Royce Lawrence Gross, USN
Born | 29 Sep 1906 | Brooklyn, New York, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Royce Lawrence Gross, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS R-9 (86) | Lt. | Submarine | 9 Sep 1940 | 14 May 1942 |
USS Seawolf (197) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 18 Jan 1943 | early 1944 |
USS Boarfish (327) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 23 Sep 1944 | May 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS R-9 (86)
11 Mar 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS R-9 departed New London, Connecticut for Bermuda.
17 Mar 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS R-9 arrived at Bermuda from New London, Connecticut.
Submarine USS Seawolf (197)
3 Apr 1943
With her overhaul completed USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 8th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol of the Bonin Islands.
15 Apr 1943 (position 21.15, 152.00)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank Japanese troop transport Kaihei Maru (4575 GRT) about 275 nautical miles south-southwest of Marcus Island in position 21°15'N, 152°00'E.
19 Apr 1943 (position 26.15, 139.35)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed sank Japanese depot ship Banshu Maru No.5 (389 GRT) off the Bonin Islands in position 26°15'N, 139°35'E.
23 Apr 1943 (position 23.45, 122.45)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese Patrol Boat No.39 off the east central coast of Formosa in position 23°45'N, 122°45'E.
3 May 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) ended her 8th war patrol at Midway.
17 May 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) departed from Midway for her 9th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the East China Sea.
20 Jun 1943 (position 24.39, 118.58)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant Shojin Maru (4739 GRT) in the Formosa Strait position 24°39'N, 118°58'E.
12 Jul 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) ended her 9th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
14 Aug 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 10th war patrol. Once again she was ordered to patrol in the East China Sea.
31 Aug 1943 (position 28.30, 123.05)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese torpedo boat Sagi (offsite link) and torpedoed and sank the transport ship Shoto Maru (5253 GRT) and the Japanese merchant Kokko Maru (5486 GRT) in the East China Sea position 28°30'N, 123°05'E.
1 Sep 1943 (position 31.28, 127.24)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese transport ship Fusei Maru (2256 GRT) in the East China Sea about 105 nautical miles south-west of Fukue, Japan in position 31°28'N, 127°24'E. She later finished off the damaged Japanese ship with gunfire.
15 Sep 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) ended her 10th war patrol when she returned to base.
5 Oct 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) left base for her 11th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
29 Oct 1943 (position 22.28, 116.10)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant Wuhu Maru (3222 GRT) off Swatow, China in position 22°28'N, 116°10'E.
4 Nov 1943 (position 21.22, 113.20)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant Kaifuku Maru (3177 GRT) about 90 nautical miles south-south-west of Hong Kong in position 21°22'N, 113°20'E.
9 Nov 1943 (position 20.38, 118.33)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) unsuccessfully attacked the Japanese transport ship Hokuriku Maru (8359 GRT) in the Luzon Strait in position 20°38'N, 118°33'E.
27 Nov 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) ended her 11th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
22 Dec 1943
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 12th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the East China Sea.
10 Jan 1944 (position 27.30, 127.45)
While on patrol in the East China Sea west off Okinawa, USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Asuka Maru (7523 GRT) in position 27°30'N, 127°45'E and the Japanese merchant Getsuyo Maru (6440 GRT) in position 27°10'N, 127°28'E.
11 Jan 1944 (position 27.10, 127.28)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Yahiko Maru (5747 GRT) about 50 nautical miles north of Naha, Okinawa in position 27°10'N, 127°28'E.
14 Jan 1944 (position 25.00, 132.00)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and sank the Japanese tanker Yamazuru Maru (3651 GRT) about 300 nautical miles north-east of Okinawa in position 25°00'N, 132°00'E.
16 Jan 1944 (position 23.00, 135.00)
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) torpedoed and damaged the transport ship Tarushima Maru (4865 GRT) in the Philippine Sea in position 23°00'N, 135°00'E. USS Whale later finishes off the damaged Japanese ship in position 22°50'N, 135°40'E.
