Walter Gale Ebert, USN
Born | 2 Aug 1909 | Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA | |
Died | 20 Jun 1990 | (80) |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Aug 1950 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Walter Gale Ebert, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS S-37 (142) | Lt. | Submarine | 22 Jun 1940 | 11 Aug 1941 |
USS Scamp (277) | T/Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 18 Sep 1942 | 6 Feb 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Scamp (277)
18 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for the Panama Canal Zone.
19 Jan 1943
With her trials and initial training completed USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. Walter G. Ebert) departed from New London bound for the Pacific
30 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert, USN) transited the Panama Canal.
13 Feb 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) arrived at Pearl Harbor.
1 Mar 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Honshu in Japanese home waters.
5 Mar 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) topped up with fuel at Midway.
20 Mar 1943 (position 41.06, 141.26)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese merchant cargo ship Seinan Maru (1450 GRT) off Tomari, Honshu, Japan in position 41°06'N, 141°26'E.
21 Mar 1943 (position 41.45, 142.14)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese troop transport Manju Maru (6541 GRT) off the east coast of Honshu, Japan in position 41°45'N, 142°14'E.
7 Apr 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) ended her 1st war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
19 Apr 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Bismarck Archipelago.
28 May 1943 (position -1.36, 150.24)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and sank the Japanese seaplane carrier Kamikawa Maru (6853 GRT, offsite link) north of Kavieng, New Ireland in position 01°36'S, 150°24'E.
4 Jun 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) ended her 2nd war patrol at Brisbane, Australia.
22 Jun 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) departed from Brisbane for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Bismarck Archipelago
27 Jul 1943 (position -2.38, 149.20)
While patrolling off New Ireland USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese fleet oiler Kazahaya (18300 GRT) in position 02°38'S, 149°20'E and torpedoed and sank the Japanese submarine I-168 (1400 tons, offsite link) in position 02°50'S, 149°01'E.
6 Aug 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) ended her 3rd war patrol at Brisbane.
2 Sep 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) departed from Brisbane for her 4th war patrol. Once again she is to patrol off the Bismarck Archipelago.
18 Sep 1943 (position 0.41, 146.28)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese army cargo ship Kansai Maru (8614 GRT) north of New Guinea in position 00°41'N, 146°28'E. Scamp is damaged by depth charges from the escorts but is able to remain on patrol.
19 Sep 1943 (position 0.25, 146.21)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and sank the Japanese army cargo ship Kansai Maru (8614 BRT) north of New Guinea in position 00°25'N, 146°21'E.
1 Oct 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) ended her 4th war patrol at Brisbane.
22 Oct 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) departed from Brisbane for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol between Kavieng and Truk.
10 Nov 1943 (position 5.42, 151.09)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese troop transport Tokyo Maru (6481 GRT) between Truk and Kavieng in position 03°30'N, 150°10'E. The damaged Japanese ship is taken in tow by the Mitakesan Maru but the Tokio Maru sank on 12 November 1943 in position 05°42'N, 151°09'E.
12 Nov 1943 (position 1.03, 149.15)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese light cruiser Agano (offsite link) north of the Bismarck Archipelago in position 01°03'N, 149°15'E.
26 Nov 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) ended her 5h war patrol at Brisbane.
16 Dec 1943
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) departed from Brisbane for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Bismarck Archipelago.
14 Jan 1944 (position 5.02, 140.50)
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) torpedoed and sank the Japanese fleet tanker Nippon Maru (10024 GRT, offsite link) south of Sorol Island in position 05°02'N, 140°50'E.
6 Feb 1944
USS Scamp (Lt.Cdr. W.G. Ebert) ended her 6th war patrol at Milne Bay, New Guinea.
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