Peter Michael Moncy, USN
Born | 2 Jun 1898 | | Brockton, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA |
Died | 4 May 1978 | (79) | Bedford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA |
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| Ranks1 Nov 1941 | | Cdr. | 20 Jun 1942 | | T/Capt. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Peter Michael Moncy, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Laramie (AO 16) | | Oiler | 17 Sep 1941 | 6 Feb 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
28 Aug 1942
At 0232 hours on 28 August 1942, German U-boat U-165 fired a spread of four and a spread of two torpedoes at the convoy SG-6 at the north end of Belle Isle Strait in position 51°44'N, 55°40'W heard three detonations and claimed two ships with 10.000 tons sunk and one ship of 5000 tons damaged. USS Laramie (AO 16) (Cdr P.M. Moncy) was struck by one torpedo on the port side forward, she immediately listed to port and went down by the bow some 37 feet, due to the extensive flooding forward, caused by a hole 41 feet long and 34 feet high. The explosion demolished the forward crew?s quarters, killing four men and ruptured the port gasoline tank, spraying the ship with volatile liquid and explosive fumes. Although gasoline ran ankle deep over the forward gun platforms, no fires broke out and a steam smothering system protected unruptured holds. Prompt pumping of liquid cargo corrected the list and reduced the forward draft. USS Laramie (AO 16) was escorted back to Sydney by the US Coast Guard cutter USS Mohawk (WPG 47), arriving on 30 August. The ship steamed from 2 to 5 September to Boston for damage repairs.
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