Glynn Robert Donaho, USN
Born | 25 Mar 1906 | George, Madison County, Texas, USA | |
Died | 26 May 1986 | (80) | Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, USA |
![]() US Navy photo. #NH 99330. Vice Admiral Donaho in Jan 1965. | Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Glynn Robert Donaho, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS R-14 (91) | Lt. | Submarine | Jun 1940 | Nov 1941 |
USS Flying Fish (229) | Lt. | Submarine | 10 Dec 1941 | 15 May 1943 |
USS Flying Fish (229) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 28 Jul 1943 | 19 Nov 1943 |
USS Picuda (382) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 12 Jul 1944 | 6 Oct 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Flying Fish (229)
21 Mar 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Having completed her torpedo trials, USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho, USN) arrived at New London, Connecticut from Newport, Rhode Island.
6 Apr 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone.
14 Apr 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho, USN) arrived at Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone from New London, Connecticut.
17 Apr 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Balboa bound for Pearl Harbour.
2 May 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) arrived at Pearl Harbor.
17 May 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Pearl Harbor to take part in the defence of Midway. She was ordered to patrol west to north-west of the island.
9 Jun 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) refuels and restores at Midway.
11 Jun 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Midway for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Formosa.
25 Jul 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her 1st war patrol at Midway.
15 Aug 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Midway for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Truk in the Coroline islands.
28 Aug 1942 (position 7.00, 151.00)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) fires 4 torpedoes at the Japanese battleship Yamato off Truk in approximate position 07°00'N, 151°00'E. All torpedoes missed their target.
15 Sep 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her 2nd war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
27 Oct 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol south of the Marshall Islands.
16 Dec 1942
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her 3rd war patrol at Brisbane, Australia.
6 Jan 1943
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Brisbane for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Mariana Islands area.
26 Jan 1943 (position 13.27, 144.37)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese troop transport Tokai Maru (8359 GRT) at Apra Harbour, Guam in position 13°27'N, 144°37'E.
6 Feb 1943
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese troop transport Nagizan Maru (4391 GRT) off Tinian, Mariana Islands in position 14°57'N, 145°..'E.
16 Feb 1943 (position 18.30, 145.57)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese stores ship Hyuga Maru (994 GRT) off Pagan, Mariana Islands in position 18°30'N, 145°57'E.
28 Feb 1943
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her 4th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
24 Mar 1943
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Honshu and Hokkaido in Japanese home waters.
12 Apr 1943 (position 41.23, 141.30)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant cargo ship Sapporo Maru No.12 (2865 GRT) at the eastern entrance to Tsugaru Strait, off Shiriyazaki, northern Honshu, Japan in position 41°23'N, 141°30'E.
15 Apr 1943
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Seiryu Maru (1904 GRT) off Esansaki, Japan in position 41°55'N, 141°06'E.
17 Apr 1943 (position 42.04, 143.22)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese army cargo ship Amaho Maru (2774 GRT) off Yerimozaki, Hokkaido, Japan in position 42°04'N, 143°22'E.
24 Apr 1943 (position 41.44, 141.21)
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant passenger-cargo ship Kasuga Maru (1374 GRT) in Tsugaru Strait in position 41°44'N, 141°21'E.
11 May 1943
USS Flying Fish (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her 5th war patrol at Midway.
4 Oct 1943
USS Flying Fish (Cdr. G.R. Donaho) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 7th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Palau.
27 Oct 1943 (position 12.02, 134.28)
USS Flying Fish (Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and the Japanese troop transport Nanman Maru (6550 GRT) north-west off Yap in position 12°02'N, 134°28'E.
6 Nov 1943
USS Flying Fish (Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her 7th war patrol at Midway.
Submarine USS Picuda (382)
23 Jul 1944
USS Picuda (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) formed a wolf-pack with USS Spadefish and USS Redfish. They departed Pearl Harbor to patrol in the Luzon Straits between Formosa and Luzon.
25 Aug 1944 (position 18.46, 120.46)
USS Picuda (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant Kotoku Maru (1943 GRT) and the Japanese destroyer Yunagi (offsite link) north-east of Cape Bojeador, Luzon in position 18°46'N, 120°46'E.
16 Sep 1944 (position 21.27, 121.35)
USS Picuda (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport Tokushima Maru (5975 GRT) in Luzon Strait in position 21°27'N, 121°35'E.
21 Sep 1944 (position 18.43, 120.53)
USS Picuda (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) torpedoed and sank the Japanese troop transport Awaji Maru (1948 GRT) off Cap Bojeador, Luzon in position 18°43'N, 120°53'E.
3 Oct 1944
USS Picuda (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Donaho) ended her third war patrol when she returned to base at Majuro.
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