John Joseph Foote, USN
Born | 7 Aug 1914 | Brooklyn, New York, USA | |
Died | 13 Jan 1992 | (77) |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for John Joseph Foote, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Threadfin (410) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 30 Aug 1944 | 28 Jul 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Threadfin (410)
10 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote, USN) arrived at Newport, Rhode Island from Portsmouth, New Hampshire for her torpedo trials.
13 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
With her torpedo trials completed, USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote, USN), arrived at New London, Connecticut from Newport, Rhode Island.
26 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for the Panama Canal Zone.
4 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote, USN) arrived in the Panama Canal Zone from New London, Connecticut.
25 Dec 1944
USS Threadfin (Cdr. John Joseph Foote) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol, and was ordered to patrol south of Kyushu, Japan.
30 Jan 1945 (position 33.20, 135.30)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant cargo ship Issei Maru (1864 GRT) off southern Honshu, Japan in position 33°30'N, 135°34'E. Threadfin herself is lightly damaged by depth charges from Japanese escorts in position 33°20'N, 135°30'E but is able to remain on patrol.
1 Feb 1945
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) possibly sank the Japanese guard boat Nanshin Maru No.26 (81 GRT) south of Japan.
12 Feb 1945
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) ended her 1st war patrol at Midway.
14 Mar 1945
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) departed from Midway for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Kyushu and Honshu.
28 Mar 1945 (position 31.45, 131.44)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) torpedoed and sank the Japanese frigate Mikura (940 tons, offsite link) off Kyushu, Japan in position 31°45'N, 131°44'E.
4 May 1945
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) ended her 2nd war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
1 Jun 1945
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the East China and Yellow Seas.
14 Jul 1945 (position 38.37, 120.54)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) sank a Japanese sailing vessel with gunfire in the Yellow Sea in position 38°37'N, 120°54'E.
15 Jul 1945 (position 39.30, 123.41)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) sank a Japanese sailing vessel with gunfire in the Yellow Sea in position 39°30'N, 123°41'E.
16 Jul 1945 (position 39.45, 123.20)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) sank a Japanese vessel with gunfire in the Yellow Sea in position 39°45'N, 123°20'E.
20 Jul 1945 (position 35.01, 125.42)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) torpedoed and sank the Japanese minesweeper W-39 (648 tons, offsite link) northwest of Mokpo, Korea in position 35°01'N, 125°42'E.
21 Jul 1945 (position 33.54, 126.38)
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) sank two Japanese vessels with gunfire in the East China Sea in position 33°54'N, 126°38'E.
27 Jul 1945
USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote) ended her 3rd war patrol at Guam.
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