Marshall Raymond Greer, USN
Born | 1 Mar 1896 |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Marshall Raymond Greer, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Wright (AV 1) | Cdr. | Seaplane tender | 21 Apr 1942 | 4 Sep 1942 |
USS Core (CVE 13) | T/Capt. | Escort carrier | 10 Dec 1942 | Sep 1943 (1) |
USS Bunker Hill (CV 17) | T/R.Adm. | Aircraft Carrier | 21 Aug 1944 | 24 Feb 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Escort carrier USS Core (CVE 13)
13 Jul 1943 (position 27.15, -38.05)
German U-boat U-487 was sunk in the central Atlantic in position 27°15'N, 38°05'W by five Avenger and Wildcat aircraft of the American escort carrier USS Core.
16 Jul 1943 (position 30.05, -44.17)
German U-boat U-67 was sunk in the Sargasso Sea, in position 30°05'N, 44°17'W, by depth charges from an Avenger aircraft of the US escort carrier USS Core (VC-13).
24 Aug 1943 (position 27.00, -37.06)
German U-boat U-185 was sunk in the mid-Atlantic, in position 27?00'N, 37?06'W, by depth charges from 3 Avenger and Wildcat aircraft of the American escort carrier USS Core.
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