Edward Ackerman, USN
Born | 9 Mar 1915 | Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | |
Died | 20 Mar 1945 | (30) | USS Kete |
![]() | Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Edward Ackerman, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Kete (369) | T/Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 1 Mar 1945 | 20 Mar 1945 (+) |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Kete (369)
1 Mar 1945
USS Kete (Lt.Cdr. Edward Ackerman) departed from Guam for her 2nd war patrol, and was ordered to patrol of the Ryukyu Islands.
10 Mar 1945 (position 29.48, 128.02)
USS Kete (Lt.Cdr. E. Ackerman) torpedoed and sank the Japanese troop transport Keizan Maru (2116 GRT) and the Japanese army cargo ships Sanka Maru (2495 GRT) and Dokan Maru (2270 GRT) about 100 nautical miles north-west of Amami o Shima in position 29°48'N, 128°02'E.
14 Mar 1945
USS Kete (Lt.Cdr. E. Ackerman) reports that she had fired four torpedoes but missed a Japanese cable laying vessel. She also reports that she has only three torpedoes left.
Kete was ordered to depart from her patrol area on March 20th.
19 Mar 1945
USS Kete (Lt.Cdr. Edward Ackerman) acknowledged the receipt of these orders to leave her patrol area on the next day.
20 Mar 1945
USS Kete (Lt.Cdr. Edward Ackerman) sent a special weather report. This is the last ever heard from her.
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