jan 1941
HMS Delhi (Capt. A.S. Russell, RN) and HMS Dunedin (Capt. R.S. Lovatt, RN) were ordered to search further to the south and return to Freetown when fuel required. (14)

30 Jan 1942
HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) and HMS Alcantara (A/Capt.(Retd.) J.D. Harvey, RN) conducted exercises in Chesapeake Bay. (15)

7 Jun 1942
Around 0745B/7, HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN), HMS Phoebe (Capt. C.P. Frend, RN) and HMS Vimy (Lt.Cdr. H.G.D. de Chair, RN) departed Plymouth for Loch Foyle, Scapa Flow and the Clyde respectively. (16)

22 Oct 1942

Convoys KMS 1, KMF 1 for the landings at Algiers and Oran during Operation Torch.

Convoy KMS 1.

This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 23 October 1942.

It was made up of the following transports; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Alphard (Dutch, 5483 GRT, built 1937), Ardeola (British, 2609 GRT, built 1912), Benalbanach (British, 7153 GRT, built 1940), Charles H. Cramp (American, 6220 GRT, built 1920), Chattanooga City (American, 5687 GRT, built 1921), City of Worcester (British, 5469 GRT, built 1927), Clan MacTaggart (British, 7622 GRT, built 1920), Delilian (British, 6423 GRT, built 1923), Edward Ruthledge (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Empire Confidence (British, 5023 GRT, built 1925), Empire Mordred (British, 7024 GRT, built 1942), Fort McLoughlin (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), Glenfinlas (British, 7479 GRT, built 1917), Havildar (British, 5401 GRT, built 1940), Hopecrown (British, 5180 GRT, built 1937), Jean Jadot (Belgian, 5859 GRT, built 1929), Lalande (British, 7453 GRT, built 1920), Lochmonar (British, 9412 GRT, built 1924), Lycaon (British, 7350 GRT, built 1913), Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), Manchester Port (British, 7071 GRT, built 1935), Mark Twain (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Maron (British, 6487 GRT, built 1930), Mary Slessor (British, 5027 GRT, built 1930), Ocean Rider (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Viceroy (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Volga (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Wanderer (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Pacific Exporter (British, 6734 GRT, built 1928), Recorder (British, 5981 GRT, built 1930), Salacia (British, 5495 GRT, built 1937), Sobo (British, 5353 GRT, built 1937), St. Essylt (British, 5634 GRT, built 1941), Stanhill (British, 5969 GRT, built 1942), Tadorna (British, 1947 GRT, built 1928), Theseus (British, 6527 GRT, built 1908), Tiba (Dutch, 5239 GRT, built 1938), Urlana (British, 6852 GRT, built 1941), Walt Whitman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William M. Floyd (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William Wirt (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and Zebulon B. Vance (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

Also part of the convoy were the landing ships Derwentdale (8390 GRT, built 1941), Dewdale (8265 GRT, built 1941) and Ennerdale (8280 GRT, built 1941).

On assembly the convoy was escorted by the escort carrier HMS Avenger (Cdr. A.P. Colthurst, RN), AA ship HMS Alynbank (A/Capt.(Retd.) H.F. Nash, RN), destroyer HMS Vansittart (Lt.Cdr. T. Johnston, RN), sloops HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN), HMS Stork (Cdr. G.N. Brewer, RN), corvettes HMS Convolvulus (A/Lt.Cdr. R.F.R. Yarde-Buller, RNVR), HMS Gardenia (T/Lt. M.M. Firth, RNVR), HMS Marigold (Lt. J.A.S. Halcrow, RD, RNR), HMS Pentstemon (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) J. Byron, DSC, RNR), HMS Rhododendron (Lt.Cdr. L.A. Sayers, RNR), HMS Samphire (Lt.Cdr. F.T. Renny, DSC, RNR), HMS Vetch (T/A/Lt.Cdr. H.J. Beverley, DSO, DSC, RNR), HMS Violet (Lt. C.N. Stewart, RNR) and the minesweepers HMS Acute (Lt.Cdr. D. Lampen, DSO, RN), HMS Alarm (T/Lt.Cdr. R. Patterson, SANF(V)), HMS Albacore (Lt.Cdr. J.D.L. Williams, RN) and HMS Cadmus (Lt.Cdr. J.B.G. Temple, DSC, RN).

Around 1000A/4, the convoy was split up into two sections KMS A1 and KMS O1. KMS A1 was destined for Algiers and KMS O1 was destined for Oran. KMS O1 then proceeded to the westwards so as to pass the Straits of Gibraltar later.


Convoy KMS A 1.

Convoy KMS A 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 2345A/5; it was made up of the transports; City of Worcester, Glenfinlas, Jean Jadot, Lalande, Lochmonar, Macharda, Manchester Port, Maron, Ocean Rider, Ocean Viceroy, Ocean Volga, Ocean Wanderer, Sobo, Stanhill, Tiba and Urlana.

The landing ships Dewdale and Ennerdale were also part of the convoy.

The convoy was escorted by the sloop HMS Stork, corvettes HMS Convolvulus, HMS Marigold, HMS Pentstemon, HMS Samphire [this corvette might have already parted company though, see below] and the minesweepers HMS Acute, HMS Alarm, HMS Albacore and HMS Cadmus.

Around 0700A/5, the corvette HMS Samphire arrived at Gibraltar with defects from convoy KMS A1.

Around 0800A/5, the minesweepers HMS Algerine (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Cooke, RN), HMS Hussar (Lt. R.C. Biggs, DSO, DSC, RN) and HMS Speedwell (Lt.Cdr. T.E. Williams, RNR) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS A1.

Around 1830A/5, the M/S trawlers HMS Cava (T/Lt. R.L. Petty-Major, RNVR), HMS Juliet (Lt. L.B. Moffatt, RNR), HMS Othello (T/Lt. S.C. Dickinson, RNVR), HMS Stroma (Skr. J.S. Harper, RNR), HMS Hoy (T/Lt. G.H. McNair, MBE, RNVR), HMS Inchcolm (Skr. A.C. Whitcombe, RNR), HMS Mull (Lt. J. Plomer, RCNVR), HMS Rysa (T/Lt. J.H. Cooper, RNVR) and the motor launches ML 238, ML 273, ML 283, ML 295, ML 307, ML 336, ML 338, ML 444 departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS A1.

Around 2230A/5, the monitor HMS Roberts (Capt. J.G.Y. Loveband, RN), escort destroyers HMS Bicester (Lt.Cdr. S.W.F. Bennetts, RN), HMS Bramham (Lt. E.F. Baines, DSO, RN), HMS Cowdray (Lt.Cdr. C.W. North, RN), HMS Zetland (Lt. J.V. Wilkinson, RN) and the corvette HMS Samphire (with her repairs completed) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS A1.


Convoy KMS O 1.

Convoy KMS O 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 1630A/6; it was made up of the transports; Alcinous, Alphard, Benalbanach, Charles H. Cramp, Chattanooga City, Clan Mactaggart, Delinlian, Edward Rutledge, Empire Confidence, Empire Mordred, Havildar, Lycaon, Mark Twain, Mary Slessor, Pacific Exporter, Recorder, Salacia, St. Essylt, Thesues, Walt Whitman, William Floyd, William Wirt and Zebulon B. Vance.

The landing ship Derwentdale was also part of this convoy.

The convoy was escorted by the AA ship HMS Alynbank, sloop HMS Deptford, corvettes HMS Gardenia, HMS Rhododendron, HMS Vetch and HMS Violet.

Around 1500A/6, the minesweepers HMS Brixham (Lt. G.A. Simmers, RNR), HMS Bude (Lt. F.A.J. Andrew, RN), HMS Clacton (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) L.S. Shaw, RNR) and HMS Felixstowe (T/Lt. C.G. Powney, RNVR) departed Gibraltar to join the convoy KMS O1.

After dark on the 6th, the M/S trawlers HMS Coriolanus (T/Lt. N. Hunt, RNVR), HMS Eday (T/Lt. W.Y. Surtees, RNR), HMS Inchmarnock (T/Lt. C.G.V. Corneby, RNR), HMS Kerrera (Skr. R.W. Slater, RNR) and the motor launches ML 280, ML 458, ML 463, ML 469, ML 471, ML 480, ML 483 and HDML 1127, HDML 1128 and HDML 1139 departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS O1.


Operation Crupper.

Two ships from Convoy KMS 1, the Ardeola and Tadorna formed part of Convoy KMS 1A after the convoy had split up. They were to proceed to Malta unescorted. The Admiralty had decided to make use of the expected confusion of the landings in North Africa to run two 'small' merchant ships with important cargo to Malta. These ships were considered expendable. They parted company with convoy KMS 1A on 8 November. They did not reach Malta however. When off Cape Bon on 9 November, they were taken under fire by Vichy French coastal batteries, despite the darkness, and then captured by motor torpedo boats. They were brought into Bizerta where their cargo was unloaded. The ships were later taken over by the Italians.


Convoy KMF 1.

This convoy was assembled off Oversay on 26 October 1942.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Awatea (British, 13482 GRT, built 1936), Batory (Polish, 14287 GRT, built 1936), Cathay (British, 15225 GRT, built 1925), Dempo (Dutch, 17024 GRT, built 1931), Derbyshire (British, 11660 GRT, built 1935), Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Ettrick (British, 11279 GRT, built 1938), Exceller (American, 6597 GRT, built 1941), Leinster (British, 4302 GRT, built 1937) Letitia (British, 13595 GRT, built 1925), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), Marnix van St. Aldegonde (Dutch, 19355 GRT, built 1930), Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931), Mooltan (British, 20952 GRT, built 1923), Nieuw Zeeland (Dutch, 11069 GRT, built 1928), Orbita (British, 15495 GRT, built 1915), Otranto (British, 20026 GRT, built 1925), Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931), Sobieski (Polish, 11030 GRT, built 1939), Strathnaver (British, 22283 GRT, built 1931), Tegelberg (Dutch, 14150 GRT, built 1937), Viceroy of India (British, 19627 GRT, built 1929), Warwick Castle (British, 20107 GRT, built 1930) and Winchester Castle (British, 20012 GRT, built 1930).

The headquarters ships HMS Bulolo (Capt.(Retd.) R.L. Hamer, RN), HMS Largs (Cdr. E.A. Divers, OBE, RNR), the landing ships HMS Glengyle (Capt.(Retd.) D.S. McGrath, RN), HMS Karanja (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) D.S. Hore-Lacy, RN), HMS Keren (A/Cdr. S.E. Crewe-Read, RN), HMS Princess Beatrix (Cdr.(Retd.) T.B. Brunton, DSC, RN), HMS Queen Emma (Capt.(Retd.) G.L.D. Gibbs, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Royal Scotsman (Lt.Cdr. J.D. Armstrong, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Royal Ulsterman (A/Lt.Cdr. W.R.K. Clark, DSC, RD RNR) and HMS Ulster Monarch (Lt.Cdr. N.A.F. Kingscote, RNR) and the attack transports USS Almaack (T/Capt. C.L. Nichols, USN), USS Leedstown (Cdr. D. Cook, USNR), USS Samuel Chase (Capt. R.C. Heimer, USCG) and USS Thomas Stone (Capt. O.R. Bennehoff, USN) were also part of the convoy.

On assembly off Oversay on the 27th the convoy was escorted by the light cruiser HMS Sheffield (Capt. A.W. Clarke, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral C.H.J. Harcourt, CBE, RN), escort carrier HMS Biter (Capt. E.M.C. Abel Smith, RN), destroyer HMS Clare (Lt.Cdr. L.H. Landman, RN), sloops HMS Aberdeen (Lt.Cdr. H. Day, RN), HMS Enchantress (Lt.Cdr. A.E.T. Christie, OBE, RN), HMS Ibis (Lt.Cdr. H.M. Darell-Brown, RN), cutters HMS Hartland (Lt.Cdr. G.P. Billot, RNR), HMS Walney (Lt.Cdr. P.C. Meyrick, RN), frigates HMS Exe (A/Cdr. M.A.O. Biddulph, DSC, RN), HMS Rother (Lt.Cdr. R.V.E. Case, DSC and Bar, RD, RNR), HMS Spey (Cdr. H.G. Boys-Smith, DSO and Bar, RD, RNR), HMS Swale (Lt.Cdr. J. Jackson, RNR) and HMS Tay (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Sherwood, RNR).

Around 1120A/2, the destroyers HrMs Isaac Sweers (Capt. W. Harmsen, RNN) and HMS Escapade (Cdr. E.N.V. Currey, DSC, RN) joined coming from the Azores.

Around 0200A/3, the AA ships HMS Palomares (A/Capt.(Retd.) J.H. Jauncey, RN), HMS Pozarica (Capt.(Retd.) L.B. Hill, DSO, OBE, RN) and the destroyers HMS Achates (Lt.Cdr. A.H.T. Johns, RN), HMS Antelope (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Sinclair, RN), HMS Amazon (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) Lord Teynham, RN), HMS Velox (Lt. G.B. Barstow, RN), HMS Verity, (Lt.Cdr. R. Horncastle, RN), HMS Westcott (Cdr. I.H. Bockett-Pugh, DSO, RN) and HMS Wishart (Cdr. H.G. Scott, RN) departed Gibraltar to join the convoy. At 1045A/3, the destroyer HMS Wivern (Cdr. M.D.C. Meyrick, RN) also departed to join the convoy. She had been unable to depart earlier due to defects.

