Gerald Francis Burgess, RCNR
Birth details unknown |
Died | 30 May 2005 | | Moncton N.B. |
 | Ranks8 Apr 1940 | | T/Skr. | 15 May 1942 | | T/Ch.Skr. | 15 May 1944 | | T/Skr.Lt. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Gerald Francis Burgess, RCNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMCS Nootka (J 35) | T/Skr. | Minesweeper | 16 Mar 1942 | 13 Sep 1943 |
Career information
During the D Day invasion, he was on the HMCS Bayfield. After the war, Gerald went on his life at sea and Captained many ships and retired in the mid 1980's. He lived his final years at the DVA home in Moncton N.B., and passed away 30 May 2005. Prior to his passing, he was asked. What was your favorite ship in the Navy? His answer, the Nanoose.
Events related to this officer
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