George Hays Laird, Jr., USN
Born | 24 Jul 1911 | ?, California, USA | |
Died | 20 Jul 1994 | (82) |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for George Hays Laird, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Blackfin (322) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 4 Jul 1944 | 20 Dec 1944 |
USS Hammerhead (364) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | Feb 1945 | 3 Mar 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Blackfin (322)
16 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) shifted from New London, Connecticut for Newport, Rhode Island where she was to cunduct her torpedo firing trials.
19 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Having completed her torpedo firing trials, USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN), returned to New London, Connecticut from Newport, Rhode Island.
24 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted a deep submergence test in the New London area.
2 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) is put on the slipway at New London.
3 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) is put back in the water.
14 Aug 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) departed from New London bound for Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone.
23 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) arrived at Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone.
26 Aug 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) transits the Panama Canal and then sets course for Pearl Harbour.
11 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) arrived at Pearl Harbor.
16 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Le Hardy (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Holtz, USNR).
17 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Le Hardy (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Holtz, USNR), USS Allen (Lt. J.A. Rowe, USNR) and USS Blackfish (Cdr. R.F. Sellars, USN).
20 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Greiner (Lt.Cdr. L.H. Kiser, USN).
21 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Tisdale (Lt.Cdr. J.S. Hatfield, USNR).
22 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Tisdale (Lt.Cdr. J.S. Hatfield, USNR) and USS Besugo (Cdr. T.L. Wogan, USN).
24 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Hemminger (Lt.Cdr. J.R. Bodler, USNR) and USS Sea Fox (Cdr. R.C. Klinker, USN).
25 Sep 1944
During 25/26 September USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Hemminger (Lt.Cdr. J.R. Bodler, USNR), USS Connolly (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Collier, USNR), USS Allen (Lt. J.A. Rowe, USNR) and USS Sea Fox (Cdr. R.C. Klinker, USN). These exercises included night exercises.
27 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Connolly (Lt.Cdr. W.A. Collier, USNR) and USS Sea Fox (Cdr. R.C. Klinker, USN).
30 Sep 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Philippines.
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) for USS Blackfin during this patrol see the map below.
10 Oct 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) arrived at Saipan.
12 Oct 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) departed Saipan for her patrol area. She was escorted out by USS Roe (Cdr. J.P. Craft, Jr., USN).
1 Nov 1944 (position 12.54, 120.10)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese tanker Unkai Maru No.12 (2745 GRT, built 1943) and the Japanese auxiliary vessel Caroline Maru (320 GRT, built 1936) west off Mindoro in position 12°54'N, 120°10'E.
These ships were part of convoy M-246 (Tarakan - Manila) consisting of, besides themselves, oilers Takasago Maru No.2 (834 GRT, built 1944), Nanshin Maru No.8 (834 GRT, built 1943), Nanko Maru No.1 (834 GRT, built 1944) and Horai Maru No.7 (834 GRT, built 1944). They were escorted by patrol boat PB-2 and submarine chasers CH-5 and CH-31.
(All times are zone H, -8) 0634 hours - In position 12°54'N, 120°10'E sighted smoke on the horizon bearing 168°(T). Closed to investigate. Heard pinging to the southward.
0649 hours - Went to battle stations torpedo.
0708 hours - Sighted a single mast.
0715 hours - Picked up the target by sound. Range was about 18000 yards. Also a second mast was sighted. Continued to close. Soon more masts were sighted.
0801 hours - The target was now seen to be an enemy convoy with three or four ships and two escorts. Later even more ships were sighted.
0821 hours - In position 12°54'N, 120°10'E fired six bow torpedoes. Three torpedoes explosions were heard after correct running intervals. The result could not be observed as depth control was lost.
0824 hours - Heard another torpedo hit, possibly a hit on one of the escorts. Depth charging started shortly afterwards. During the next hour and 32 minutes a total of 45 depth charges were dropped but none were close.
1102 hours - Four more depth charges were dropped.
1142 hours - Started to return to periscope depth.
1205 hours - Two escorts were heard coming closer. Went deep again.
1300 hours - Sound lost contact.
1323 hours - Again started to return to periscope depth.
1340 hours - Periscope depth. Nothing in sight.
7 Nov 1944 (position 11.19, 118.26)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) claimed to have damaged a large tanker in a torpedo attack north-west of Palawan Island.
(All times are zone H, -8) 0906 hours - In position 11°19'N 118°26'E sighted the mast of a ship bearing 216°(T). Range about 20000 yards. Went to battle stations torpedo and changed course to intercept.
0911 hours - Heard echo ranging from two ships.
0914 hours - Sighted escort ahead of the target, probably a destroyer.
0923 hours - Sound picked up screws.
0925 hours - Sighted a second escort on the starboard flank of the target. The target was now seen to be a large and modern tanker.
1002 hours - Rigged for silent running. Sighted a third escort on the port flank.
1013 hours - In position 11°19'N, 118°26'E fired five bow torpedoes (six were intended but the outer door of tube no.4 would not open).
1016 hours - Heard one torpedo explosion at the correct interval. Rigged for depth charging.
1020 hours - Two depth charges exploded but not close. Blackfin was still at periscope depth. The escorts had no idea where she was.
1021 hours - Another depth charge was dropped.
1022 hours - Went deep.
1030 hours - One escort crossed our bow and dropped a string of 9 depth charges fairly close.
1108 hours - Pinging was getting weaker.
1129 hours - At periscope depth. Nothing in sight.
27 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) arrived at Darwin, Australia.
29 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) departed Darwin for Fremantle.
4 Dec 1944
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) ended her 1st war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
20 Dec 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Blackfin (Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr., USN) conducted exercises off Fremantle. Upon returning to harbour the Commanding Officer was placed on the sick list.
Submarine USS Hammerhead (364)
19 Feb 1945
USS Hammerhead (Lt.Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr.) departed from Fremantle for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea along the French Indo-China coast.
23 Feb 1945 (position 12.42, 109.30)
USS Hammerhead (Lt.Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese frigate Yaku (940 tons, offsite link) about 15 nautical miles south of Cape Varella, French Indo-China in position 12°42'N, 109°30'E.
3 Mar 1945
USS Hammerhead (Lt.Cdr. G.H. Laird, Jr.) ended her 4th war patrol at Subic Bay, Philippines.
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