Around 0800A/3, the destroyer HMS Marne (Lt.Cdr. H.N.A. Richardson, DSO, DSC, RN) joined the convoy coming from the Azores.

Around 1300A/3, the light cruiser HMS Jamaica (Capt. J.L. Storey, RN) also departed Gibraltar to join the convoy.

Around 1830Z/3, HMS Sheffield parted company with the convoy to proceed to Gibraltar where she arrived at 0815A/3, she was to fuel and then join ' Force O '.

Around noon on 4 November 1942, the convoy was split up into two sections KMF A1 and KMF O1. KMF A1 was destined for Algiers and KMF O1 was destined for Oran. KMF O1 then proceeded to the westwards so as to pass the Straits of Gibraltar later.


Convoy KMF A 1.

Convoy KMF A 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 0100A/6; it was made up of the (troop) transports; Almaack, Awatea, Cathay, Dempo, Ettrick, Exceller, Leedstown, Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Otranto, Sobieski, Strathnaver, Viceroy of India and Winchester Castle.

The headquarters ship HMS Bulolo and the landing ships HMS Karanja, HMS Keren, HMS Royal Scotsman, HMS Royal Ulsterman and Ulster Monarch and the attack transports USS Samuel Chase and USS Thomas Stone were also part of the convoy.

[exactly which ships of the escort went on with this part of the convoy will have to be researched further.]

In the morning of 5 November, HrMs Isaac Sweers parted company with the convoy to join ' Force H '. HMS Escapade and HMS Marne were apparently detached to Gibraltar on the convoy passing the Strait of Gibraltar.

Also on 5 November, the corvettes HMS Spiraea (Lt.Cdr. R.S. Miller, DSC, RNR) and HMS Jonquil (Lt.Cdr. R.E.H. Partington, RD, RNR) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF A1.

Around 0200A/6, the destroyers HMS Broke (Lt.Cdr. A.F.C. Layard, RN), HMS Malcolm (A/Cdr. A.B. Russell, RN), HMS Vanoc ( A/Cdr. C.F.H. Churchill, RN) and HMS Wrestler (Lt. R.W.B. Lacon, DSC, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF A1 and relieve HMS Achates, HMS Antelope, HMS Amazon and HMS Wivern. After having been relieved these destroyers arrived at Gibraltar around 0545A/6. Also arriving at Gibraltar were the Leinster, HMS Royal Scotsman, HMS Royal Ulsterman and Ulster Monarch.

Around 1000A/6, HMS Broke, HMS Malcolm, HMS Vanoc and HMS Wrestler joined ' Force O ' while the screen on ' Force O ' joined the convoy, the destroyers / escort destroyers involved were ORP Blyskawica (Lt.Cdr. L. Lichodziejewski, ORP), HMS Lamerton (Lt.Cdr. C.R. Purse, DSC, RN), HMS Wheatland (Lt.Cdr. R. de L. Brooke, DSC, RN) and HMS Wilton (Lt. A.P. Northey, DSC, RN). The AA ship HMS Tynwald (Capt.(Retd.) P.G. Wodehouse, DSO, RN) also joined the convoy from ' Force O ' at the same time.

Around 0535A/7, in position 37°34'N, 00°01'W, the attack transport USS Thomas Stone was torpedoed and damaged by an enemy aircraft. HMS Spey remained with the damaged ship. At 2040A/7, the destroyers HMS Wishart and HMS Velox joined and the ship was taken in tow by HMS Wishart. HMS Spey by that time had departed with the ships 24 landing craft in which the ships troops had embarked. She was to escort them to Algiers but all had to be scuttled and the troops were taken on board HMS Spey. At 0535A/8 the tug St. Day joined which also passed a tow. The damaged ship anchored off Algiers around 1030A/11 being towed there by HMS Wishart and HMS St. Day.

Around 0725Z/7, HMS Clare parted company to join ' Force O ' which she did around 0913Z/7.

Around 1815A/7, the section destined for ' C Sector ' (Charlie Sector) parted company with the convoy. It was made up of the USS Almaack, USS Leedstown, USS Samuel Chase, Exceller and Dempo. With them were also transports from convoy KMS A1. They were escorted by the AA ship HMS Tynwald, escort destroyers HMS Cowdray, HMS Zetland, sloop HMS Enchantress, minesweepers HMS Algerine, HMS Hussar, HMS Speedwell, corvettes HMS Pentstemon, HMS Samphire, MS trawlers HMS Cava, HMS Othello and the motor launches HMS ML 273 and HMS ML 295. At 2135A/7, the beacon submarine HMS P 45 (Lt. H.B. Turner, RN) made contact with the force and the ships were guided to their positions for the landings. From convoy KMS A1 the transports Macharda and Maron were destined for Charlie sector. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Stork and the corvettes HMS Pentstemon and HMS Samphire.

Around 1900A/7, The remainder of convoy KMF A1 split into two sections, one for ' A Sector ' (Apple Sector) and one for ' B Sector ' (Beer Sector).

The force for ' A Sector ' was made up of HMS Karanja and the Marnix van St. Aldegonde and Viceroy of India. With them were also transports from convoy KMS A1. They were escorted by the AA ship HMS Pozarica, escort destroyers HMS Bicester, HMS Bramham, frigate HMS Rother, minesweeper HMS Cadmus, MS trawlers HMS Juliet, HMS Rysa, HMS Stroma and the motor launches HMS ML 283, HMS ML 336 and HMS ML 338. At 2214A/7, the made contact with their beacon submarine HMS P 221 (Lt. M.F.R. Ainslie, DSC, RN). A few minutes later they stopped and the landings commenced. From convoy KMS A1 the following ships were assigned to ' A Sector '; Dewdale, Lalande, Manchester Port, Ocean Viceroy and Ocean Wanderer. They were escorted by the corvettes HMS Convolvulus and HMS Marigold.

The force for ' B Sector ' was made up of HMS Bulolo, HMS Keren and the Awatea, Cathay, Otranto, Sobieski, Strathnaver and Winchester Castle. With them were also transports from convoy KMS A1. They were escorted by the AA ship HMS Palomeres, destroyer ORP Blyskawica, escort destroyers HMS Lamerton, HMS Wheatland, HMS Wilton, minesweepers HMS Acute, HMS Alarm, HMS Albacore, MS trawlers HMS Hoy, HMS Incholm, HMS Mull and the motor launches HMS ML 238, HMS ML 307 and HMS ML 444. They made contact with their beacon submarine HMS P 48 (Lt. M.E. Faber, RN) around 2220A/7 hours and landing operation commenced shortly afterwards. From convoy KMS A1 the following ships were assigned to ' A Sector '; City of Worcester, Ennerdale, Glenfinlas, Jean Jadot, Lochmonar, Ocean Rider, Ocean Volga, Sobo, Stanhill, Tiba and Urlana. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Stork and the corvettes HMS Pentstemon and HMS Samphire which then went on with the ships for the ' Charlie sector '.

On 9 November the ships involved in the landings anchored in Algiers Bay.


Convoy KMF O 1.

Convoy KMF O 1 was to pass the Strait of Gibraltar around 2230A/6; it was made up of the (troop) transports; Batory, Duchess of Bedford, Durban Castle, Letitia, Llangibby Castle, Monarch of Bermuda, Mooltan, Nieuw Zeeland, Orbita, Reina del Pacifico, Tegelberg and Warwick Castle.

The headquarters ship HMS Largs and the landing ships HMS Glengyle, HMS Princess Beatrix and HMS Queen Emma were also part of the convoy.

Around 1950A/4, the light cruiser HMS Aurora (Capt. W.G. Agnew, CB, RN) departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF O1.

For the landings at Oran three main beaches were selected. ' X ', ' Y ' and ' Z ' beach. There was also one subsidiary beach, ' R '.

The fast convoy, KMF O1, would, after passing through the Straits of Gibraltar make rendezvous with the slow convoy, KMS O1 in position 36°26'N, 01°15'W.

The convoys would then be diverted into nine groups, these were;
For ' X ' beach
Group I, 1st Division; Batory, HMS Princess Beatrix, Queen Emma, 2nd Division; Benalbenach, Mark Twain, Mary Slessor and Walt Whitman. They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Aurora, destroyer HMS Wivern, corvettes HMS Gardenia, HMS Vetch and the motor launch HMS HDML 1139.
Group VIII, LST HMS Bachaquero (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. McMullan, RNR) escorted by the M/S trawler HMS Horatio (T/Lt. C.A. Lemkey, RNR).

For ' Y ' beach
Group II; HMS Glengyle, Monarch of Bermuda, Llangibby Castle, Clan Mactaggart and Salacia. They were escorted by the destroyers Brilliant, HMS Verity, M/S trawlers HMS Coriolanus, HMS Eday, HMS Inchmarnock, HMS Kerrera and the motor launches HMS ML 458, HMS ML 463, HMS ML 469, HMS ML 471 and HMS HDML 1128.

For ' Z ' beach
Group III, 1st Division; Duchess of Bedford, Durban Castle, Ettrick, Warwick Castle. 2nd Division; Derwentdale, Reina del Pacifico and Tegelberg. They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Jamaica, escort destroyers HMS Calpe (Lt.Cdr. H. Kirkwood, DSC, RN), HMS Farndale (Cdr. D.P. Trentham, RN), minesweepers HMS Brixham, HMS Bude, HMS Clacton, HMS Felixtowe, HMS Polruan (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) J.S. Landers, RNR), HMS Rothesay (Cdr. A.A. Martin, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Rhyl (Cdr. L.J.S. Ede, DSO, RN), HMS Stornoway (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.R. Fraser, RNR) and the motor launches HMS ML 280, HMS HDML 1127.

Group V; Alcinous, Alphard, Charles H. Cramp, Chatanooga City, Delilian, Recorder and Zebulon B. Vance. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Deptford, cutters HMS Hartland, HMS Walney, corvettes HMS Rhododendron, HMS Violet and the motor launches HMS ML 480 and HMS ML 483.

Group VI, 1st division; Derbyshire, Letitia, Mooltan and Nieuw Zeeland. 2nd division, Empire Confidence, Lycaon and Theseus.

Group VII, 1st division, Empire Mordred, Havildar, Pacific Exporter and St. Essylt. 2nd division; Edward Rutledge, William Floyd and William Wirt. Groups VI and VII were escorted by the light (AA) cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN), destroyer HMS Vansittart, sloop HMS Aberdeen and the frigates HMS Exe and HMS Swale.

Group IX; LST's HMS Misoa (T/Lt. K.G. Graham, RNR) and HMS Tasajera (Lt.Cdr. W.E. Gelling, DSC, RD, RNR). They were escorted by the M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen (T/Lt. B.J. Hampson, RNR), HMS Ronaldsay (T/Lt. A. Stirling, RNR) and HMS Shiant (T/Lt. A.C. Elton, RNR).

For ' R ' beach
Group IV; HMS Royal Scotsman, HMS Royal Ulsterman and HMS Ulster Monarch. They had the same escort as Group III.

Two submarines were stationed off the beaches as beacons, these were HMS Ursula (Lt. R.B. Lakin, DSC, RN) and HMS P 54 (Lt. C.E. Oxborrow, DSC, RN).

27 Oct 1942
Around 2330A/27, the aircraft carrier HMS Argus (Capt. G.T. Philip, RN) and light cruiser HMS Jamaica (Capt. J.L. Storey, RN) departed the Clyde for Gibraltar.

Around 0640A/28, they were joined by the escort carrier HMS Dasher (Cdr. C.N. Lentaigne, DSO, RN) which had already departed Greenock around 1600A/27 to conduct some flying operations. Also the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) joined. She had departed Belfast around 0315A/28.

Around 0800A/28, near Oversay, the escort destroyers HMS Farndale (Cdr. D.P. Trentham, RN), HMS Bicester (Lt.Cdr. S.W.F. Bennetts, RN) and HMS Zetland (Lt. J.V. Wilkinson, RN) joined. They came from Londonderry.

Around 1130A/1, HMS Jamaica parted company to proceed ahead to Gibraltar where she arrived around 1245A/2.

Around 0800A/3, HMS Argus, HMS Dasher, HMS Delhi, HMS Farndale, HMS Bicester and HMS Zetland arrived at Gibraltar. (17)

8 Nov 1942

The landings at Oran as part of Operation Torch

For the landings at Oran the Centre Naval Task Force was deployed.

