James Lightfoot Hunnicutt, USNR
Born | Nov 1910 | Mountain View, Georgia, USA | |
Died | 23 Nov 1993 | (83) | Bremerton, Washington, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for James Lightfoot Hunnicutt, USNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Carp (338) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 28 Feb 1945 | late 45 ? |
Career information
USNR later USNEvents related to this officer
Submarine USS Carp (338)
19 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) departed New London, Connecticut for Newport, Rhode Island for torpedo trials.
23 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Having completed her torpedo trials USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) returned to New London, Connecticut.
25 Mar 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises in Long Island Sound together with USS Gilette (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Daniel, Jr. USNR).
3 Apr 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises in Long Island Sound together with USS Gilette (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Daniel, Jr. USNR) and USS Baker (Lt.Cdr. N.C. Hoffman, USNR).
4 Apr 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises in Long Island Sound together with USS Gilette (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Daniel, Jr. USNR) and USS Baker (Lt.Cdr. N.C. Hoffman, USNR).
14 Apr 1945
USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN) and USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) departed from New London bound for the Panama Canal Zone. They were escorted all the way by USS Gillette (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Daniel, Jr. USNR).
26 Apr 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) arrived in the Panama Canal Zone after having been detached the previous day.
30 Apr 1945
USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN), USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) and USS Runner (T/Cdr. R.H. Bass) conducted exercises in Panama Bay together with USS MacLeish (Lt. D.S. Cramer, USNR), USS McCormick (Lt. T.J. Moriarty, USNR), and USS Bulmer (Lt. T.C. Farrell, USNR).
1 May 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises in Panama Bay together with USS MacLeish (Lt. D.S. Cramer, USNR).
5 May 1945
USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN), USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) and USS Runner (T/Cdr. R.H. Bass) departed Balboa, Panama Canal Zone for Pearl Harbour. The amphibious attack cargo ship USS Woodford (T/Capt. W.P. Folk, USN) was also in company until 1400TU/15. While in company exercises were carried out with the attack cargo ship.
21 May 1945
USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN), USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) and USS Runner (T/Cdr. R.H. Bass) arrived at Pearl Harbor from Balboa, Panama Canal Zone. On arrival they were taken in hand for voyage repairs and some alterations following which all three commenced their final training before being ready to go on their first patrols.
28 May 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Pruitt (Lt. D.B. Harby, USNR), USS Loeser (Lt.Cdr. J. Proctor, USNR), USS Florikan (Lt. D. Hima, USN) and USS Threadfin (Cdr. J.J. Foote, USN).
1 Jun 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Pruitt (Lt. D.B. Harby, USNR), USS Loeser (Lt.Cdr. J. Proctor, USNR), USS Florikan (Lt. D. Hima, USN) and USS Runner (Cdr. R.H. Bass, USN).
4 Jun 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Pruitt (Lt. D.B. Harby, USNR), USS Howard (Lt.Cdr. F.W. Diehl, USNR), USS Loeser (Lt.Cdr. J. Proctor, USNR) and USS Allen (Lt. J.A. Rowe, USN).
5 Jun 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Howard (Lt.Cdr. F.W. Diehl, USNR).
8 Jun 1945
Around 1640VW/8, USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN), USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) both departed from Pearl Harbor for their 1st war patrol patrols. They were both ordered to patrol Honshu, Japan but were to top off with fuel and provisions at Saipan before proceeding to their patrol areas. They were escorted out by an unknown vessel until dark on the 8th.
8 Jun 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
For daily positions of USS Carp during her 1st war patrol see the map below.
20 Jun 1945
USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN), USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) arrived at Saipan from Pearl Harbour. They were then both taken in hand for voyage repairs by USS Orion (T/Capt. E.R. Hannon, USN).
