Robert Walton Fleming, USN
Born | 9 Jan 1894 | | |
Died | 6 Jan 1945 | (50) | |
 | Ranks30 Jun 1937 | | Cdr. | 1 Jan 1942 | | T/Capt. | 30 Jun 1942 | | Capt. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Robert Walton Fleming, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Hatfield (DD 231) | Cdr. | Destroyer | 25 Sep 1939 | 12 Oct 1940 |
USS New Mexico (BB 40) | Capt. | Battleship | 14 Sep 1944 | 6 Jan 1945 (+) |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
6 Jan 1945
Hit by Kamikaze 30 killed amongst those who died was the Commanding officer Fleming and LT General Herbert Lumsden and the Times mag correspondent William Henry Chickering.
Also 87 were wounded and the Executive officer Commander John Thompson Warren assumed command.
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