27 Jan 1944
USS Seawolf (Lt.Cdr. R.L. Gross) ended her very successful 12th war patrol at Pearl Harbor. She was ordered to the Hunters Point Navy Yard for an overhaul.
Submarine USS Boarfish (327)
3 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) commenced a threeday training period including deep submergence trials in the New London area.
8 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Newport, Rhode Island to conduct her torpedo trials.
10 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
With her torpedo trials completed, USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN), returned to New London, Connecticut from Newport, Rhode Island.
20 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) was put on the slipway at New London.
23 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) was put back in the water.
29 Oct 1944
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for the Panama Canal Zone.
7 Nov 1944
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) arrived at Colon, Panama Canal Zone from New London, Connecticut.
13 Dec 1944
During 13/14 December 1944, USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN), conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour together with USS Wileman, USS Whitman, USS Connolly, USS Snook and USS Threadfin. These exercises included night exercises.
24 Dec 1944
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) of USS Boarfish during this patrol see the map below.
4 Jan 1945
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) arrived at Saipan. She was escorted in by USS PC-1126 (Lt. J.F. Carrere, USNR).
5 Jan 1945
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) departed from Saipan for her patrol area.
21 Jan 1945
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) made three torpedo attacks on an enemy convoy off the coast of Indo-China. A total of 16 torpedoes were fired but none found their target.
(All times are zone H, -8) 0210 hours - In position 14°04'N, 109°11'E obtained SJ radar contact on the port bow at a range of 7600 yards.
0237 hours - Battle stations torpedo.
0303 hours - There were now six pips on the radar scope. Five were sighted from the bridge. The nearest one looked like a frigate. Commenced attack.
0311 hours - In position 13°52'N, 109°24'E fired six bow tubes at the closely grouped multiple targets, two at the center, two at the left and two at the right ship. Range was about 1600 yards. No hits were obtained.
0322 hours - Range was now 7000 yards, turned south to parallel and work ahead.
0520 hours - Now in a good position for another attack at a range of 3000 yards.
0521 hours - In position 13°19'N, 109°26'E the nearest ship, thought to be a frigate, flashed a challenge at us. Sent a reply in the form of three torpedoes from the bow tubes from a range of 3000 yards. Then turned left and fired the remaining three bow torpedoes at the ships of the convoy. Then turned away and opened out the range. Again no hits were obtained.
0532 hours - Range now 5800 yards. Again turned parallel and commenced working ahead.
0605 hours - Now in a good position for a stern shot however the nearest ship turned towards. He then turned away but the attack with the stern tubes was spoiled so another setup was made with the bow tubes.
0612 hours - In position 13°09'N, 109°25'E fired four bow torpedoes from 3000 yards at two A/S vessels. Again no hits. Opened out to 10000 yards and commenced to work ahead again but no more attacks were made on these ships.
31 Jan 1945 (position 14.55, 109.01)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese tanker Enki Maru (6968 GRT, built 1944) and heavily damaged the Japanese tanker Daietsu Maru (6890 GRT, built 1944) which is run aground. Position was south-east of Tourane, French Indo-China in position 14°55'N, 109°01'E.
Both tankers were part of convoy HI-88-B (Singapore - Moji). They were escorted by the frigates Nomi, Kaibokan 60, Patrol Boat No.104 and submarine chaser CH-20.
(All times are zone H, -8) 30 January 1945 2025 hours - Heard pinging and picked up radar interference.
2031 hours - Nothing in sight yet. Went to battle stations. SJ radar contact to the southwest at 12000 yards.
2037 hours - Two or three targets on the radar now, closest one was 8000 yards away.
2045 hours - The target group tracked at a speed of 10 knots, close to the beach.
2116 hours - One of the escorts opened fire, not sure if it was directed at us. Opened the range.
2214 hours - Range to the nearest escort was now 9000 yards. There was still gunfire in our general direction. Opened out to the north. Decided that the escort must be tracking our SJ radar so secured it except for short looks every three minutes.