This Task Force was made up of the following warships; battleship HMS Rodney (Capt. J.W. Rivett-Carnac, DSC, RN), aircraft carrier HMS Furious (Capt. T.O. Bulteel, RN), escort carriers HMS Biter (Capt. E.M.C. Abel Smith, RN), HMS Dasher (Cdr. C.N. Lentaigne, DSO, RN), light cruisers HMS Jamaica (Capt. J.L. Storey, RN), HMS Aurora (Capt. W.G. Agnew, CB, RN), AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN), AA ship HMS Alynbank (A/Capt.(Retd.) H.F. Nash, RN), destroyers HMS Boreas (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Jones, DSC, RN), HMS Brilliant (Lt.Cdr. A.G. Poe, RN), HMS Boadicea (Lt.Cdr. F.C. Brodrick, RN), HMS Bulldog (Cdr. M. Richmond, OBE, DSO, RN), HMS Beagle (Cdr. R.C. Medley, DSO, RN), HMS Amazon (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) Lord Teynham, RN), HMS Achates (Lt.Cdr. A.H.T. Johns, RN), HMS Antelope (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Sinclair, RN), HMS Wivern (Cdr. M.D.C. Meyrick, RN), HMS Westcott (Cdr. I.H. Bockett-Pugh, DSO, RN), HMS Verity, (Lt.Cdr. R. Horncastle, RN), HMS Vansittart (Lt.Cdr. T. Johnston, RN), escort destroyers HMS Avon Vale (Lt.Cdr. P.A.R. Withers, DSO, RN), HMS Farndale (Cdr. D.P. Trentham, RN), HMS Puckeridge (Lt. J.C. Cartwright, DSC, RN), HMS Calpe (Lt.Cdr. H. Kirkwood, DSC, RN), submarines HMS Ursula (Lt. R.B. Lakin, DSC, RN), HMS P 54 (Lt. C.E. Oxborrow, DSC, RN), minesweepers HMS Rhyl (Cdr. L.J.S. Ede, DSO, RN), HMS Felixstowe (T/Lt. C.G. Powney, RNVR), HMS Clacton (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) L.S. Shaw, RNR), HMS Polruan (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) J.S. Landers, RNR), HMS Rothesay (Cdr. A.A. Martin, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Stornoway (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.R. Fraser, RNR), HMS Bude (Lt. F.A.J. Andrew, RN), HMS Brixham (Lt. G.A. Simmers, RNR), sloops HMS Aberdeen (Lt.Cdr. H. Day, RN), HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN), cutters HMS Hartland (Lt.Cdr. G.P. Billot, RNR), HMS Walney (Lt.Cdr. P.C. Meyrick, RN), frigates HMS Exe (A/Cdr. M.A.O. Biddulph, DSC, RN), HMS Swale (Lt.Cdr. J. Jackson, RNR), corvettes HMS Gardenia (T/Lt. M.M. Firth, RNVR), HMS Vetch (T/A/Lt.Cdr. H.J. Beverley, DSO, DSC, RNR), HMS Rhododendron (Lt.Cdr. L.A. Sayers, RNR), HMS Violet (Lt. C.N. Stewart, RNR), M/S trawlers HMS Coriolanus (T/Lt. N. Hunt, RNVR), HMS Fluellen (T/Lt. B.J. Hampson, RNR), HMS Horatio (T/Lt. C.A. Lemkey, RNR), HMS Eday (T/Lt. W.Y. Surtees, RNR), HMS Inchmarnock (T/Lt. C.G.V. Corneby, RNR), HMS Kerrera (Skr. R.W. Slater, RNR), HMS Shiant (T/Lt. A.C. Elton, RNR), HMS Ronaldsay (T/Lt. A. Stirling, RNR), motor launches ML 280, ML 458, ML 463, ML 469, ML 471, ML 480, ML 483 and the harbour defence motor launches HDML 1127, HDML 1128 and HDML 1139.

Also parted of the Centre Naval Task Force were the following amphibious ships; headquarters ship HMS Largs (Cdr. E.A. Divers, RNR, flying the flag of Commodore T.H. Troubridge, RN), landing ships infantery HMS Glengyle (Capt.(Retd.) D.S. McGrath, RN), HMS Princess Beatrix (Cdr.(Retd.) T.B. Brunton, DSC, RN), HMS Queen Emma (Capt.(Retd.) G.L.D. Gibbs, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Royal Scotsman (Lt.Cdr. J.D. Armstrong, DSC, RD, RNR), HMS Royal Ulsterman (A/Lt.Cdr. W.R.K. Clark, DSC, RD RNR) and HMS Ulster Monarch (Lt.Cdr. N.A.F. Kingscote, RNR), RFA Derwentdale, landing ships tank HMS Bachaquero (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. McMullan, RNR), HMS Misoa (T/Lt. K.G. Graham, RNR) and HMS Tasajera (Lt.Cdr. W.E. Gelling, DSC, RD, RNR).

Also parted of the Oran Attack Force were the ships in convoys KMS O1 and KMF O2.

Around 1700Z/6, convoy KMS O1 passed through the Straits of Gibraltar followed by convoy KMF O1 around 1830Z/6. These convoys then merged to the east of the Straits of Gibraltar. These convoys came direct from the U.K. and were made up of the following (troop) transports; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Alphard (British, 5483 GRT, built 1937), Batory (Polish, 14287 GRT, built 1936), Benalbanach (British, 7153 GRT, built 1940), Charles H. Cramp (American, 6220 GRT, built 1920), Chattanooga City (American, 5687 GRT, built 1921), Clan Mactaggart (British, 7622 GRT, built 1920), Delinlian (British, 6423 GRT, built 1923), Duchess of Bedford (British, 20123 GRT, built 1928), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Edward Rutledge (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Empire Confidence (British, 5023 GRT, built 1925), Empire Mordred (British, 7024 GRT, built 1942), Havildar (British, 5401 GRT, built 1940), Letitia (British, 13595 GRT, built 1925), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), Lycaon (British, 7350 GRT, built 1913), Mark Twain (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mary Slessor (British, 5027 GRT, built 1930), Monarch of Bermuda (British, 22424 GRT, built 1931), Mooltan (British, 20952 GRT, built 1923), Nieuw Zeeland (Dutch, 11069 GRT, built 1928)), Orbita (British, 15495 GRT, built 1915), Pacific Exporter (British, 6734 GRT, built 1928), Recorder (British, 5981 GRT, built 1930), Reina del Pacifico (British, 17702 GRT, built 1931), Salacia (British, 5495 GRT, built 1937), St. Essylt (British, 5634 GRT, built 1941), Tegelberg (Dutch, 14150 GRT, built 1937), Thesues (British, 6527 GRT, built 1908), Walt Whitman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Warwick Castle (British, 20107 GRT, built 1930), William Floyd (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William Wirt (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and Zebulon B. Vance (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

Also part of these convoys was the headquarters ship HMS Largs and the landing ships infantery Glengyle, Queen Emma, Queen Beatrix, Royal Scotsman, Royal Ulsterman, Ulster Monarch and RFA Derwentdale.

From the above warships the following had come direct from the U.K. with convoys KMS 1 and KMF 1; escort carrier HMS Biter, AA ship HMS Alynbank, destroyer HMS Vansittart, sloops HMS Aberdeen, HMS Deptford, cutters HMS Hartland, HMS Walney, frigates HMS Exe, HMS Swale and the corvettes HMS Gardenia, HMS Rhododendron, HMS Vetch and HMS Violet.

On 2 November 1942, the minesweepers HMS Rhyl, HMS Clacton, HMS Polruan, HMS Rothesay and HMS Stornoway departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS 1.

Around 0300A/3, the light cruiser HMS Jamaica departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF 1 coming from the U.K.

Around 1950A/4, the light cruiser HMS Aurora departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMF O1.

Around 0430A/6, the battleship HMS Rodney and the destroyers HMS Bulldog, HMS Boreas and HMS Beagle departed Gibraltar as part of Force H.

Around 1500A/6, the destroyer HMS Vansittart, which had arrived at Gibraltar on the 5th, departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS O1 with her were also the minesweepers HMS Bude, HMS Brixham and HMS Felixtowe.

A few hours later, shortly after dark on the 6th, the landing ships tank HMS Bachaquero, HMS Misoa and HMS Tasajera departed Gibraltar to join convoy KMS O1. They were escorted by the M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen, HMS Horatio, HMS Ronaldsay, HMS Shiant, HMS Coriolanus, HMS Eday, HMS Inchmarnock, HMS Kerrera, the motor launches ML 280, ML 458, ML 463, ML 469, ML 471, ML 480, ML 483 and the harbour defence motor launches HDML 1127, HDML 1128 and HDML 1139.

Around 2200A/6, the escort carrier HMS Dasher and the destroyers HMS Wivern, HMS Amazon, HMS Achates, HMS Antelope, HMS Boadicea and HMS Brilliant departed Gibraltar to join the convoys.

Around 0300A/7, the aircraft carrier HMS Furious, AA cruiser HMS Delhi and the escort destroyers HMS Farndale, HMS Avon Vale, HMS Calpe and HMS Puckeridge departed Gibraltar for the operation.

Around 0300A/7, the destroyers HMS Westcott and HMS Verity departed Gibraltar for the operation.

Landing beaches, Oran

The port of Oran, is situated at the head of a large bight between Cape Falcon, the rocky north-eastern end of the promontory of which Pointe Corales is the north-western extremity, to the west and Cap d'Aguille, to the east. This bight is divided into three bays of nearly equal size by Point Canastel and by Point Mers-el-Kebir which projects in an easterly direction from the foot of Jebel Santon and is surmounted by a powerful fortress. The heights of Jebel Murjajo lie westward of Oran with the conspicuous Fort Santa Cruz at their eastern end. The artificial harbour at Oran consists of six basins. It is protected on its northern side by a stone breakwater extending eastwards about a mile and a quarter from Pointe Mona on which, at the eastern end of the cliffs under Jebel Murjajo, lies Fort Lambourne.

The arrangement of landing beaches at Oran was comparatively simple and consisted of three main beaches; 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' and one subsidiary beach 'R'.

An armoured column from Combat Command 'B' would land at 'X' beach which lay at El Mrairia close to Cape Figalo, with orders to capture La Lourmel airfield, block the main roads north-east and south of La Lourmel, advance south of Debkra, and assist in the capture of the airfields at Tafraoui and Es Senia.

The 26th Regimental Combat Team would land at 'Y' beach near Les Andalouses with orders to take control of the Jebel Murjajo heights and capture Oran from the west.

The 18th Regimental Combat Team would land at 'Z-Green' beach near Arzew with the orders to capture the coastal defence, the port of Arzew and the port of Oran from the east. The 16th Regimental Combat Team would land at 'Z-White' beach to secure a bridgehead for Armoured Combat Command 'B', cover the east flank of the Oran Force and then take part in the capture of Oran.

Combat team 'B' would land at 'Z-Red' beach to capture Tafaraoui, Es Senia and Oggaz airfields and assist in capturing Oran from the south.

A portion of the First Ranger Battalion would made a subsidiary landing at 'R' beach southeast of Cape Carbon to capture the batteries at Fort la Ponte. The remainder of the battalion landed in Arzew harbour.

Meanwhile a parachute battalion was flown from the U.K. and dropped at H-hour near Tafaraoui airfield with orders to neutralise all aircraft on Es Senia airfield and capture Tafaraoui landing ground.

Instructions for Assault, Oran Beaches

The fast assault convoy, KMF O1, after proceeding through the Mediterranean at 11.5 knots under the orders of Commodore Troubridge, would meet the slow convoy, KMS O1, in position 36°26'N, 01°15'W around 1600A on 7 November 1942.

Here the convoys are split into nine groups; For ' X ' beach
Group I, 1st Division; Batory, HMS Princess Beatrix, Queen Emma, 2nd Division; Benalbenach, Mark Twain, Mary Slessor and Walt Whitman. They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Aurora, destroyer HMS Wivern, corvettes HMS Gardenia, HMS Vetch and the motor launch HMS HDML 1139.
Group VIII, LST HMS Bachaquero escorted by the M/S trawler HMS Horatio.

For ' Y ' beach
Group II; HMS Glengyle, Monarch of Bermuda, Llangibby Castle, Clan Mactaggart and Salacia. They were escorted by the destroyers Brilliant, HMS Verity, M/S trawlers HMS Coriolanus, HMS Eday, HMS Inchmarnock, HMS Kerrera and the motor launches HMS ML 458, HMS ML 463, HMS ML 469, HMS ML 471 and HMS HDML 1128.

For ' Z ' beach
Group III, 1st Division; Duchess of Bedford, Durban Castle, Ettrick, Warwick Castle. 2nd Division; Derwentdale, Reina del Pacifico and Tegelberg. They were escorted by the light cruiser HMS Jamaica, escort destroyers HMS Calpe, HMS Farndale, minesweepers HMS Brixham, HMS Bude, HMS Clacton, HMS Felixtowe, HMS Polruan, HMS Rothesay, HMS Rhyl, HMS Stornoway and the motor launches HMS ML 280, HMS HDML 1127.

Group V; Alcinous, Alphard, Charles H. Cramp, Chatanooga City, Delilian, Recorder and Zebulon B. Vance. They were escorted by the sloop HMS Deptford, cutters HMS Hartland, HMS Walney, corvettes HMS Rhododendron, HMS Violet and the motor launches HMS ML 480 and HMS ML 483.

Group VI, 1st division; Derbyshire, Letitia, Mooltan and Nieuw Zeeland. 2nd division, Empire Confidence, Lycaon and Theseus.

Group VII, 1st division, Empire Mordred, Havildar, Pacific Exporter and St. Essylt. 2nd division; Edward Rutledge, William Floyd and William Wirt. Groups VI and VII were escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Delhi, destroyer HMS Vansittart, sloop HMS Aberdeen and the frigates HMS Exe and HMS Swale.

Group IX; LST's HMS Misoa and HMS Tasajera. They were escorted by the M/S trawlers HMS Fluellen, HMS Ronaldsay and HMS Shiant.

For ' R ' beach
Group IV; HMS Royal Scotsman, HMS Royal Ulsterman and HMS Ulster Monarch. They had the same escort as Group III.

