William Harry Wright, USN
Born | 13 Dec 1913 | ?, Alabama, USA | |
Died | 5 May 1984 | (70) |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for William Harry Wright, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Archerfish (311) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 18 May 1944 | 29 Sep 1944 |
USS Medregal (480) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 14 Apr 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Archerfish (311)
18 May 1944
Cdr. William Harry Wright, USN takes over command of USS Archerfish from Cdr. George William Kehl, USN.
28 May 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Bonin Islands. She was escorted out by USS PC-569.
For the daily and attack positions of USS Archerfish during this patrol see the map below. As no deck log is available (for the moment) positions were taken from the patrol report. Unfortunately the patrol report does not give daily noon positions.
1 Jun 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) refuels at Midway, and departed from there for her patrol area the next day.
28 Jun 1944 (position 24.25, 141.20)
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese corvette Kaibokan 24 (740 tons, offsite link) about 30 nautical miles south-west of Iwo Jima in position 24°25'N, 141°20'E.
Kaibokan 24 had escorted the landing ships T 103 and T 130 from Tokyo to Iwo Jima and was now covering their unloading operations.
(All times are zone -10) 27 June 1944 1830 hours - Sighted a large ship, resembling an LST, standing in towards the eastern shore of Iwo Jima. Also sighted mast of 8 to 10 smaller ships at anchor to the west of the Island. A destroyer was also seen patrolling the area.
2030 hours - Secured from battle stations, pinging idicated that the destroyer was still patrolling in the area.
2228 hours - Surfaced.
2245 hours - Obtained contact with the SJ radar. Range 12000 yards. Closed. The target turned out to be a small vessel not worth attacking.
28 June 1944 0438 hours - Dived 4 nautical miles west of Iwo Jima.
0518 hours - 5 small ships stood out from the beach passing either side of us. They were proceeding to the north-west. There were still 8 small ships seen to be at anchor. A fighter plane was circling overhead. Spent the next hour and a half investigating these crat but none is big.
0618 hours - Sighted the destroyer and a small ship standing up from the south. The small ship was of about 500 tons, not worth attacking. The destroyer then went to the east side of the Island. Two LST-type ships were seen unloading near the beach.
1005 hours - In a perfect position to attack the destroyer with torpedoes. Started attack. The destroyer however came not closer then 4000 yards. Decided that if he did not come to us, we would go to him.
1106 hours - Fired four torpedoes from 1100 yards. Two hits were obtained. The target soon sank. Archerfish retired to deeper water.
1115 hours - A counter attack started causing some minor damage to Archerfish.
2 Jul 1944 (position 27.07, 142.03)
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) attacked a Japanese convoy east of Chichi Jima in position 27°07N, 142°03'E. Either 5 or 6 hits were claimed but the results are so ar unknown to us.
(All times are zone -10) 1040 hours - Sighted black smoke bearing 030°. Two float planes were circling over the smoke.
1048 hours - The smoke was seen to be coming from a scattered convoy of 4 or 5 ships. Range was 16000 yards. The convoy was zig-zagging and on a southerly course.
1124 hours - The convoy was seen to be made up of a large transport and 4 smaller ones. Two destroyers and two patrol vessels were seen to be the escort. Started attack.
1157 hours - Fired 6 torpedoes at the largest transport. Range was 3000 yards.
1159 hours - Fired 2 stern torpedoes at one of the destroyers from 1200 yards. Shortly afterwards the remaining 2 torpedoes were also fired but due to an error in drill the last torpedo was not fired.
1201 hours - Heard 4 timed torpedo hits from the first 6 torpedoes fired at the large transport soon followed by 1 or 2 more hits from the torpedoes fired from the stern tubes. The results could not be observed as Archerfish had gone deep on firing.
1203 hours - The counter attack followed. A total of 107 depth charges were counted but no damage was done to Archerfish.
4 Jul 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) was ordered to perform lifequard duties during air strikes on Iwo Jima. She rescued one downed aviator.
15 Jul 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) ended her 3rd war patrol at Midway.
7 Aug 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) departed from Midway for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol east of Kyushu and south of Shikoku in Japanese home waters.
For the daily and attack positions of USS Archerfish during this patrol see the map below. As no deck log is available (for the moment) positions were taken from the patrol report. Unfortunately the patrol report does not give daily noon positions.
13 Aug 1944 (position 32.55, 152.43)
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) damaged a Japanese guard boat with gunfire in the North Pacific Ocean in position 32°55'N, 152°43'E.
(All time are zone -10) 0920 hours - Sighted masts and started tracking for position ahead.
0949 hours - The target was seen to be a Japanese guard boat, a diesel trawler of about 300 tons displacement. The masts were high with conspicuous antenna. Two 20 or 40mm guns were visible on the deck house and fore-castle. There was also a rack with two depth charges aft. Decided to attack with the 4" gun from a range outside of the trawlers armament.
1118 hours - Surfaced. Range was 5500 yards. Closed at speed until the range was reduced to 4500 yards. The target was firing at a slow rate, his fall of shot being about 1000 yards short, the large splashes indicated his armement as being 40mm. After Archerfish had fired 5 rounds the target made smoke and tried to hide behind it. Soon after he jettisoned his depth charges and came towards. By now 6 hits had been obtained and his upperworks were splintered and he was dismasted. He was then left in this state in order not to waste more ammunition.
18 Sep 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) departed her patrol area for Midway.
24 Sep 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) arrived at Midway. Cdr. J.F. Enright, USN reported on board as relief Commanding Officer. He took over command just after arriving at Pearl Harbour.
25 Sep 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) departed Midway for Pearl Harbour.
29 Sep 1944
USS Archerfish (Cdr. W.H. Wright, USN) ended her 4th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
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