William Geoffrey Hewett DSC, RNVR
Birth details unknown |
Died | Dec 1999 | | |
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| Ranks12 Dec 1939 | | T/S.Lt. | 27 Oct 1940 | | T/Lt. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for William Geoffrey Hewett, RNVR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Liberia (FY 1826) | T/Lt. | MS Trawler | 9 Mar 1942 | 30 May 1942 |
HMS Basset (T 68) | T/Lt. | ASW Trawler | 20 Jul 1942 | late 1943 |
Career information
He left HMS Basset to take a posting as Lieutenant on board HMS Implacable. He was involved in attacks on the Tirpitz, and then actions in the Far East in support of the American fleet. He then had the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He retired at the end of the war and returned to civilian life. He died in December 1999.
Events related to this officer
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