Two submarines were stationed off the beaches as beacons, these were HMS Ursula and HMS P 54.

HMS Aurora would be stationed ahead of Group II, HMS Jamaica ahead of Group III and HMS Delhi ahead of Group IV. On reaching position 35°52'N, 00°10'5"W, in the Gulf of Arzew, HMS Jamaica would proceed independently for fire support duty off 'Z' beach. On reaching position 35°48'N, 00°54'W, HMS Aurora was also detached from her group to patrol to the north of Mers-el-Kebir to engage, if needed reinforced by HMS Jamaica, any escaping vessels from Mers-el-Kebir during the darkness. During daylight HMS Aurora was to remain outside the range of the shore batteries. Meanwhile around 0400A/8, HMS Delhi, would leave her group to meet the aircraft carriers at 0530A/8 in position 36°07'N, 00°45'W so as to provide additional AA protection.

The battleship HMS Rodney, escorted by HMS Bulldog, HMS Boreas and HMS Beagle, detached from Force H, was to protect the anchorage from attack by heavy enemy units. She too was to join the carriers around 0530A/8.

Initial landings were to be made at all beaches simultaneously at H-hour with the follow up forces being landed as soon as possible.

Oran attack opens, 8 November 1942.

The attack opened, after some delay at 0116A/8. The assault on 'X' beach was delayed by around 35 minutes due to the strong current. The appearance of a small Vichy-French convoy of four ships escorted by a trawler had also caused some delay. One of the merchant vessels, the Eridan (9928 GRT, built 1929) had sabotaged her engines. She was boarded by an armed guard. The other three merchant vessels, the Agen (4186 GRT, built 1921), Carthage (2440 GRT, built 1897) and Montaigne (2770 GRT, built 1920) initially escaped to the north-east but then ran into Allied forces. They then beached themselves south of Cape Figalo.

The appearance of the convoy had the effect that the minesweepers were badly delayed and were almost run over by the ships proceeding to 'X' beach. The minesweepers were then ordered to keep clear and no sweep was carried out ahead of the ships proceeding to 'X' beach.

Despite some delays and other difficulties [it would go to far to give a full account of the landings here] that landings were successful.

HMS Walney's assault on Oran harbour.

It had been decided, that the cutters HMS Walney and HMS Hartland were to attack Oran harbour to prevent the French from performing demolition operations to destroy the ports facilities. They were to attack shortly after 0300A/8.

The cutters were to land American troops and anti-sabotage parties with orders to seize the shore batteries covering the harbour, prevent the scuttling of the dock and harbour works and prevent the blockage of the harbour. The motor launches ML 480 and ML 483 were to provide a smoke screen. HMS Aurora was to provide cover fire if needed and also to distract and confuse the shore batteries.

The attack was carried out under the command of A/Capt. (Retd.) F.T. Peters, DSO, DSC, RN, which was embarked on board HMS Walney. The attack commenced at 0245A/8, when HMS Walney and HMS Hartland with ML 480 and ML 483 in company, approached the harbour entrance. Sirens were heard sounding ashore and all lights in the town had been extinguished. For a time the force circled off the entrance while an announcement was made in French by loud hailer from HMS Walney. The reply was hostile. A searchlight was quickly trained on the Walney and she came under a heavy, though inaccurate, machine gun fire. Followed by the Hartland, she at once turned away northwards coming round in a full circle to charge the booms. At the same time ML 480 went on ahead to full speed, laying a smoke screen, but hit the outer boom, coming to rest under heavy fire half way across it. She got off again at 0310A/8, just as HMS Walney, after completing her circle, charged the two booms at 15 knots, through the smoke and entered the harbour. On reaching it, A/Capt. Peters, slipped three canoes, manned with special parties, but at least one of the was sunk almost immediately by gunfire.

HMS Walney herself was steaming up the harbour to westwards at slow speed was hit by pompom fire from the Ravin Blanc battery. Half way up the harbour she narrowly missed ramming a French destroyer proceeding towards the harbour entrance. It raked her with two broadsides from point blank range, wrecking her main engines, and a few minutes later she came under heavy cross fire from the destroyer Epervier laying alongside to the south and from submarines and destroyers moored to the northward. At last, blazing forward and amidships, she drifted out of control bows on to the jetty ahead of the Epervier. An attempt to get heaving lines ashore failed and she drifted once more slowly out into the harbour. Her guns were out of action, their crew virtually wiped out. Sixteen officers and men were lying dead on her bridge where A/Capt. Peters was the sole survivor. Below only five officers and men of the landing parties remained alive amidst scenes of undescridale carnage. Nothing further could be done and the ship was abandoned, her few survivors, including A/Capt. Peters were taken prisoner. The abandoned wreck rolled over shortly afterwards.

HMS Hartland's assault on Oran harbour.

When HMS Walney entered Oran harbour at 0310A/8, Lt.Cdr. Billot waited five minutes, in compliance with his orders, before heading towards the harbour entrance. As she approached the smoke screen laid by ML 480, HMS Walney was picked up by a searchlight, and came under a devastating fire from the Ravin Blanc battery which killed nearly all her guns crews and temporarily blinded Lt.Cdr. Billot with a splinter. Before he recovered his sight the ship struck the breakwater, but eventually she entered the harbour and made for her objective, the Quai de Dunkerque, under gunfire from point blank range from the destroyer Typhon laying alongside it. Shells bursting inside her hull brought her to a standstill turning her mess decks, on which the troops were waiting, into shambles. Then with fires raging fore and aft, she drifted alongside the mole but she almost immediately was blown back into the harbour where she anchored while being under heavy fire from the French but these then ceased fire so that the ship could be abandoned. By 0410A/8, all survivors had left and at 0525A/8 there was an explosion on board but she remained afloat buring furiously. She later blew up and sank after a huge explosion which caused damage to buildings in a large area around the mole.

Oran captured.

While HMS Walney and HMS Hartland were gate-crashing into Oran Harbour, HMS Aurora was patrolling five miles away to the northward. At 0527A/8, she opened fire on the searchlight illuminating HMS Hartland, successfully extinguishing its beam. Then shortly before first light she engaged and disabled a Vichy-French destroyer of the Simoun-class from a range of 6000 yards. This destroyer later sank and appears to have been the Tramontaine.

Around 0600A/8, two more destroyers of the Simoun-class were seen leaving Oran, but seeing that they were standing by their sinking consort, HMS Aurora for a time withheld her fire. These destroyers were however soon in action with HMS Boadicea and HMS Calpe, and when they fired torpedoes at HMS Aurora she too opened fire from 13600 yards. In the ensuing fight HMS Boadicea was hit forward, and one of the French destroyers, being severely damaged and set on fire by a broadside, was driven inshore [this was the Tornade]. The action ended abruptly at 0727A/8, when the other destroyer, on being hit aft, turned and fled to the direction of Oran [this was the Typhon]. Meanwhile the sloop / minelayer La Surprise was sunk by HMS Brilliant around 0630A/8.

Aircraft from HMS Furious, HMS Biter and HMS Dasher had meanwhile attacked airfield destroying enemy aircraft on the ground and also in the air with only small losses to themselves.

Shore batteries managed to hit the Reina del Pacifico and Llangibby Castle. HMS Rodney proceeded closer inshore and opened fire at 1010A/8 on the Jebel Santon battery from a range of over 20000 yards. The battery was engaged several times during the day before HMS Rodney retired to seaward again.

Fighting continued on 9 November 1942. At 1024A/9, HMS Jamaica and HMS Aurora engaged the Epervier and Typhon. The Epervier was driven ashore in flames south of Cape de l'Aiguille while the Typhon retired to Oran where she too was beached.

The Vichy-French at Oran capitulated around noon on the 10th. (18)

20 Nov 1942
HMS Delhi was bombed off Algiers. Her stern was blown off. She was under repair in Britain until April 1943.

16 Apr 1943
HMS Jamaica (Capt. J.L. Storey, DSO, RN), HMS Scylla (Capt. I.A.P. Macintyre, CBE, DSO, RN) and HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) all conducted exercises off Scapa Flow.

HMS Delhi remained out during the night of 16/17 April 1943 and conducted NEX (night encounter) exercises with HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. G.I.M. Balfour, RN). (19)

28 Jun 1943

Convoy KMF 18

This convoy departed U.K. waters on 28 June 1943.

It was made up of the following (troop) transports; Ascania (British, 14013 GRT, built 1925), Batory (Polish, 14287 GRT, built 1936), Circassia (British, 11136 GRT, built 1937), Derbyshire (British, 11660 GRT, built 1935), Durban Castle (British, 17388 GRT, built 1938), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929) and Marnix van St. Aldegonde (Dutch, 19355 GRT, built 1930).

The headquarters ship HMS Hilary (Capt.(Retd.) J.F. Paget, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral P.L. Vian, KBE, DSO and 2 Bars, RN), fighter direction ship HMS Ulster Queen (A/Capt. M.H.J. Bennett, RD, RNR) and landing ships HMS Glengyle (A/Capt. E.C.L. Turner, RN), HMS Boxer (Lt.Cdr. G.B Herbert-Jones, RNR), HMS Bruiser (Lt.Cdr. J. Stretch, RD, RNR) and HMS Thruster (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) A.W. McMullan, DSC, RNR).

The convoy was escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Colombo (Capt. D.H. Hall-Thompson, RN), sloops HMS Pheasant (Cdr. L.F. Durnford-Slater, RN), HMS Chanticleer (Lt.Cdr. R.H. Bristowe, DSO, RN), HMS Crane (Lt.Cdr. R.G. Jenkins, RN), HMS Cygnet (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Proudfoot, RN), HMS Whimbrel (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Moore, DSC, RNR) and the frigates HMS Test (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Collinson, RD, RNR) and HMS Trent (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J.G. Rankin, DSC, RNR).

Around 2300B/1, HMS Colombo parted company with the convoy to proceed ahead to Gibraltar to fuel and rejoin the convoy. She arrived at Gibraltar around 1535B/3. After fuelling she departed Gibraltar around 2200B/3 for Algiers where she arrived around 1950B/4. On entering harbour her port engine failed.

Around 0600B/5, the escort destroyer HMS Ledbury (Lt. D.R.N. Murdoch, RN) and netlayer HMS Guardian (Capt.(Retd.) H.A.C. Lane, OBE, RN) joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar which they had departed around 0330B/5.

Around 1325B/6, the sloops HMS Cygnet and HMS Whimbrel attacked a submarine in position 36°46'N, 01°38'E. This was U-409 which escaped without damage.

Around 2115B/6, the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) joined the convoy coming from Algiers.

On 7 July, HMS Ledbury and HMS Ulster Queen rejoined the convoy after having fuelled at Algiers.

Also on 7 July the destroyer HMS Anthony (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Wallace, DSC, RN) and escort destroyers HMS Wallace (Lt. D. Carson, RN), HMS Woolston (Lt. F.W. Hawkins, RN), HMS Hambledon (Lt.Cdr. G.W. McKendrick, RN), HMS Mendip (Capt. C.R.L. Parry, RN, Capt. D 21), HMS Blankney (Lt.Cdr. D.H.R. Bromley, RN), HMS Blencathra (Lt. E.G. Warren, RN) and HMS Brissenden (Lt. D.C. Beatty, RN) joined the convoy coming from Bone. HMS Pheasant, HMS Chanticleer, HMS Crane, HMS Cygnet, HMS Whimbrel, HMS Test and HMS Trent then parted company and arrived at Bone also on the 7th.

Around 1300B/9, the following transports joined the convoy from convoy KMS 18B; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925), Empire Confidence (British, 5023 GRT, built 1925), Orestes (British, 7748 GRT, built 1926) and Prometeus (British, 6096 GRT, built 1925). Also joining was the landing ships Derwentdale (Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), 8390 GRT, built 1941) and the HMS LST 301 (A/Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) R.F. Hoyle, RNR), HMS LST 305 (A/Lt.Cdr. R.M. Naylor, RNR), HMS LST 319 (Cdr.(Retd.) J.G. Sutton, RN), HMS LST 321 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.H. Metcalfe, RNR), HMS LST 365 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. C.F. Halliday, RNR), HMS LST 366 (A/Lt.Cdr. N. Hall, RNR) and HMS LST 424 (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Grandage, RNR).

Besides these transports the monitor HMS Roberts (A/Capt.(Retd.) R.E.C. Dunbar, RN) also joined the convoy.

Around 1815B/9, HMS Guardian parted company with the convoy to proceed independently to Malta where she arrived around 2100B/9.

The convoy arrived off Sicily in the early hours of 10 July 1943.

18 Aug 1943

Combined convoy OG 92 / KMS 24.