27 Jun 1945
Around 1500K/27, USS Cero (T/Lt.Cdr. R. Berthrong, USN), USS Angler (Lt.Cdr. H. Bissell, Jr., USNR), USS Lapon (T/Lt.Cdr. D.G. Baer, USN), USS Moray (T/Cdr. F.L. Barrows, USN), USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) and USS Sea Poacher (T/Lt.Cdr. C.F. Leigh, USN) all departed Saipan for patrol. They were escorted until 2020K/27 by USS Presley (Lt.Cdr. R.S. Paret, USNR).
All boats proceeded independently to their assigned lifeguard stations in the early afternoon of 1 July 1945.
13 Jul 1945 (position 39.35, 142.19)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) torpedoed and sank the Japanese frigate Kaibokan 219 east off northern Hokkaido in position 39°35'N, 142°19'E. No claim for a sinking was made but a homing torpedo did hit the target.
(All times are zone I, -9) 12 July 1945 2342 hours - Obtained radar contact bearing 340°(T), range 17000 yards. Commenced tracking. The targets tracked on course 000°(T), speed 8 knots, commenced an end around. These were the same ships sighted during the afternoon and are thought to be a minesweeper and a patrol vessel.
13 July 1945 0050 hours - Sound picked up pinging.
0115 hours - In position 39°35'N, 142°19'E fired two torpedoes from the bow tubes at what is thought to be a minesweeper from 2200 yards.
0116 hours - Turned away from the target.
0258 hours - The targets have now changed course towards us.
0318 hours - Submerged ahead of the targets when the range was 6000 yards. Started attack.
0337 hours - Fired one torpedo from the bow tubes from 2000 yards at the minesweeper.
0339 hours - Heard an explosion and saw spray in front of the target. The torpedo must have prematured.
0357 hours - The minesweeper was seen to signal to the patrol vessel.
0426 hours - Lost sound contact.
Catfish apparently also fired a Mark 28 homing torpedo at this target. This is not included in the patrol report of USS Carp but is probably listed in a special report currently not available to us. It was this torpedo that hit and sank Kaibokan 219.
18 Jul 1945 (position 44.24, 146.59)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) sank two sea trucks with gunfire off Yotorofu Jima.
(All times are zone I, -9) 1305 hours - Sighted six small ships heading south-west along the coast of Yotorofu Jima. Commenced an end around.
1447 hours - Submerged on the targets track.
1524 hours - Nearest target was now 5000 yards away. Identified the targets as six wooden sea trucks.
1547 hours - Range to the nearest target now 4000 yards. There appeared to be quite a number of troops on the sea trucks.
1637 hours - Battle surfaced and closed the range to about 2500 yards then opened fire with 5" and 40mm.
1644 hours - The nearest target was hit amidships by a 5" shell. She sank in about two minutes in position 44°24'N, 146°59'E. A second target was seen stopped and on fire after being hit several times with 5" shells. Numerous hits were obtained with 40mm on the other four sea trucks.
1716 hours - Secured all gun crews as our 5" ammunition was low and four of the target were now very close inshore. Total ammunition expended; 108 rounds of 5", 498 rounds of 40mm.
1725 hours - The target that had been stopped and on fire was reported to have also sunk. Position was 44°24'N, 146°58'E.
1739 hours - The remaining four targets headed for a point to round the Island. Headed towards to try to finish them off with 40mm.
1748 hours - Sighted an aircrft bearing 272°(T), range about 5 miles. Dived. The aircraft dropped two bombs but the were not close.
2046 hours - Surfaced.
26 Jul 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) claims to have sunk an unidentified vessel thought to be a medium transport and a minesweeper to the east of Etorfu.
(All times are zone I, -9) 0025 hours - Radar contact bearing 325°(T), range 23000 yards. The target was only 1000 yards from the beach. Commenced tracking and an end around.
0055 hours - Radar picked up a second target at a range of 18000 yards.
0246 hours - The contact was now seen to be made up of four targets. Range was now 7000 yards. Visibility was only 200 yards due to dense fog. Decided to shoot at the main target from very close range. We stopped on the targets track to let him pull across our stern.
