Edward Conrad Blonts, Jr., USN
Born | 2 Jun 1915 | Peoria, Illinois, USA | |
Died | 21 Dec 2004 | (89) | Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Jul 1965 Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Edward Conrad Blonts, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Boarfish (327) | T/Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | May 1945 | late 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Boarfish (327)
16 May 1945
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) departed from Subic Bay for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Java Sea. Before departing for her patrol area exercises were carried out with the escort, USS Doyle C. Barnes (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Ingle, Jr., USNR).
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) of USS Boarfish during this patrol see the map below.
29 May 1945 (position -5.48, 105.58)
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) is damaged by grounding and depth charges in the northern end of the Sunda Strait while attacking a Japanese convoy with four torpedoes which all missed. She is forced to terminate her patrol.
(All times are zone I, -9) 1405 hours - Sighted three ships and two escorts coming from the Sumatra shore and heading towards Batavia. This convoy consisted of one large stack aft ship, evidently a tanker, followed by two smaller transports. The escorts were converted trawlers and were not echo ranging.
1413 hours - Battle stations torpedo. Closed to attack.
1442 hours - In position 05°48'S, 105°58'E commenced firing bow four torpedoes at the leading ship from 2350 yards. Temporarily lost depth control.
1443 hours - Heard a torpedo explosion thought to be a hit.
1444 hours - Returned to periscope depth. One of the escorts was rushing towards us. Went to 215 feet (the chart showed 240 feet as the depth here).
1445 hours - While passing 100 feet the first depth charge was dropped followed by two more. These were fairly close but astern.
1449 hours - The escort went overhead but did not dropped depth charges.
1452 hours - Went aground in 216 feet of water. Both sound heads were ripped off and making much noise.
1456 hours - A string of eight depth charges was dropped, close astern and above.
1459 hours - Backed off the submerged hill. The port propellor hit the bottom. Planed up to 180 feet. Every time Boarfish tried to speed up the escort came in again due to the noise produced.
1600 hours - The escort had now lost contact.
1719 hours - The escort dropped three more depth charges but these were far away.
1754 hours - At periscope depth. Two more depth charges were dropped quite a way off. Decided to stay down a little longer. Went deep again.
1850 hours - Returned to periscope depth.
1908 hours - Lost sight of the escort when she turned towards Batavia.
2048 hours - Surfaced and sent out a report. In the evening Boarfish was ordered to proceed to Fremantle for repairs.
3 Jun 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
During the day, USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN), made the southbound transit of Lombok strait while submerged.
8 Jun 1945
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) ended her 3rd war patrol at Fremantle. At Fremantle she was repaired and refitted by Submarine Division 301 and USS Clytie.
5 Jul 1945
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) departed from Fremantle for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Java Sea.
Before proceeding on patrol exercises were carried out with USS Corpus Christi (Cdr. W.W. Childress, USCG), USS Hutchinson (Lt.Cdr. E.H. Houghtaling, USCG) and USS Blenny (Cdr. W.H. Hazzard, USN).
For daily positions (though incomplete) of USS Boarfish during this patrol see the map below.
12 Jul 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
In the early morning hours, USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN), made the northbound passage of Lombok Strait while on the surface.
6 Aug 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) departed her patrol area for Subic Bay.
10 Aug 1945
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) ended her 4th war patrol at Subic Bay. She was escorted in by USS Pratt (Lt.Cdr. H.E. Ellis, USNR).
At Subic Bay she was refitted by USS Howard W. Gilmore.
31 Aug 1945
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) departed Subic Bay for Guam.
5 Sep 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Lt.Cdr. E.C. Blonts, Jr., USN) arrived at Guam.
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