Frank Loper Lowe, USN
Born | 17 Apr 1891 | | Monticello, Arkansas |
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| Ranks1 Jul 1940 | | Capt. | 18 Jan 1944 | | T/R.Adm. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Frank Loper Lowe, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Pensacola (CA 24) | Capt. | Heavy cruiser | 21 Jan 1942 | 13 Feb 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
30 Nov 1942
(Captain Frank Loper Lowe, USN)During the battle of Tassafaronga, USS Pensacola was hit by Japanese "Long Lance" torpedo. Water flooded most of machinery compartments. Only one turbine remained operational. 125 died and 72 of the crew were wounded.
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