John Newton Opie, 3rd, USN
Born | 23 May 1903 |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for John Newton Opie, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Roe (DD 418) | Lt.Cdr. | Destroyer | 16 Oct 1941 | 16 Oct 1942 (1) |
USS Bache (DD 470) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 14 Nov 1942 | 15 Jan 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer USS Roe (DD 418)
18 Jan 1942
USS Roe picks up 13 survivors from the American tanker Allan Jackson that was torpedoed and sunk earlier that day by German U-boat U-66 some 60 miles east-northeast of Diamond shoals, North Carolina in position 35°57'N, 74°20'W.
30 Jan 1942
USS Roe picks up 31 survivors from the American tanker Rochester that was torpedoed and sunk earlier that day by German U-boat U-106 about 85 miles east of the Chesapeake Lightship in position 37°10'N, 73°58'W.
8 Feb 1942
USS Roe picks up 14 survivors from the British merchant Ocean Venture that was torpedoed and sunk earlier that day by German U-boat U-108 near Cape Hatteras in position 37°05'N, 74°46'W.
22 Mar 1942
USS Roe picks up 52 survivors from the British tanker Athelviscount that was torpedoed and damaged by German U-boat U-202 about 600 miles east-southeast of Halifax in position 38°46'N, 52°44'W. The next day, the destroyer returned most of the crew to the abandoned tanker which was subsequently towed in, but 19 survivors remained aboard and were later landed at New York.
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