Frank Mahlon Parker, USN
Born | 3 Oct 1910 | ||
Died | 6 Nov 1995 | (85) |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Frank Mahlon Parker, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Swordfish (193) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 3 May 1943 | 29 Oct 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Swordfish (193)
8 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) started her post refit trials off San Francisco.
19 Jun 1943
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) departed San Francisco for Pearl Harbour.
No positions are currently known for this passage so no map can be displayed.
25 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) arrived at Pearl Harbour.
29 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) suffered a fire in her bridge and superstructure which destroyed all electrical cables outside the pressure hull, the underwater loop, numerous gaskets, some wood decking, the SJ and DS radars. Repairs were made by tender and ship's force.
18 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
After repairs, USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN), started a training period out of Pearl Harbour.
27 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) completed her training period.
29 Jul 1943
With her overhaul and refresher training completed, USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN), left Pearl Harbour for her 8th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Palau. Swordfish was escorted out by USS SC 983 (Lt.(jg) R. Crews, USNR).
No daily position are listed in the patrol report of USS Swordfish. The deck log is not available to us (at the moment). The positions displayed on this incomplete map below were taken from the patrol report.
31 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) made a short stop at Johnston Island before she proceeded towards her patrol area.
12 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) arrived in her patrol area off Palau.
22 Aug 1943 (position 2.53, 136.21)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Nishiyama Maru (3016 GRT, built 1921) between New Guinea and Palau in position 02°53'N, 136°21'E.
Nishiyama Maru was in convoy together with Kazuura Maru (6804 GRT, built 1938) and Ehime Maru (4653 GRT, built 1920). They were escorted by the Japanese submrine chasers Ch 16 and Ch 17.
(All times are zone -10) 0644 hours - Sighted smoke bearing 118°(T). Changed course to head for the smoke and went to two engines and commenced TDC tracking of the smoke puffs. Range was later estimated to be 35000 yards. The targets were tracked on a base course 350° - 000°(T). Headed north-easterly to gain a position ahead.
0830 hours - The targets appeared to have changed couse to 315°(T).
0835 hours - Sighted the tops of three sets of masts from the top of the periscope shears. Opened the range to 28000 yards and continued tracking by occasional smoke puffs.
1000 hours - The targets apparently had changed base course to 280°(T). Speed was tracking at 12 knots so went to four engines, making 16.8 knots.
1057 hours - Obtained desired position ahead of the convoy. Their mast heads were again in sight from the top of the periscope shears.
1107 hours - Dived to close the convoy. Two large ships send up puffs of smoke every time they zigged. The leading ship did not smoke. Two corvette like escorts were also seen.
1238 hours - Fired two torpedoes at the centre ship and two at the last ship of the column. Three torpedo explosions were heard.
1242 hours - Depth charging started. A pattern of 10 depth charges was dropped quite close and it shook Swordfish severely.
1244 hours - Breaking up noises were heard.
1327 hours - Two depth charges were dropped but they were astern.
1420 hours - Received 6 depth charges close aboard, the escort had passed directly overhead. It caused damage to the rudder and the sound gear.
1630 hours - Pinging died out astern.
2013 hours - Surfaced. Visibility was very poor. Set course for Manokwari.
27 Aug 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) conducted a reconnaissance of Manokwari Roads. No activity was observed. Decided to return to our patrol area.
5 Sep 1943 (position 1.35, 141.45)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Tenkai Maru (3203 GRT, built 1917) north of New Guinea in position 01°35'N, 141°45'E.
In the convoy, that was en-route from Palau to Wewak, New Guinea, was also Shinsei Maru (4734 GRT, built 1917). They were escorted by the Japanese submarine chaser CH-33 (offsite link). Swordfish reported that a third transport was present.
(All times are zone -10) 0744 hours - Sighted smoke slightly on starboard bow indicating that the convoy we had sighted and tracked yesterday had run a higher speed during the night. Went to 17 knots and commenced tracking to gain a position ahead of the convoy.
1256 hours - Dived and commenced an approach for an attack.
1410 hours - Fired four torpedoes at the largest ship.
1412 hours - Heard four torpedo explosions. The result could not be observed as Swordfish meanwhile had gone deep.
1414 hours - Six depth charges exploded but they were not very close.
1445 hours - Four depth charges were dropped.
1630 hours - Pinging and the escorts screws died out.
1732 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Sighted the smoke of two ships well over the horizon. Passed through a small amount of wreckage.
1914 hours - Surfaced.
10 Sep 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) departed her patrol area for Midway.
13 Sep 1943 (position 13.25, 152.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) attacked what was thought to be a large destroyer escorting a convoy north of Truk in position 13°25'N, 152°00'E. Four torpedoes were fired but no hits were obtained. Swordfish was then depth charged but escaped without damage.
The convoy attacked was most likely the convoy that was en-route from Truk (12 September) to Yokosuka (18 September) and was made up of the Japanese auxiliary Irako (9750 GRT, built 1941) that was escorted by the destroyer Hamakaze and the minelayer Japanese minelayer Tsugaru (all links are offsite links). Most likely it was this last ship that was the target of the attack by USS Swordfish.
(All times are zone -10) 1340 hours - In position 13°00N, 152°00E Sighted smoke bearing 125°(T). Commenced tracking and gaining position ahead. Range was about 30000 yards.
1527 hours - Dived and commenced approach. The target group was made up of a large transport vessel escorted by two destroyers.
1632 hours - In position 13°25'N, 152°00'E fired four torpedoes from 3000 yards at what was thought to be a cruiser but most likely was a large destroyer as later depth charging indicted. No hits were heard by sound.
1635 hours - Received the first of 13 depth charges extending over a period of 26 minutes. The first two depth charges were very close. Clearly heard destroyers passing overhead.
1730 hours - The destroyers screws faded out.
2015 hours - Surfaced and searched the area.
20 Sep 1943
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) ended her 8th war patrol at Midway.
6 Oct 1943
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) departed Midway for Pearl Harbour where she was to dock.
No positions are currently known for this passage so no map can be displayed.
10 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) arrived at Pearl Harbour.
15 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) was docked at Pearl Harbour.
17 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
During 17 and 18 October 1943, USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) conducted post repair trials off Pearl Harbour.
19 Oct 1943
During 19 to 21 October 1943, USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) conducted training off Pearl Harbour.
24 Oct 1943
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) departed Pearl Harbour for Midway. Swordfish was escorted out by USS YMS 118 (Lt. L.J. Patterson, USNR).
No positions are currently known for this passage so no map can be displayed.
28 Oct 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) arrived at Midway.
29 Oct 1943
USS Swordfish (Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker, USN) conducted exercises off Midway. Upon returning to Midway Lt.Cdr. F.L. Barrows took over command from Lt.Cdr. F.M. Parker.
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