2328 hours - Range was now 12000 yards and tracking the convoy from ahead when suddenly an escort popped up at a range of 8400 yards. Made full power but the range closed to 7300 yards.
2342 hours - Dived to look over this escort. He closed to about 2000 yards. It was thought to be a destroyer or a minesweeper. Position was 14°31'N, 109°12'E.
31 January 1945 0032 hours - Surfaced. Range was at least 11000 yards. The convoy was well inshore, practically on the beach.
0242 hours - Now well ahead and undetected seven miles off shore. Closed the beach and went to battle stations again.
0247 hours - Picked up an escort at a range of 8000 yards. Made off to the north again to get even further ahead, then dive and wait for the convoy.
0400 hours - Now in a good position just north of Cape Mia about three miles from the shore. Dived.
0420 hours - The convoy was now in sight. All three escorts were seen to seaward of the two targets. Estimated range 5000 yards.
0446 hours - In position 14°55'N, 109°01'E fired two stern torpedoes at the leading ship from 1500 yards.
0447 hours - Fired two stern torpedoes at the trailing ship from 1700 yards.
0448 hours - One hit in the first target, exactly in the middle of the ship.
0449 hours - One hit on the second target, again exactly in the middle.
0452 hours - The first target was now stopped in the water and began to settle on an even keel. The second target was making heavy black smoke from her stack and turned hard away.
0500 hours - Took a quick last look. The first target had her decks now nearly awash. The second target was heading for the shore. Went deep.
0505 hours - Depth charging started. A total of 22 were dropped causing only some minor damage which was quickly repaired.
0734 hours - Came up to periscope depth. One escort was seen 9000 yards to the west. Boarfish remained submerged for the remainder of the day.
9 Feb 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
During the night of 9/10 February 1945, USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN), passed Lombok Strait southbound.
15 Feb 1945
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) ended her 1st war patrol at Fremantle, Australia. At Fremantle she was refitted by Submarine Division 301 and USS Euryale.
11 Mar 1945
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) departed from Fremantle for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea. Before proceeding on patrol exercises were carried out with USS Corpus Christi (Cdr. W.W. Childress, USCG).
For daily and attack positions (though incomplete) of USS Boarfish during this patrol see the map below.
14 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) made a short call at Exmouth Gulf to top off with fuel before proceeding to her patrol area.
17 Mar 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
During the night of 17/18 March 1945, USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN), made the northbound passage of Lombok Strait.
23 Mar 1945
In the afternoon, USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN), tried to attack an escorted transport in the South China Sea south of the Riau Archepaligo. She is detected by the escorts and heavily depth charged sustaining serious damage. After repairs she is able to remain on patrol.
28 Mar 1945 (position 13.48, 109.22)
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross, USN) attacked an enemy escort vessel with three torpedoes off the coast of Indo-China in position 13°48'N, 109°22'E. No hits were obtained.
(All times are zone H, -8) 2225 hours - Heard pinging to the southward.
2242 hours - In position 14°18'N, 109°20'E obtained SJ radar contact at 9500 yards. Commenced tracking. Went to battle stations. Four or five pips were on the scope. One escort was now seen to be at 4800 yards, went full speed ahead to open the range.
2250 hours - The escort was clearly chasing us. He was making 16 knots. Two green Very stars were fired by the escort.
2252 hours - The escort was now dead astern at a range of 4200 yards. The escort started firing on us with it's gun.
2253 hours - In position 13°48'N, 109°22'E fired three stern torpedoes down his throat. No hits were obtained. The enemy's gunfire was now getting close.
2256 hours - Dived. The escorts was soon overhead and pinging but he dropped no depth charges. The escort soon returned to the convoy.
21 Apr 1945
USS Boarfish (Cdr. R.L. Gross) ended her 2nd war patrol at Subic Bay, Philippines. At Subic Bay she was refitted by Submarine Division 261 and USS Anthedon.
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