This convoy assembled off Oversay on 18 August 1943. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Auk (British, 1338 GRT, built 1921), Bactria (British, 2407 GRT, built 1928), Baron Semple (British, 4573 GRT, built 1939), Bodegraven (Dutch, 5541 GRT, 1929), Cape Brenton (British, 6044 GRT, built 1940), City of Hongkong (British, 9609 GRT, built 1924), City of Lancaster (British, 3041 GRT, built 1924), City of Lille (British, 6588 GRT, built 1928), Conakrian (British, 4876 GRT, built 1937), Delius (British, 6065 GRT, built 1937), Empire Mortimer (British, 7051 GRT, built 1943), Empire Rhodes (British, 7030 GRT, built 1941), Empire Service (British, 7067 GRT, built 1943), Empire Snow (British, 6327 GRT, built 1941), Empire Spey (British, 4292 GRT, built 1929), Empire Summer (British, 6949 GRT, built 1941), Empire Wolfe (British, 2888 GRT, built 1941), Eurybates (British, 6276 GRT, built 1928), Exilona (American, 5593 GRT, built 1919), Flaminian (British, 2711 GRT, built 1917), Fort Camosun (British, 7126 GRT, built 1942), Fort Coulonge (British, 7136 GRT, built 1943), Fort Fidler (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenora (British, 7126 GRT, built 1943), Fort Thompson (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Highwear (British, 1173 GRT, built 1936), Howra (British, 6709 GRT, built 1922), Langleebrook (British, 4246 GRT, built 1930), Leonardia (Swedish, 1583 GRT, built 1906), Lightfoot (British, 1894 GRT, built 1922) Lom (Norwegian, 1268 GRT, built 1920), Macharda (British, 7998 GRT, built 1938), Manchester Exporter (British, 5277 GRT, built 1918), Mers el Kebir (French, 2052 GRT, built 1917), Ocean Angel (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Ocean Vestal (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), P.L.M. 13 (British, 3754 GRT, built 1921) and Skeldergate (British, 4251 GRT, built 1930).

The escort oiler Scottish American (British (tanker), 6999 GRT, built 1920) and rescue vessel Zamalek (British, 1567 GRT, built 1921) were also part of the convoy.

On assembly off Oversay the convoy was escorted by the desroyers HMS Hurricane (Cdr. E.C. Bayldon, DSC, RN, HMS Wanderer (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Whinney, RN) and the corvettes HMS Borage (T/Lt.Cdr. A. Harrison, RNR), HMS Hydrangea (T/A/Lt.Cdr. F.S. Howell, RNR), HMS Monkshood (Lt. G.W. McGuiness, RNR) and HMS Wallflower (Lt. G.R. Greaves, RNR). Also part of the escort was the sloop HMS Cygnet (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Proudfoot, RN) which initially was part of the A/S escort but after the convoy would cross 46°00'N she was to act as AA ship during daylight being stationed astern of the convoy and she was to be part of the A/S escort during the night.

The merchant vessel Zaanstroom (Dutch, 1646 GRT, built 1920) sailed late and joined the convoy around 1030A/19 in position 55°08'N, 10°00'W, with the corvette HMS Dahlia (T/Lt. M.S. Work, RNR) which had remained behind to escort her.

Around 1815A/18, the Exilona was detached to the Clyde as ordered by the C-in-C Western Approaches.

During the night of 18/19 August 1943, the Highwear developed engine trouble and then detached from the convoy to return to the U.K.

Around 0015A/21, HMS Wanderer was detached to search for a missing aircraft as ordered in the C-in-C Western Approaches signal timed 2323A/20. She rejoined the convoy around 1925A/21 having seen nothing.

On 22 August 1943, HMS Hurricane and HMS Wanderer fuelled from the escort oiler Scottish American.

On 22 August 1943, HMS Wallfolower fuelled from the escort oiler Scottish American.

At 0320A/25, HMS Wanderer obtained a small radar echo on her port bow at a range of 14000 yards. She then proceeded to close this contact at 20 knots. Her contact faded at a range of 3800 yards. Asdic contact was then gained and a depth charge attack was carried out. HMS Wallflower was then ordered to join her in the A/S hunt. Meanwhile HMS Wanderer carried out another depth charge attack after which contact was lost. Later HMS Wanderer and HMS Wallflower regained contact after which HMS Wallflower carried out two depth charge attacks. Contact was then again lost. About an hour later HMS Wanderer again regained contact and carried out a Hedgehog attack. One explosion was heard. This was followed ten minutes later by a depth charge attack by HMS Wanderer and seven minutes later the U-boat surfaced. HMS Wanderer and HMS Wallflower opened fire and hits were obtained. The U-boat then sank and thirty-seven survivors, including the Commanding Officer, were then picked up. Four of these were seriously wounded and were subsequently transferred to the Zamalek. Fifteen others were transferred by HMS Wallflower to HMS Hurricane.

On 26 August 1943, HMS Wanderer, HMS Cygnet and HMS Hydrangea fuelled from the escort oiler Scottish American.

Around 2100A/28, the following merchant vessels were detached from the convoy to proceed to Lisbon; Empire Mortimer, Empire Rhodes, Empire Service, Empire Wolfe, Flaminian, Fort Coulonge, Leonardia, Lightfoot, Ocean Angel and Skeldergate. They were escorted by HMS Cygnet, HMS Wanderer and HMS Wallflower. They arrived at Lisbon on the 29th.

Around 05305A/30, in position 36°01'N, 05°23'W the following merchant vessels were detached to Gibraltar (where convoy OG 92 ended); Bactria, City of Lancaster, Empire Spey, Fort Fidler, Fort Thompson, Lom, Mers el Kebir and PLM 13. Also detached were the Scottish American, Zamalek. They were escorted by HMS Hydrangea and HMS Monkshood. They arrived at Gibraltar later the same day.

Around 0800A/30, in position 36°14'N, 04°30'W the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar; Charles M. Conrad (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Elihu Yale (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Hallfried (Norwegian, 2968 GRT, built 1918), Louisa M. Alcott (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lublin (Polish, 1409 GRT, built 1932) and Solomon Juneau (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943). Also joining from Gibraltar were the tugs Weazel, Empire Griffin and the boom defence vessel HMS Barndale (T/Lt. R.L. Jones, RNR). Also the light (AA) cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) and corvettes HMS Bergamot (Lt. R.T. Horan, RNR), HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR), HMS Camellia (T/Lt. R.F.J. Maberley, RNVR), HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR) and the patrol vessel RHS Vasilefs Georgios II joined. HMS Borage and HMS Dahlia then parted company to proceed to Gibraltar.

At 1055A/30, HMS Hurricane parted company to proceed to Gibraltar.

In the afternoon the corvette HMS Bluebell (Lt. G.H. Walker, RNVR) overtook and joined the convoy after having been delayed due to defects.

Around 0930B/31, the following merchant vessels joined the convoy off Oran; Chelma (French, 4968 GRT, built 1920), Lorraine (French (tanker), 9512 GRT, built 1937), Tintern Abbey (British, 2471 GRT, built 1939), Ulla (British, 1575 GRT, built 1930) and Ville de Bougie (French, 1237 GRT, built 1907). Lorraine however almost immediately returned to Oran.

At 0915B/1, the following merchant vessels were detached to Algiers; Auk, Chelma, Elihu Yale, Louisa M. Alcott, Hallfried, Lublin, Solomon Juneau, Zaanstroom. The tugs HMS Weazel and Empire Griffin were also detached.

At the same time the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Algiers; British Character (British (tanker), 8453 GRT, built 1941), Crackshot (British, 2379 GRT, built 1924), Empire Dace (British (ferry), 716 GRT, built 1942), Fort la Traite (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Fort Pitt (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942), Gallium (French, 1775 GRT, built 1924), Prosper Schiaffino (French, 1634 GRT, built 1931), Spero (Norwegian, 3619 GRT, built 1919) and Ville de Djidjelli (French, 1132 GRT, built 1907). Also joining was the submarine HMS Tally-Ho (Lt.Cdr. L.W.A. Bennington, DSO, DSC, RN).

During the night of 1/2 September 1943, the Empire Dace, Ville de Bougie and Ville de Djidjelli were detached to Bougie while two merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Bougie, these were the; Alcinous (Dutch, 6189 GRT, built 1925) and Prometheus (British, 6095 GRT, built 1925).

Around 1330B/2, the merchant vessel British Character parted company off Philippeville while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy; Chloris (British, 1171 GRT, built 1910) and Portsea (British, 1583 GRT, 1938).

At 2000B/2, the merchant vessels Baron Semple, Fort Glenora and Langleebrook parted company off Bone while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Bone; British Purpose (British (tanker), 5845 GRT, built 1943), Como (British, 1295 GRT, built 1910), Odysseus (Dutch, 1057 GRT, 1922), Ousel (British, 1533 GRT, built 1922) and Selvik (Norwegian, 1557 GRT, built 1920).

At 0900B/3, the following merchant ships parted company off Bizerta; Alcinous, Como, Ousel, Prometheus, Tintern Abbey and Ulla. The following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Bizerta, these were the; A.C. Bedford (British (tanker), 9485 GRT, built 1918), Badarpur (British, 8079 GRT, built 1922), Eildon (British, 1447 GRT, built 1936), Empire Opal (British (tanker), 9811 GRT, built 1941), Empire Thackeray (British, 2865 GRT, built 1942). Also joining the convoy was the boom defence vessel HMS Barmond (T/Lt. L.J. Essery, RNR), the gasoline tanker USS Aroostook and the self propelled fuel barge USS Anticline.

At 1330B/3, the following ships were detached to Tunis, Eildon, Prosper Schiaffino, USS Aroostook and USS Anticline.

Around 1800B/3, the Selvik parted company to proceed to Sfax.

Around 1330B/4, in position 35.10'N, 13.30'E the following merchant vessels were detached to Malta; Crackshot, Empire Thackeray, Gallium, Odysseus and Spero. Also detached were HMS Delhi, HMS Bergamot, HMS Barmond and HMS Barndale. Joining from Malta were the following merchant vessels; Afghanistan (British, 6992 GRT, built 1940), Clan Murdoch (British, 5950 GRT, built 1919), Debrett (British, 6244 GRT, built 1940), Empire Kamal (British, 7862 GRT, built 1938), Empire Patrol (British, 3334 GRT, built 1928), Fort Lajoie (British, 7134 GRT, built 1942), Highland Prince (British, 7043 GRT, built 1942), Neuralia (British, 9182 GRT, built 1912), President de Vogue (Norwegian (tanker), 9320 GRT, built 1935) and Suiyang (British, 2590 GRT, built 1917). With these ships the escort destroyer HMS Rockwood (Lt. S.R. Le H. Lombard-Hobson, RN) and the A/S whaler HMSAS Southern Maid also joined.

At the same time these ships were detached and joined from Malta the Augusta / Syracusa portion of the convoy parted company. They were to proceed to their destination via Malta. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Chloris, Conakrian, Empire Snow, Empire Summer, Manchester Exporter and Portsea.

Around 1100C/5, in position 34°26'N, 17°05'E, HMS Tally-Ho parted company to proceed independently to Port Said.

Around 1200C/6, in position 33°07'N, 20°52'E, the merchant vessel Sofala (British, 1031 GRT, built 1937) joined the convoy coming from Benghazi.

Around 1215C/6, in position 33°08'N, 20°53'E, HMSAS Southern Maid parted company to proceed to Benghazi.

Around 1130C/7, the merchant vessels Kwai Sang (British, 2320 GRT, built 1917) and Lee Sang (British, 1655 GRT, built 1907) joined the convoy coming from Tobruk.

Around 0745C/9, the following merchant vessel were detached to Alexandria; Cape Brenton, City of Hongkong, City of Lille, Clan Murdoch, Empire Kamal, Fort la Traite, Fort Lajoie, Kwai Sang, Neuralia, Sofala and Suiyang. Also detached were HMS Rockwood, HMS Camellia, HMS La Malouine and RHS Vasilefs Georgios II.

Around 0630C/9, the sloop HMIS Sutlej (A/Cdr. A.H. Watt, RIN) joined in position 31°20'N, 29°39'E.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 10 September 1943. (20)

6 Sep 1943

Convoy TSF 1.

This convoy departed Tripoli around 1700B/6 for Salerno Bay to participate in Operation Avalanche, the landings there.

It was made up of the following ships; Headquarters ship HMS Hilary (Capt.(Retd.) J.F. Paget, RN, flying the broad pendant of Commodore G.N. Oliver, DSO, RN), landing ships glengyle, HMS Princess Beatrix (Cdr.(Retd.) T.B. Brunton, DSC, RN), HMS Princess Astrid (T/A/Lt.Cdr. (Retd.) C.E. Hall, RNR), HMS Princess Josephine Charlotte (Lt. J.E. Bromley, RNR), HMS Royal Scotsman (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) R.C. Gervers, RN), HMS Royal Ulsterman (Lt.Cdr. W.R.K. Clark, DSC, RD RNR, with Capt. N.V. Dickinson, DSO, DSC, RN on board) and HMS Ulster Monarch (Lt.Cdr. N.A.F. Kingscote, RNR). Also part of the convoy were the troop transports Devonshire (British, 11275 GRT, built 1939) and Sobieski (Polish, 11030 GRT, built 1939).

On departure from Tripoli the convoy was escorted by the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN), escort destroyers HMS Dulverton (Cdr. S.A. Buss, MVO, RN), HMS Tetcott (Lt.Cdr. H.R. Rycroft, RN), HMS Belvoir (Lt. J.F.D. Bush, DSC and Bar, RN), HMS Beaufort (Lt. J.R.L. Moore, RN), HMS Exmoor (Lt.Cdr. D.T. McBarnet, RN), RHS Pindos and the minesweepers HMS Fly (Capt. J.W. Boutwood, RN), HMS Circe (Lt.Cdr. J.H.M. Malcolm, RN), HMS Cadmus (Lt.Cdr. (Retd.) J.S. Landers, RNR), HMS Acute (A/Cdr. J.B.G. Temple, DSC, RN) and HMS Rothesay (Cdr. A.A. Martin, DSC, RD, RNR).

