Kenneth Charles Hurd, USN
Born | 18 Nov 1902 | Metamora, Michigan, USA | |
Died | 21 Oct 1977 | (74) |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Kenneth Charles Hurd, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Seal (183) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | Jun 1940 | Dec 1942 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Seal (183)
13 Dec 1941
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. Kenneth C. Hurd) leaves Manila for her first war patrol.
23 Dec 1941 (position 17.35, 120.12)
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Soryu Maru (856 GRT) off Vigan, Luzon, Philippines in position 17°35'N, 120°12'E.
5 Feb 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) ended her first war patrol at Surabaya, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
11 Feb 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) leaves Surabaya for Tjilatjap.
14 Feb 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) arrived at Tjilatjap.
19 Feb 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) left Tjilatjap for her second war patrol.
9 Apr 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) ended her second war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
12 May 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) departed Fremantle for her third war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the south China Sea off the coast of French Indo-China.
28 May 1942 (position 7.27, 116.17)
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese transport ship Tatsufuku Maru (1946 GRT) at the western entrance to Balabac Strait in position 07°27'N, 116°17'E. The damaged Japanese ship is sunk on the next day by USS Swordfish in position 07°33'N, 116°18'E.
4 Jul 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) ended her third war patrol at Fremantle.
10 Aug 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) left Fremantle for her 4th war patrol. Once again she was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
3 Sep 1942 (position 11.00, 109.00)
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese passenger-cargo ship Kanju Maru (1688 GRT) south-east of Cape Padaran, French Indochina in position 11°00'N, 109°00'E.
5 Sep 1942 (position 11.00, 109.32)
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) sank the Japanese passenger-cargo ship Kanju Maru (1680 GRT) southeast of Cape Padaran, French Indochina in position 11°00'N, 109°32'E. Kanju Maru was already damaged by USS Seal two days previously.
2 Oct 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) ended her 4th war patrol at Fremantle.
24 Oct 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) left Fremantle for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Palau.
16 Nov 1942 (position 6.18, 135.20)
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Boston Maru (5477 GRT) off Palau in position 06°18'N, 135°20'E. Just after firing the torpedoes at the Boston Maru, Seal is rammed and heavily damaged by another Japanese ship. She is forced to terminate her patrol.
30 Nov 1942
USS Seal (Lt.Cdr. K.C. Hurd) ended her 5th war patrol at Pearl Harbor and after repairs she was ordered to the Mare Island Navy Yard for an overhaul.
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