Jack Clarence Titus, USN
Born | 13 Sep 1909 | ?, California, USA | |
Died | 21 Dec 1985 | (76) |
| Ranks
Retired: 1959 Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Jack Clarence Titus, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS R-15 (92) | Lt.(jg) | Submarine | Oct 1940 | Nov 1940 |
USS R-15 (92) | Lt. | Submarine | 1 May 1942 | 13 Dec 1942 |
USS Narwhal (167) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 26 Mar 1944 | 5 Oct 1944 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS R-15 (92)
2 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS R-15 departed New London, Connecticut for Bermuda via patrol station about 300 nautical miles North of Bermuda.
11 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS R-15 arrived at New London, Connecticut for an overhaul.
22 Nov 1942
USS R-15 departed New London, Connecticut for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Submarine USS Narwhal (167)
7 May 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. Jack C. Titus) left Fremantle for her 11th war patrol.
24 May 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) lands 22 men and supplies at Alusan Bay, Samar.
1 Jun 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) landed 16 men and stores on the southwest coast of Mindanao.
9 Jun 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) ended her 11th war patrol at Darwin, Australia.
10 Jun 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) left Darwin for her 12th war patrol.
13 Jun 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) shells oil tanks at Bula, Ceram Island, Netherlands East Indies.
21 Jun 1944 (position 11.22, 121.52)
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) sank the Japanese sailing vessel Shinshu Maru No.2 about 12 nautical miles south-west of Culasi in position 11°22'N, 121°52'E.
22 Jun 1944 (position 9.00, 120.55)
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) damaged the Japanese tanker Itsukushima Maru (10007 GRT, offsite link) in the Sulu Sea in position 09°00'N, 120°55'E.
12 Aug 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) leaves Fremantle for her 13th war patrol. Once again for a supply mission.
10 Sep 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) ended her 13th war patrol at Darwin.
14 Sep 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) left Darwin for her 14th war patrol. As usual on a supply mission.
5 Oct 1944
USS Narwhal (Cdr. J.C. Titus) ended her 14th war patrol when she returned to base.
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