Roland Fremont Pryce, USN
Born | 10 Jul 1906 | Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, USA | |
Died | 26 Apr 1984 | (77) | Washington DC, USA |
| Ranks
Retired: 1957 Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Roland Fremont Pryce, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS S-38 (143) | Lt. | Submarine | 29 Jul 1938 | Nov 1940 |
USS Spearfish (190) | Lt. | Submarine | Jan 1941 | 2 Mar 1942 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Spearfish (190)
8 Dec 1941
USS Spearfish (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Pryce) leaves Manila for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Camranh Bay, French Indochina. Later she shifted her patrol area to Strait Makassar.
29 Jan 1942
USS Spearfish (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Pryce) ended her 1st war patrol at Surabaya, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
7 Feb 1942
USS Spearfish (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Pryce) leaves Surabaya for her 2nd war patrol. she was ordered to patrol in the Java and Flores Sea.
2 Mar 1942
USS Spearfish (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Pryce) called at Tjilatjap, Java, and took on board 12 members of the staff of the commander of the submarines of the Asiatic Fleet.
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