William Stryker Campbell, USN
Born | 30 Nov 1900 | Brooklyn, Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA | |
Died | 14 Oct 1977 | (76) |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Jul 1953 Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for William Stryker Campbell, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Enoree (AO 69) | T/Cdr. | Oiler | 23 Jan 1943 | 19 Dec 1943 (1) |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Oiler USS Enoree (AO 69)
21 Apr 1943
Around 1815A/21, USS Enoree (T/Cdr. W.S. Campbell, USN) departed Casablanca for Gibraltar. She was escorted by USS Charles Ausburne (T/Cdr. L.K. Reynolds, USN) and Spence (T/Cdr. H.J. Armstrong, Jr., USN).
22 Apr 1943
Around 1000A/22, USS Enoree (T/Cdr. W.S. Campbell, USN), USS Charles Ausburne (T/Cdr. L.K. Reynolds, USN) and USS Spence (T/Cdr. H.J. Armstrong, Jr., USN) arrived at Gibraltar from Casablanca.
During the day the motor torpedo boats (PT boats), USS PT 201, USS PT 202, USS PT 203 and USS PT 204 were then offloaded from USS Enoree. They had been carried as deck cargo.
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