Around 0545B/8, ' Force K ' made up of the light cruisers HMS Mauritius (Capt. W.W. Davis, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral C.H.J. Harcourt, CBE, RN), HMS Uganda (Capt. W.G. Andrewes, RN), HMS Orion (Capt. G.C.P. Menzies, RN) and the destroyers HMS Laforey (Capt. R.M.J. Hutton, DSO, RN), HMS Lookout (Lt.Cdr. A.G. Forman, DSC, RN), HMS Loyal (Lt.Cdr. H.E.F. Tweedie, DSC, RN), HMS Tartar (Cdr. St.J.R.J. Tyrwhitt, DSC, RN) and HMS Nubian (Cdr. D.E. Holland-Martin, DSC, RN) joined the convoy. On Force ' K ' joining the Hunt class escort destroyer parted company and proceeded to Palermo to refuel and then rejoin the convoy later in the day.

Also joining on 8 September were the motor launches ML 121 (T/Lt. R.G. Bell, RNVR) and ML 126 (T/Lt. G.W. Stead, RCNVR). These two motor launches were fitted for minesweeping.

Around 1710B/8, HMS Mauritius, HMS Orion, HMS Tartar and HMS Nubian parted company with the convoy and proceeded independently to act as a strike force in case the enemy would interfere with surface ships.

The convoy arrived in the landing zone in the early hours of 9 September. (21)

9 Sep 1943
HMS Uganda (Capt. W.G. Andrewes, RN) arrived in the Northern Attack Force Area with convoy TSF 1. She was assigned bombardment duties.

During the morning several bombardments of land targets were carried out.

HMS Uganda remained close to the landing beaches during the night of 9/10 September in case heavy fire support would be needed.

Around 2150B/9, HMS Uganda and HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) collided during an air raid during which a smoke screen had been laid. Neither ship was badly damaged though. (22)

16 Sep 1943
Around 0530 hours, HMS Valiant (Capt. L.H. Ashmore, RN), HMS Warspite (Capt. H.A. Packer, RN), HMS Jervis (Capt. J.S. Crawford, DSO, RN), HMS Panther (Lt.Cdr. R.W. Jocelyn, RN), HMS Pathfinder (Cdr. E.A. Gibbs, DSO and 3 Bars, RN), HMS Penn (Lt.Cdr. J.H. Swain, DSO, RN), HMS Petard (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Egan, RN) and HMS Ilex (Lt.Cdr. V.A. Wight-Boycott, OBE, RN), returned to the assault area.

HMS Valiant took up a bombarding position off the northern beaches while HMS Warspite went to the same position as on the previous day. Once again HMS Valiant had great difficulty in obtaining contact with her forward observer and it was not until 1648 hours that she was able to open fire on the Nocera area. She ceased fire at 1728 hours having fired 19 rounds. She retired from the area at dusk screened by the escort destroyers HMS Calpe (Lt.Cdr. H. Kirkwood, DSC, RN), HMS Catterick (Lt.Cdr. A. Tyson, RN) and HMS Haydon (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Watkin, RN). They eventually went to Augusta arriving there on the 17th.

Meanwhile HMS Warpite had sustained a heavy air attack. She had difficulty owing to enemy jamming in communicating with her F.O. but eventually opened fire at 1309 hours on ammunition dumps and traffic concentration near Altaville. 32 rounds were fired of which half landed dead on the target and 8 within 100 yards of it.

At 1410 hours, HMS Warspite was proceeding towards the northern area for further bombardment when she was attacked by about 10 FW 190's one of which was shot down. Immediately afterwards, three remote-controlled bombs were sighted almost overhead at 6000 to 8000 feet, their parent aircraft being at 20000 feet. No radar report of their presence had been received. The bombs dived vertically on to the ship which could take no avoiding action in this congested area. Two of the bombs near missed the ship but one hit the ship penetrating into No.4 boiler room where it burst. The concussion was terrific, five of the ships boiler rooms were flooded almost at once, though the ship was able to proceed at slow speed on the starboard engines until about 1500 hours when the last boiler room filled with water and all steam failed.

The USN tugs USS Hopi and USS Moreno arrived quickly on the spot and had the ship in tow by 1700 hours. Speed was 4 knots. Escort was now provided by the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) and the destroyers HMS Panther, HMS Pathfinder and escort destroyers HMS Atherstone (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Cleveland (Lt.Cdr. J.K. Hamilton, RN) and ORP Slazak (Kmdr.ppor. (Cdr.) R. Nalecz-Tyminski).

At 1930 hours the light cruisers HMS Euryalus (Capt. E.W. Bush, DSO and Bar, DSC, RN, flying the flag of Rear-Admiral P.L. Vian, KBE, DSO and 2 Bars, RN) and HMS Scylla (Capt. I.A.P. Macintyre, CBE, DSO, RN) joined them with HMS Euryalus taking over the tow with the intention to leave the area at a higher speed. However the cable parted and the USN again took the damaged battleship in tow. To everyone's surprise, in spite of a night of full moonlight, no air attacks were made by the enemy. In the morning, Spitfires arrived to give fighter cover, followed by two more tugs, HMS Nimble, HMS Oriana and the salvage vessel HMS Salveda. Around 2300 hours, another tug, USS Narragansett joined just as HMS Warspite was to enter the straits of Messina. It took the Warspite five hours to negotiate the Straits due to the strong current. She finally arrived safely at Malta around 0800 hours on 19 September. HMS Euryalus, HMS Scylla had parted company around 1030B/18 and arrived at Bizerta around 0145B/19. (21)

9 Oct 1943
HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) picks up one survivor of the American destroyer USS Buck that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-616 about 50 nautical miles south of Capri in position 38°57'N, 14°28'E.

7 Nov 1943

Convoy GUS 21.

This convoy departed Port Said on 7 November 1943.

On departure from Port Said this convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels; Algenib (British, 5483 GRT, built 1937), British Character (British (tanker), 8453 GRT, built 1941), City of Bristol (British, 8424 GRT, built 1943), City of Capetown (British, 8046 GRT, built 1937), City of Kimberley (British, 6169 GRT, built 1925), Fort Connolly (British, 7133 GRT, built 1943), Fort Remy (British, 7127 GRT, built 1943), Franklin K. Lane (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George E. Pickett (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Hoegh Silverstar (Norwegian, 5415 GRT, built 1938), John F. Steffen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lublin (Polish, 1409 GRT, built 1932), Ocean Traveller (British, 7178 GRT, built 1942), Samos (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sampenn (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sun-Yat-Sen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Wilson P. Hunt (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On departure from Port Said the convoy was escorted by the frigate HMS Dart (Cdr. J.T. Jones, RD, RNR) and minesweeper HMS Rye (A/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Pearson, DSC and Bar, RNR).

On the 8th the following merchant vessels departed Alexandria and joined the convoy; Alexander H. Stephens (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Cerion (British, 2588 GRT, built 1938), Euryades (British, 5801 GRT, built 1913), Fort Cadotte (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Glenlyon (British, 7132 GRT, built 1943), Llangibby Castle (British, 11951 GRT, built 1929), Ocean Valentine (British, 7174 GRT, built 1942), Samhain (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943) and Starstone (British, 5702 GRT, built 1938).

They were escorted by corvette HMS Gloxinia (Lt. M.C. English, RNR) and A/S whaler HMSAS Protea (Lt. A. Thomas, DSC, SANF) which also joined the convoy.

On 12 November 1943, the Lublin arrived at Bari after having detached from the convoy earlier.

Also on 12 November 1943, the Cerion, Euryades, Fort Cadotte, Fort Connolly, Fort Remy and Ocean Valentine arrived at Augusta after having been detached from the convoy.

Departing Augusta on the 12th to join the convoy were the following merchant vessels; Carrillo (American, 5013 GRT, built 1911), Charles Gordon Curtis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Esek Hopkins (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), James Monroe (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Jay (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Noah Webster (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Pierre S. Dupont (American, 7176 GRT, 1942), Roger Moore (American, 7176 GRT, 1943), Samuel Ashe (American, 7177 GRT, 1942), Thomas Cresap (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Todd (American, 7176 GRT, 1943), Thorshov (Norwegian (tanker), 9955 GRT, built 1935), Walter E. Ranger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Walter Reed (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Floyd (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) and William S. Thayer (American, 7176 GRT, 1943).

The attack transport USS Samuel Chase (Capt. R.C. Heimer, USCG) also joined coming from Augusta.

Thorshov however did not join (or only brielfy) but turned back to Augusta.

On 12 November 1943, the following ship joined coming from Malta; Lynghaug (Norwegian, 2829 GRT, built 1919). Also joining from Malta were the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. A.T.G.C. Peachey, RN) and the submarine HMS Trident (Lt. P.E. Newstead, RN).

Also on the 12th, HMS Gloxinia was detached to Malta to make some repairs after which she was to rejoin the convoy which she did around 1345A/13.

Around 2055A/13, HMS Rye parted company.

Around 2110A/13, HMS Trident dropped astern of the convoy due to engine trouble. HMSAS Protea was also detached from the convoy to escort her. They were soon able to rejoin.

On 14 November 1943, the following ships arrived at Bizerta after having been detached from the convoy; British Character, Esek Hopkins, James Monroe, Noah Webster, Pierre S. Dupont, Walter Reed and the USS Samuel Chase while the following ships joined the convoy off Bizerta; Abraham Lincoln (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Andrew Moore (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Benjamin Franklin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Carter Braxton (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Cornelius Harnett (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Daniel H. Hill (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Erinna (Dutch (tanker), 6233 GRT, built 1936), Ethan Allen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Frithjof Nansen (Norwegian, 7177 GRT, built 1943), James Barbour (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joel R. Poinsett (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Fiske (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Mannington (British, 1127 GRT, built 1943), Sidney Sherman (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943) and Thomas W. Bickett (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

Later on the 14th the merchant vessel George W. Childs (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) departed Bone and joined the convoy.

On 15 November 1943, the Mannington arrived at Bougie after having been detached from the convoy.

On 16 November 1943, the Llangibby Castle arrived at Algiers after having been detached from the convoy while the following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Artemas Ward (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Edwin M. Stanton (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Empire Day (British, 7242 GRT, built 1941), John Langdon (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Knute Rockne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Lou Gehrig (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Paul de Rousiers (French, 3548 GRT, built 1942), Solomon Juneau (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Ville de Bougie (French, 1237 GRT, built 1907).

On 17 November 1943, the following merchant vessels arrived at Oran after having been detached from the convoy; Carrillo, Charles Gordon Curtis, Paul de Rousiers, Samuel Ashe, Thomas Todd, Ville de Bougie, Walter E. Ranger, William Floyd and William S. Thayer.

The following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Oran; Archbishop Lamy (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Atenas (American, 4962 GRT, built 1909), Bernard Carter (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Brandywine (American (tanker), 11401 GRT, built 1943), Cornelius Gilliam (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Edward Bates (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James M. Wayne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Jonathan Edwards (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Warren (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nicholas Gilman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Reverdy Johnson (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and William Rawle (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942).

The French submarine Perle also joined the convoy.

On 18 November 1943, the following merchant vessels arrived at Gibraltar after having been detached from the convoy; Carter Braxton, City of Bristol, City of Capetown, City of Kimberley, Ocean Traveller, Samhain, Samos and Starstone. Also detached from the convoy were the AA cruiser HMS Delhi and submarines HMS Trident and Le Perle.

The following merchant vessels joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar; Fort Albany (British, 7131 GRT, built 1943) and Frans van Mieris (Dutch, 7170 GRT, built 1942).

Off Gibraltar the destroyer Simoun, minesweeping sloop Commandant Delage and patrol vessel USS PC-480 (Lt. F.W. Meyers, Jr., USNR) joined.

Around 1630A/18, HMS Dart, HMS Gloxinia, HMS Rye and HMSAS Protea were relieved by the destroyer escorts USS Evarts (Lt.Cdr. T.G. Bremer, Jr., USNR, with COMCORTDIV 5, T/Cdr. C.M.E. Hoffman, USN, on board), USS Wyffels (Lt. C.S. Farmer, USNR), USS Decker (Lt.Cdr. D.M. Kerr, USNR), USS Dobler (Lt. R.E. Parker, USNR), USS Smartt (Lt. B.H. Katschinski, USNR) and USS Walter S. Brown (Lt. T.H.P. Whitney, USNR). The original escorts then proceeded to Gibraltar where they arrived later the same day.

Around 0740A/19, the Casablanca section joined the convoy. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Elorn (French, 5482 GRT, built 1930) and Harpalyce (British, 7269 GRT, built 1942). Also with this section was the naval tanker USS Chiwawa (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Goza, USNR). They were escorted by the destroyers USS Gillespie (T/Cdr. J.S. Fahy, USN), USS Hobby (T/Cdr. G.W. Pressy, USN, with COMDESDIV 38, T/Capt. C.L. Winecoff, USN, on board) and USS Kalk (T/Lt.Cdr. H.D. Fuller, USN).

At 0830A/19, the Lynghaug was detached to Casablanca escorted by Simoun, Commandant Delage and USS PC 480. They arrived at Casablanca later the same day.

