Charles Warren Wilkins, USN
Born | 30 Aug 1902 | Thorofare, New Jersey, USA | |
Died | 1 Aug 1985 | (82) | Orange City, Florida, USA |
![]() | Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Charles Warren Wilkins, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Narwhal (167) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | May 1941 | 16 Oct 1942 |
USS Seahorse (304) | T/Capt. | Submarine | 27 Jul 1944 | 3 Nov 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Narwhal (167)
7 Dec 1941
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. Charles Warren Wilkins) was refitting at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked. Within minutes of the first enemy bomb explosions on Ford Island, Narwhal's gunners were in action to assist in the destruction of two Japanese torpedo planes.
2 Feb 1942
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) left Pearl Harbor for her first war patrol. She was ordered to reconnoitre Wake Island in mid February and then continue to patrol in the East China Sea.
27 Feb 1942 (position 28.55, 138.15)
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese tanker Manju Maru (6515 GRT) in position 28°55'N, 138°15'E.
4 Mar 1942 (position 28.37, 129.10)
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Taki Maru (1235 GRT) in the East China Sea off Amami O Shima, south of Kyushu, Japan in position 28°37'N, 129°10'E.
28 Mar 1942
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) end her first war patrol when she returned to Pearl Harbor.
28 May 1942
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) left base for her 2nd war patrol. She took part in the defence of Midway.
13 Jun 1942
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) returned to base.
7 Jul 1942
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) left base for her 3th war patrol. She was to patrol off the Kuril Islands.
24 Jul 1942 (position 44.53, 147.09)
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) sank the Japanese guard boat Shinsei Maru No.83 (63 GRT) off Utasutsu Bay, Hokkaido in position 44°53'N, 147°09'E and the Japanese merchants Nissho Maru (344 GRT) off Etorofu in position 45°09'N, 147°31'E and Kofuji Maru (134 GRT) off Oito in position 45°14'N, 147°31'E. All these ships were sunk by gunfire.
1 Aug 1942 (position 41.12, 141.36)
While operating off the northeast tip of Honshu, south of Shiraya Zaki USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant Meiwa Maru (2921 GRT) in position 41°12'N, 141°36'E, she also sank the small tanker Koan Maru (884 GRT) in position 41°03'N, 141°28'E.
8 Aug 1942 (position 41.14, 141.32)
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) torpedoed and sank the Japanese fishing vessel Bifuku Maru (2635 GRT) south-east of Shiriya Zaki, at the northeast tip of Honshu in position 41°14'N, 141°32'E.
26 Aug 1942
USS Narwhal (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) ended her very successful 3th war patrol when she returned to base. On 6 September 1942 she left Pearl Harbor bound for the Mare Island Navy Yard for an overhaul.
Submarine USS Seahorse (304)
6 Oct 1944 (position 19.27, 118.08)
While on her 6th war patrol USS Seahorse (Lt.Cdr. Charles Warren Wilkins) torpedoed and sank the Japanese Coast Defense Vessel Kaibokan 21 (745 tons, offsite link) about 140 nautical miles North-West of Cape Bojeador, Luzon in position 19°27'N, 118°08'E.
18 Oct 1944
USS Seahorse (Lt.Cdr. C.W. Wilkins) ended her 6th war patrol at Midway. She was ordered to the Mare Island Navy Yard for overhaul.
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