George Garvie Molumphy, USN
Born | 25 Feb 1908 | ?, Connecticut, USA | |
Died | 14 Oct 1972 | (64) | Chelsea, Massachusetts, USA |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for George Garvie Molumphy, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Mallard (ASR 4) | Lt. | Minesweeper | Aug 1941 | 22 Sep 1942 |
USS Dolphin (169) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | early 1943 | Aug 1943 |
USS Skipjack (184) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 7 Sep 1943 | 21 Sep 1944 |
USS Ling (297) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 8 Jun 1945 | Jan 1946 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Skipjack (184)
11 Jan 1944
After three unsuccessful war patrols USS Skipjack (Lt.Cdr. George Garvie Molumphy) left Pearl Harbor for her 9th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Caroline and Mariana islands.
26 Jan 1944 (position 8.51, 157.10)
USS Skipjack (Lt.Cdr. G.G. Molumphy) torpedoed and sank the Japanese destroyer Suzukaze (offsite link) about 140 nautical miles north-west of Ponape, Caroline Islands in position 08°51'N, 157°10'E, and the Japanese transport ship Okitsu Maru (6666 GRT) about 150 nautical miles north-west of Ponape in position 09°22'N, 157°26'E.
7 Mar 1944
USS Skipjack (Lt.Cdr. G.G. Molumphy) ended her 9th war patrol at Pearl Harbor. After torpedo trials Skipjack went to the Mare Island Navy Yard for an overhaul.
Submarine USS Ling (297)
8 Jun 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN) is commissioned at the Boston Navy Yard where she had arrived on 11 May 1944 for further outfitting.
6 Jul 1945
USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN) departed the Boston Navy Yard and arrived at the Portsmouth Navy Yard later the same day.
18 Jul 1945
USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN) departed the the Portsmouth Navy Yard and arrived at the Boston Navy Yard later the same day.
21 Jul 1945
USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN) departed the Boston Navy Yard and arrived at the Portsmouth Navy Yard later the same day.
26 Jul 1945
USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN) departed the the Portsmouth Navy Yard and arrived at the Boston Navy Yard later the same day.
29 Jul 1945
USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN) departed the Boston Navy Yard and arrived at Newport, Rhode Island later the same day for her torpedo discharge trials.
1 Aug 1945
Having completed her torpedo trials, USS Ling (T/Cdr. G.G. Molumphy, USN), arrived at New London Connecticut for further outfitting at the Electric Boat Company. She was still there when the war ended.
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