Michal Zebrowski, ORP

Birth details unknown

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 Kapitan Marynarki
  Komandor Podporucznik


Warship Commands listed for Michal Zebrowski, ORP

ORP ZbikKmdr ppor.SubmarineJul 193825 Sep 1939

Career information

We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.

Events related to this officer

Submarine ORP Zbik ()

8 Sep 1939
Zbik (Lt. Cdr Zebrowski) laid 20 mines in Gulf of Gdansk. (1)

25 Sep 1939
Due to the lack of fuel, Zbik was forced to enter the Swedish harbour of Sandhammn where she was kept in confinement until the end of the war. (1)


  1. Personal communication

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