At 1215Z/21, the escort carrier USS Santee (T/Capt. H.F. Fick, USN) and the destroyers USS Bainbridge (T/Lt.Cdr. H.C. Transue, USN), USS Simpson (Lt.Cdr. L.W. Sedgwick, USNR) and USS MacLeish (Lt.Cdr. R.P. Winkel, USNR) joined the convoy so that the destroyers could refuel from USS Chiwawa. Fuelling operations however had to be abandoned due to the rough sea. Only USS MacLeish had been refuelled.

On 21 November 1943, USS Bainbridge and USS Simpson fuelled from USS Chiwawa which subsequently also topped off USS MacLeish.

Around 1600Z/21, USS Santee, USS Bainbridge, USS Simpson and USS MacLeish parted company with the convoy.

On 23 November 1943, USS Chiwawa first refuelled USS Kalk, then USS Gillespie and finally USS Hobby.

On 24 November 1943, USS Chiwawa refuelled the destroyer escorts in the following order; USS Evarts, USS Decker, USS Smartt, USS Walter S. Brown, USS Dobler and USS Wyffels.

On 27 November 1943, USS Chiwawa first refuelled USS Hobby, then USS Gillespie and finally USS Kalk.

At 1914Q/3, USS Chiwawa left the convoy for Norfolk, Virginia due to an urgent medical case. She proceeded unescorted. She arrived at Norfolk in the afternoon of 4 December 1943.

Around 0720Q/4, the Chesapeake Bay section of the convoy (21 ships) parted company to proceed to its destination. Escort for this section was proviced by USS Hobby, USS Gillespie and USS Kalk. It arrived in Chesapeake Bay in the morning of 5 December 1943.

Around 0800Q/4, the Delaware section of the convoy parted company. Escort for this section was provided by USS Wyffels and USS Dobler. It arrived in the Delaware estuary in the morning of 5 December 1943.

The New York section of the convoy, with the remaining four destroyer escorts, arrived at its destination in the morning of 5 December 1943.

29 Jan 1944
Around 1800A/29, during a heavy enemy air attack, HMS Spartan (Capt. P.V. McLaughlin, RN) was hit aft by a German glider bomb to the east-south-east of Anzio in position 41°26'N, 12°41'E and she sank about one hour later.

32 Officers, including the Commanding Officer and 496 ratings were picked up by HMS Dido (Capt. J. Terry, RN) and HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN) assisted by several smaller vessels. The survivors were then taken to Naples. (23)

29 Feb 1944

Convoy MKS 42

This convoy departed Port Said on 29 February 1944.

On departure from Port Said the convoy was made up of the transports / tanker; British Soldier (British (tanker), 5564 GRT, built 1918), Cyrus W. Field (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Dallington Court (British, 6889 GRT, built 1929), Empire Path (British, 6140 GRT, built 1943), Everleigh (British, 5222 GRT, built 1930), Hugh Williamson (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942) and Marwarri (British, 8067 GRT, built 1935).

On departure from Port Said they were escorted by the corvettes HMS Bryony (T/Lt. T. Hand, RNR) and HMS La Malouine (Lt. W.A. Ives, RNR).

On 1 March 1944, the following transports / tanker departed Alexandria and joined the convoy; Bradford City (British, 4953 GRT, built 1936), Clydefield (British (tanker), 7365 GRT, built 1928), Fort Erie (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Fort Hudson's Hope (British, 7129 GRT, built 1942), Greystoke Castle (British, 5853 GRT, built 1928), Johilla (British, 4042 GRT, built 1937), Pellicula (British (tanker), 6254 GRT, built 1936), Samphire (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Sofala (British, 1031 GRT, built 1937) and Umgeni (British, 8180 GRT, built 1942).

On departure from Port Said they were escorted by the frigate HMS Barle (Lt.Cdr. A.H. Davies, RNVR) and the corvette HMS Bergamot (A/Lt.Cdr. W. McInnes, RNR).

On 4 March 1944, the Sofala arrived at Benghazi after having been detached from the convoy.

On 5 March 1944, the following ships departed Augusta to join the convoy; Aelbert Cuyp (Dutch, 7086 GRT, built 1942), Benito Juarez (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Clark Mills (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Coombe Hill (British, 7268 GRT, built 1942), Cornelius Harnett (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Crosby S. Noyes (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Daniel Huger (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Diplodon (British (tanker), 8149 GRT, built 1941), Dromus (British (tanker), 8036 GRT, built 1938), Edward Rutledge (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Empire Grebe (British, 5736 GRT, built 1918), Empire Guinevere (British, 7072 GRT, built 1942), Fort Cadotte (British, 7128 GRT, built 1943), Frans Hals (Dutch, 6626 GRT, built 1941), Frontenac (British, 7148 GRT, built 1943), Havkong (Norwegian, 9666 GRT, built 1937), Helmwood (British, 2156 GRT, built 1923), John Dickinson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John P. Poe (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), John Walker (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Kyklades (Greek, 7157 GRT, built 1941), Linge (Dutch, 2114 GRT, built 1928), Morrison R. Waite (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Richard Montgomery (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Samos (British, 7219 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Nelson Page (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), William Kent (American, 7187 GRT, built 1942) and William Sturgis (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943).

On 6 March 1944, the following ships arrived at Augusta after having parted company with the convoy; British Soldier, Clydefield, Dallington Court, Empire Path, Everleigh, Fort Erie, Fort Hudson's Hope, Hugh Williamson and Samphire.

On 6 March 1944, the submarines HMS Torbay and (Lt. R.J. Clutterbuck, RN) and ORP Sokol (Kpt.mar. (Lt.Cdr.) J.K.S. Koziolkowski, DSC) departed Malta and joined the convoy.

Also the Kyklades was detached to proceed to Tripoli.

Around 1900A/7, off the Gulf of Tunis the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN) joined the escort.

On 8 March 1944, the Clark Mills and Cyrus W. Field were detached to Bizerta while the following ships joined the convoy coming from that place; Armilla (Dutch (tanker), 3007 GRT, built 1931), Brighton (British, 5359 GRT, built 1928), Empire Gain (British (tanker), 3738 GRT, built 194), Empire Nerissa (British, 7086 GRT, built 1943), Empire Southey (British, 7041 GRT, built 1942), James McCosh (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943) and Richmond Mumford Pearson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942).

On 8 March 1944, the Empire Grebe, Empire Guinevere, Fort Cadotte, Helmwood and Linge were detached to Bone while the following ships joined the convoy coming from that place; Empire Gareth (British, 2847 GRT, built 1942), Empire Thackeray (British, 2865 GRT, built 1942) and Fort Norman (British, 7133 GRT, built 1942).

On 8 March 1944, the Brighton was detached to Philippeville while the Ashbury (British, 3901 GRT, built 1924) joined coming from that place.

On 9 March 1944, the Edward Rutledge and Empire Gareth were detached to Bougie.

Around 2030A/9, near Algiers, HMS Delhi was detached to proceed independently to Mers-el-Kebir.

On 10 March 1944, the Coombe Hill, Diplodon, Dromus, Empire Gain, Frans Hals, Fronenac and Havkong were detached to Algiers while the following ships joined from that place; Bosworth (British, 6672 GRT, built 1919), Cuba (British, 11420 GRT, 1923), Empire Simba (British, 5691 GRT, built 1919), Gouverneur General Lepine (French, 3509 GRT, built 1923), Gudrun Maersk (British, 2294 GRT, built 1937) and Spindletop (British, 1155 GRT, built 1943).

On 11 March 1944, the Benito Juarez, Cornelius Harnett, Crosby S. Noyes, Daniel Huger, Empire Southey, James McCosh, John Dickinson, John P. Poe, John Walker, Morrison R. Waite, Richard Montgomery, Richmond Mumford Pearson, Samos, Spindleton, Thomas Nelson Page, William Kent and William Sturgis were detached to Oran while the following ships joined from that place; Capitaine Paul Lemerle (French, 4945 GRT, built 1925) and Kingsborough (British, 3368 GRT, built 1928).

The convoy arrived at Gibraltar on 12 March 1944.

14 Jul 1944

Convoy UGS 48.

This convoy departed Hampton Roads on 14 July 1944.

It was made up of the following transports / tankers; Alexander Martin (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), Andrew Furuseth (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Athelvictor (British (tanker), 8320 GRT, built 1941), Augustin Stahl (American, 7207 GRT, built 1944), British Harmony (British (tanker), 8453 GRT, built 1941), British Pride (British (tanker), 7106 GRT, built 1931), British Respect (British (tanker), 8479 GRT, built 1943), Calvin Coolidge (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Cape Hawke (British, 5081 GRT, built 1941), Carole Lombard (American, 7207 GRT, built 1944), Charles W. Wooster (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Colin P. Kelly Jr. (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Cornelius Harnett (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), D.L. Harper (British (tanker), 12223 GRT, built 1933), David Lubin (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Donacilla (British (tanker), 8113 GRT, built 1939), Edward Livingston (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Egda (Norwegian (tanker), 10050 GRT, built 1939), Empire Emerald (British (tanker), 8032 GRT, built 1941), Empire Nerissa (British, 7096 GRT, built 1942), Empire Rangoon (British, 6988 GRT, built 1944), Empire Stalwart (British, 7045 GRT, built 1943), Esek Hopkins (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Esso Concord (American (tanker), 7698 GRT, built 1940), Finley Peter Dunne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), George H. Dern (American, 7181 GRT, built 1943), George Read (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), George Uhler (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Henry George (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James McCosh (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), James Turner (American, 7177 GRT, built 1942), John Banvard (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), John Barton Payne (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), John Dickinson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Morton (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), John P. Holland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), John Stevens (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942), Jose Bonifacio (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Joseph N. Teal (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Joshua A. Leach (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Leland Stanford (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Leopold Damrosch (American, 7207 GRT, built 1943), Levi Woodbury (American, 7191 GRT, built 1943), Linn Boyd (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), M. Michael Edelstein (American, 7176 GRT, built 1944), Maria Mitchell (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Nueva Granada (Norwegian (tanker), 9968 GRT, built 1937), Oliver Loving (American, 7247 GRT, built 1944), Oscar S. Straus (American (tanker), 7218 GRT, built 1944), Park Holland (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Rachel Jackson (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Rivercrest (British, 7008 GRT, built 1944), Samgallion (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samsylarna (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Sidney Sherman (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943), Thomas B. Reed (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Cresap (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943), Thomas Heyward (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Thomas W. Owen (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Tweedsmuir Park (Canadian, 7143 GRT, built 1943), Vacport (British (tanker), 6774 GRT, built 1930), Walt Whitman (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), William R. Day (American, 7200 GRT, built 1943) and Zachary Taylor (American, 7181 GRT, built 1942).

On departure from Hampton Roads the convoy was escorted by the destroyer USS Moffett (T/Cdr. G.H. Richards, Jr., USN, with COMTASKFOR 62, T/Capt. C.M.E. Hoffman, USN on board) and the escort destroyers USS Amick (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Barsumian, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 15, T/Cdr. F.C.B. McCune, USN, on board), USS Atherton (T/Lt.Cdr. M. Kelly, Jr., USN), USS Booth (Lt. F.O. Moorman, USNR), USS Carroll (T/Lt.Cdr. F.W. Kuhn, USN), USS Cooner Lt.Cdr. T.L. Bergen, USNR), USS Eldridge (Lt. W.K. Vanallen, USNR), USS William T. Powell (Lt. J.L. Davenport, USNR, with COMCORTDIV 66, Cdr. G.F. Adams, USNR, on board), USS Buckley (Lt.Cdr. B.M. Abel, USNR), USS Reuben James (Lt.Cdr. V.A. Isaacs, USNR), USS Spangenberg (T.H.P. Whitney, USNR), USS Alexander J. Luke (T/Lt.Cdr. J.V. Cameron, USN), USS Robert I. Paine (Lt.Cdr. D. Cochran, USNR).

The naval stores ships USS Yukon (Lt.Cdr. V.J. Barnhart, USNR) and USS Merak (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Cawthon, USN) were also part of the convoy as were the naval tankers USS Maumee (Lt.Cdr. H.C. Ballard, USNR), USS Winooski (Lt.Cdr. T.B. Christenson, USNR), USS Chiwawa (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Goza, USNR) and USS Cowanesque (Cdr. L.S. McKenzie, USNR).

On 18 July 1944, the six destroyer escorts of CortDiv 66 fuelled from USS Maumee.

On 21 July 1944, USS Moffett fuelled from USS Maumee.

On 22 July 1944, the six destroyer escorts of CortDiv 66 fuelled from USS Maumee.

On 23 July 1944, the six destroyer escorts of CortDiv 15 fuelled from USS Maumee.

On 27 July 1944, USS Moffett and the six destroyer escorts of CortDiv 66 fuelled from USS Maumee.

On 28 July 1944, the following ships parted company with the convoy to proceed to Casablanca; Calvin Coolidge, John Barton Payne and Samgallion while the French naval tanker Var joined the convoy coming from Casablanca. She had been escorted to the rendezvous by the patrol vessels L'Emporté and L'Enjoue which then returned to Casablanca with the three ships that had parted company with the convoy.

Around noon on 29 July 1944, the merchant vessel Pacheco (British, 1405 GRT, built 1927), submarines HMS Truant (Lt. E.C. Croswell, DSC, RN) and HMS Visigoth (Lt. J.R.H. Haddow, DSC, RN) as well as the rescue tug HMRT Vagrant joined the convoy coming from Gibraltar.