0315 hours - Fired two torpedoes from the stern tubes from a range of 580 yards. One explosion was heard and the heavy screws stopped.
0319 hours - Radar reported that the target appeared to have broken in two.
0321 hours - The target disappeared from the radar screen. Position was 45°10'N, 148°26'E. The target could not be identified but is believed to be a medium freighter.
0326 hours - Commenced tracking the second target. Again decided to attack from close range but this time a bow tube shot.
0351 hours - Sighted the target from the bridge at a range of 500 yards. The target opened fire with machine guns. Could hear bullets hitting us. The target then began firing with what is thought to be 40mm. Cleared the bridge.
0352 hours - Fired one torpedo from 360 yards. Shortly afterwards saw and heard a terrific explosion as the torpedo hit the target amidships. Position was 45°11'N, 148°27'E. The target is thought to be a minesweeper. Carp now submerged.
30 Jul 1945 (position 45.07, 148.13)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) sinks two luggers with gunfire off the Kuril Islands in position 45°07'N, 148°13'E. A third lugger was left burning and a fourth more lightly damaged.
(All times are zone I, -9) 0930 hours - Obtained SJ radar contact on a small target bearing 317°(T), range 5000 yards. Commenced an end around.
1032 hours - Fired one torpedo from the stern tubes from 550 yards. No hit was obtained. Shortly afterwards radar reported that there were four small targets very close together.
1037 hours - Manned 40mm and .50cal guns and headed towards the target group.
1044 hours - Sighted the targets at a range of 300 yards. Identified them as four luggers of about 100 ton each. The targets commenced firing with .30cal machine guns.
1045 hours - Opened fire. At this range practically all of our shots were hits.
1046 hours - One of the tagets was burning badly.
1048 hours - Secured firing as targets went out of sight in the fog. Believe two of the target to be completely destroyed, with a third one left burning. Hits were obtained on the fourth but he was still firing her .30cal when we left him. Ammunition expended; 170 rounds of 40mm, 550 rounds of .50cal.
31 Jul 1945 (position 45.11, 148.15)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) completely destroyed a beached and damaged freighter off the east coast of Etorofu with three torpedoes.
(All times are zone I, -9) 1027 hours - The fog lifted. Sighted a beached transport vessel. Submerged and headed towards. THe targets bow appeared to be broken where it hit the beach.
1101 hours - In position 45°11'N, 148°15'E fired three torpedoes from the bow tubes from 2300 yards. All three hit the target leaving the ship completely wrecked.
1 Aug 1945 (position 45.09, 148.19)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) attacked a whale killer with three torpedoes east off Etorofu in position 45°09'N, 148°19'E. No hits were obtained.
(All times are zone I, -9) 0620 hours - In position 45°45'N, 149°33'E sighted a ship bearing 048°(T), range 20000 yards. Commenced tracking. The target is patrolling back and forth.
0700 hours - Submerged and headed towards the target. The target was identified as a whale killer.
0900 hours - Looked like the target had harpooned a whale.
0914 hours - In position 45°09'N, 148°19'E Fired three torpedoes from the bow tubes from a range of 1350 yards. The target speeded up after firing and all torpedoes missed.
0920 hours - The target started dropping depth charges and reversed course. Tried to attack again but this was not possible due to movements of the target.
7 Aug 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) ended her 1st war patrol at Midway.
At Midway she was refitted by USS Griffin and a relief crew of Submarine Division 121.
11 Aug 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) is docked at Midway.
14 Aug 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) is undocked.
25 Aug 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises off Midway.
26 Aug 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted exercises off Midway.
31 Aug 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) conducted special tests off Midway.
1 Sep 1945
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) departed Midway for Pearl Harbour.
5 Sep 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) arrived at Pearl Harbour from Midway.
15 Sep 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) departed Pearl Harbour for Seatle, Washington, USA.
22 Sep 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Carp (Lt.Cdr. J.L. Hunnicutt, USNR) arrived at Seattle, Washington, USA.
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