John Paul Roach, USN
Born | 31 Aug 1909 | ?, Texas, USA | |
Died | 8 Dec 1967 | (58) |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for John Paul Roach, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Haddock (231) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 1 Dec 1943 | 7 Feb 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Haddock (231)
14 Dec 1943
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 8th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Truk together with USS Tullibee and USS Halibut.
19 Jan 1944 (position 12.12, 146.26)
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese escort carrier Unyo (offsite link, 17830 tons) about 140 nautical miles east-south-east of Guam in position 12°12'N, 146°26'E.
5 Feb 1944
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) ended her 8th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
10 Mar 1944
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 9th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol of the Bonin Islands.
10 May 1944
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) ended her 9th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
8 Oct 1944
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 10th war patrol. She formed an attack group with USS Halibut and USS Tuna. They were to patrol in the Philippines.
10 Dec 1944
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) ended her 10th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
23 Jan 1945
USS Haddock (Cdr. J.P. Roach) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 11th war patrol. She was to patrol off the Ryukyu Islands.
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