Around 1945A/29, the AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 1845B/30, the following ships were detached to Oran; Andrew Furuseth, John Banvard, John Stevens, Oscar S. Strauss, USS Yukon, USS Merak, USS Winooski, USS Chiwawa and USS Cowanesque while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Oran; Andrew Hamilton (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Christopher Gale (American, 7177 GRT, built 1943), Henry W. Longfellow (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942), Jonathan Elmer (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942), Joseph Warren (American, 7176 GRT, built 1943), Robert Treat Paine (American, 7191 GRT, built 1942) and Will R. Wood (American, 7244 GRT, built 1943).

Around 1700B/31, the following ships were detached to Algiers; Andrew Hamilton, British Pride, Empire Nerissa, Jonathan Elmer, Joseph Warren, Thomas B. Reed, Thomas Heyward and Will R. Wood while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Algiers; Alexandre Andre (Belgian (tanker), 5261 GRT, built 1928), Empire Highway (British, 7166 GRT, built 1942), Fort Carlton (British, 7131 GRT, built 1942), Fort Columbia (British, 7155 GRT, built 1942), Hardingham (British, 7269 GRT, built 1942), Narva (British, 1575 GRT, built 1937), Samlamu (British, 7210 GRT, built 1944), Samuel V. Shreve (British, 1813 GRT, built 1943), Stanhill (British, 5969 GRT, built 1942) and Van Honthorst (Dutch, 6140 GRT, built 1943) as did the landing ship HMS LST 322 (Lt.Cdr. L.H. Howard, RNR).

During the night of 31 July / 1 August 1944, the convoy was attacked by enemy aircraft but no damage was sustained.

Around 2000B/1, the Esso Concord and HMRT Vagrant were detached to Bone while the Vito (Norwegian, 5181 GRT, built 1937) and the rescue tug HMRT Charon joined coming from Bone.

Around 0645B/2, the following ships were detached to Benghazi; British Harmony, British Respect, Colin P. Kelly Jr., Donacilla, George H. Dern, James McCosh, John Morton, Levi Woodbury, Narva, Samuel V. Shreve, Thomas Cresap, Walt Whitman, William R. Day and Zachary Taylor as well as LST 322 while the merchant vessel Mirabeau B. Lamar (American, 7176 GRT, built 1942) joined the convoy coming from Bizerta.

Also, HMS Delhi and all American escort vessels as well as the naval tanker USS Maumee arrived at Bizerta after having been relieved by a group of British escort vessels, these were the following; sloops HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. H.R. White, RN), HMS Amethyst (?), corvette HMS Campion (Lt. T.F. Alderman, RNR) and the A/S whaler HMSAS Southern Maid (?).

On 3 August the following ships were detached to Malta; Empire Highway and Pacheco. Also detached to Malta were HMS Truant and HMS Visigoth. They were escorted there by HMS Campion which afterwards rejoined the convoy.

On 4 August the following ships were detached to Augusta; Alexandre Andre, Athelvictor, Christopher Gale, Cornelius Harnett, D.L. Harper, David Lubin, Egda, Empire Emerald, Empire Stalwart, Esek Hopkins, Finley Peter Dunne, Fort Carlton, Fort Columbia, Hardingham, Henry George, Henry W. Longfellow, James Turner, John Dickinson, John P. Holland, Joseph N. Teal, Leland Stanford, Maria Mitchell, Mirabeau B. Lamar, Nueva Granada, Robert Treat Paine, Stanhill, Van Honthorst and Var while the following ships joined the convoy coming from Augusta; Empire Splendour (British, 7335 GRT, built 1942) and Trevanion (British, 7371 GRT, built 1944).

On 4 August 1944, the convoy was attacked by one or two enemy torpedo bombers which hit and heavily damaged the Samsylarna in position 33°05'N, 20°16'E. HMSAS Southern Maid remained behind to assist and she also took off the crew. The derelict ship was later towed to Benghazi.

On 7 August 1944, the following ships were detached to Alexandria; Cape Hawke, Carola Lombard, Empire Splendour and Rachel Jackson. They took HMS Deptford with them.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Port Said on 8 August 1944 escorted by HMS Amethyst and HMS Campion.

6 Aug 1944

Operations of Task Force 88 during operation Preface.

Operation Preface was a rehearsal for the upcoming landings in Southern France.

Task Force 88, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was the Carrier Force for the upcoming landings in Southern France and was made up of the following Task Groups;
Task Group 88.1, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was made up the following ships;
Light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN), escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN), HMS Khedive (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Haynes, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Searcher (Capt. G.O.C. Davies, RN) and the destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Tenacious (Lt.Cdr. D.F. Townsend, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, DSC, RN), HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and RHS Navarinon.
Task Group 88.2, under T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN, was made up the following ships;
AA cruisers HMS Caledon (Capt. R.F. Nichols, RN), HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), escort carriers USS Tulagi (T/Capt. J.C. Cronin, USN, flying the flag of T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN), USS Kasaan Bay (T/Capt. B.E. Grow, USN), HMS Hunter (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN), HMS Stalker (Capt. H.S. Murray-Smith, RN) and the destroyers USS Jeffers (T/Cdr. H.Q. Murray, USN, with COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdauch, USN, on board), Murphy (T/Cdr. R.A. Wolverton, USN), USS Butler (T/Cdr. M.D. Matthews, USN, with COMDESDIV 34, T/Capt. W.L. Benson, on board), USS Gherardi (T/Cdr. N.R. Curtin, USN), Herndon (T/Cdr. G.A. Moore, USN) and USS Shubrick (T/Cdr. W. Blenman, USN).

Task Force 88 departed Malta on 6 August 1944 for exercises in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Excercises commenced around 0600B/7 and were completed around 1200B/7.

Around 1438B/7, USS Jeffers, USS Murphy and USS Shubrick parted company with TG 88.2 to proceed to Naples where they arrived around 1607B/7. The remainder of Task Force 88.2, minus HMS Caledon arrived at Naples around 1710B/7.

Around 1100B/8, TG 88.1 plus HMS Caledon arrived at Malta.

12 Aug 1944

Operation Dragoon, the landings in Southern France, operations by Task Force 88, the Carrier Force.

Task Force 88, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was the Carrier Force for the upcoming landings in Southern France and was made up of the following Task Groups;
Task Group 88.1, under R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN, was made up the following ships;
Light cruiser HMS Royalist (Capt. J.G. Hewitt, DSO, RN, flying the flag of R.Adm. T.H. Troubridge, DSO and Bar, RN), AA cruiser HMS Delhi (Capt. G.R. Waymouth, RN), escort carriers HMS Attacker (Capt. H.B. Farncomb, DSO, MVO, RAN), HMS Emperor (A/Capt. T.J.N. Hilken, DSO, RN), HMS Khedive (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Haynes, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Pursuer (A/Capt. H.R. Graham, DSO, DSC, RN), HMS Searcher (Capt. G.O.C. Davies, RN) and the destroyers HMS Troubridge (Capt. C.L. Firth, DSO, MVO, RN, Capt. D.24), HMS Teazer (Lt.Cdr. A.A.F. Talbot, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Tenacious (Lt.Cdr. D.F. Townsend, RN), HMS Tumult (Lt.Cdr. N. Lanyon, DSC, RN), HMS Tuscan (Lt.Cdr. E.N. Wood, DSC, RNVR), HMS Tyrian (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) and RHS Navarinon.
Task Group 88.2, under T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN, was made up the following ships;
AA cruisers HMS Caledon (Capt. R.F. Nichols, RN), HMS Colombo (Capt. C.T. Jellicoe, DSO, DSC and Bar, RN), escort carriers USS Tulagi (T/Capt. J.C. Cronin, USN, flying the flag of T/R.Adm. C.T. Durgin, USN), USS Kasaan Bay (T/Capt. B.E. Grow, USN), HMS Hunter (Capt. H.H. McWilliam, RN), HMS Stalker (Capt. H.S. Murray-Smith, RN) and the destroyers USS Jeffers (T/Cdr. H.Q. Murray, USN, with COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdauch, USN, on board), Murphy (T/Cdr. R.A. Wolverton, USN), USS Butler (T/Cdr. M.D. Matthews, USN, with COMDESDIV 34, T/Capt. W.L. Benson, on board), USS Gherardi (T/Cdr. N.R. Curtin, USN), Herndon (T/Cdr. G.A. Moore, USN) and USS Shubrick (T/Cdr. W. Blenman, USN).

Task Force 88 departed Malta for the operations area on 12 August 1944.

Early on the 14th, Task Force 88 arrived in the operations area and around 0700B/14, flying operations commenced.

Around 1130B/14, the escort destroyer HMS Wheatland (Lt. H.A. Corbett, DSC, RN), coming from Naples, joined TG 88.1 and relieved HMS Tumult which then proceeded to Ajaccio.

Around 0650B/16, RHS Navarinon and HMS Wheatland were detached by TG 88.1 to fuel. They rejoined around 1330B/16.

Around 1445B/16, HMS Caledon and HMS Colombo were detached to fuel at Ajaccio. After fuelling HMS Caledon rejoined TG 88.2 around 1700B/17. HMS Colombo, which had already rejoined TG 88.2 around 0745B/17, was then ordered to join Task Force 87 operating close inshore. She left TG 88.2 around 1925B/17.

Around 0700B/17, HMS Troubridge and HMS Tenacious were detached by TG 88.1 to fuel. They rejoined around 1335B/17.

Around 0700B/17, USS Butler and USS Murphy were detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. They returned around 1800B/17.

Around 1700B/17, USS Shubrick was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. She returned around 0600B/18.

Around 1800B/17, HMS Delhi parted company with TG 88.1 and proceeded to the Gulf of St. Tropez. Around the same time HMS Tumult rejoined TG 88.1.

Around 0630B/19, USS Gherardi was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. She returned around 2115B/19.

Around 1900B/19, HMS Searcher and HMS Teazer were detached by TG 88.1 to proceed ahead of the main force to La Maddalena.

Around 2115B/19, USS Herndon was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. She returned around 1900B/20.

Around 1930B/19, HMS Khedive, HMS Tuscan and HMS Tyrian were detached by TG 88.1 to join TG 88.2 which they did around 0625B/20. HMS Tuscan then parted company to proceed to La Maddalena.

On 20 August, the bulk of TG 88.1 fuelled at La Maddalena and then departed again to return to the operations area.

Around 0700B/20, USS Jeffers was detached from TG 88.2 to fuel at Ajaccio. COMDESRON 17, T/Capt. A.C. Murdauch, USN, temporary transferred to USS Murphy. She returned around 0130B/21. After dawn COMDESRON 17 transferred back to her.

Around 2200B/20, HMS Khedive and HMS Tyrian parted company with TG 88.2 to proceed to La Maddalena to fuel. They arrived at La Maddalena around 1130B/21. On completion of fuelling they departed around 1800B/21 and joined TG 88.1 around 0730B/22.

Around 1130B/21, USS Jeffers parted company with TG 88.2.

On 22 August, the TG 88.2 arrived at La Maddalena from the operations area to re-fuel and re-arm. They departed to return to the operations area the next day.

Around 1445B/23, HMS Delhi joined TG 88.1.

Around 2300B/23, HMS Delhi was detached from TG 88.1 to join TG 88.2 which she did around 0745B/24.

Around noon on 24 August 1944, TG 88.1 arrived at La Maddalena.

Around 1930B/24, HMS Colombo joined TG 88.2 from having operated in the Gulf of St. Tropez. At 2000B/24, she was ordered to join TG 88.1 at La Maddalena and proceeded accordingly. She arrived at La Maddalena around 0910B/25.

Around 0730B/26, HMS Delhi parted company with TG 88.2 and proceeded to the Gulf of St. Tropez.

Around 2050B/27, HMS Hunter, HMS Stalker, HMS Caledon, USS Murphy and USS Shubrick parted company with TG 88.2 to proceed to La Maddalena where they arrived the following morning. USS Murphy and USS Shubrick did not enter the harbour though but proceeded to Ajaccio where they arrived early in the afternoon.

On 29 August 1944, the remainder of TG 88.2 arrived at Ajaccio from the operations area.


  1. ADM 199/367 + ADM 199/393
  2. ADM 53/111961 + ADM 53/112278
  3. ADM 53/112920
  4. ADM 53/112434
  5. ADM 234/318
  6. ADM 199/388
  7. ADM 53/112040
  8. ADM 53/111967 + ADM 53/112012 + ADM 199/388
  9. ADM 53/111968 + ADM 53/112878
  10. ADM 53/111969 + ADM 53/112879
  11. ADM 53/112879 + ADM 199/381
  12. ADM 53/114055 + ADM 53/114288
  13. ADM 53/114055 + ADM 53/114288 + ADM 53/114770
  14. ADM 199/394
  15. ADM 53/115292 + ADM 53/115749
  16. ADM 53/115754 + ADM 53/116449
  17. ADM 53/115367 + ADM 53/115367 + ADM 53/115724 + ADM 53/115725 + ADM 53/115758 + ADM 53/115759 + ADM 53/116098 + ADM 53/116099
  18. ADM 234/359
  19. ADM 53/117336 + ADM 53/117677 + ADM 53/118507
  20. ADM 199/585 + ADM 199/2101
  21. ADM 234/358
  22. ADM 53/118644 + ADM 234/358
  23. ADM 199/1430

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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