Freeman Elkin Burrows, RCNVR
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| Ranks1 Mar 1940 | | T/Lt. | 1 Jul 1944 | | T/A/Lt.Cdr. | 1 Jul 1945 | | T/Lt.Cdr. |
Retired: 13 Oct 1945
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Freeman Elkin Burrows, RCNVR
Career information
He married Ruth Mary MacKenzie in 1940. During the war, he operated out of Newfoundland then Halifax. Ruth lived and worked in those ports and in later years wrote a book "the Running Tide" talking about being a navy officer's wife during the war. A portion of this book - "The Unforgettable Newfoundland" can be accessed in the Memorial University archives. After the war he and his wife and 2 children settled in Belleville, Ontario where he lived and worked until his passing in 1989. He was instrumental in starting the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club in Belleville and also initiated a junior sailing program at this BQYC. He never lost his passion for sailing (particularly racing) and being on the water.
Events related to this officer
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