William John Millican, USN
Born | 24 Apr 1904 | Brooklyn, New York, USA | |
Died | 17 Oct 1944 | (40) | USS Escolar (SS-294) |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for William John Millican, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS S-18 (123) | Lt. | Submarine | mid 1939 | Apr 1942 |
USS Thresher (200) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | Jun 1942 | Mar 1943 |
USS Escolar (294) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 2 Jun 1944 | Oct 1944 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Thresher (200)
26 Jun 1942
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Marshall / Caroline Islands area.
9 Jul 1942 (position 8.43, 167.33)
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) torpedoed and sank the Japanese torpedo recovery vessel Shinsho Maru (4836 GRT) at the entrance to Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands in position 08°43'N, 167°33'E.
15 Aug 1942
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) ended her 4th war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
15 Sep 1942
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) departed from Fremantle for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the gulf of Siam and lay mines there.
16 Oct 1942
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) lays mines in the Gulf of Siam in the approaches to Bangkok.
12 Nov 1942
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) ended her 5th war patrol at Fremantle.
16 Dec 1942
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) departed from Fremantle for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
30 Dec 1942 (position 4.45, 113.54)
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) damaged the Japanese merchant Hachian Maru (2733 GRT) with gunfire about 120 nautical miles west of Mata Siri Island, off the south-eastern tip of Borneo. The Japanese ship is finished off with one torpedo and sank in position 04°45'N, 113°54'E.
10 Jan 1943
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) ended her 6th war patrol at Fremantle.
25 Jan 1943
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) departed from Fremantle for her 7th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Netherlands East Indies.
14 Feb 1943 (position -6.05, 105.47)
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) attacked the Japanese submarine I-162 (offsite link) off the Lesser Sundas in position 06°05'S, 105°47'E. Thresher fires two torpedoes, unfortunately one is a dud and the other misses.
21 Feb 1943 (position -7.53, 119.13)
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese transport ship Kuwayama Maru (5724 GRT) off Soembawa Island, Netherlands East Indies in position 07°53'S, 119°13'E. The damaged Japanese ship sank the following day.
2 Mar 1943 (position -3.29, 117.17)
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) torpedoed and sank the Japanese tanker Toen Maru (5332 GRT) in the southern Makassar Strait, Netherlands East Indies in position 03°29'S, 117°17'E.
10 Mar 1943
USS Thresher (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Millican) ended her 7th war patrol at Fremantle.
Submarine USS Escolar (294)
11 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) departed Philadelphia for New London, Connecticut. She was escorted until New York by USS SC-1339 (Lt. W.G. Maxson, USNR).
12 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) arrived at New London, Connecticut from Philadelphia. At New London she commenced a work-up period.
21 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) departed New London for Newport, Rhode Island where she arrived later the same day to conduct her torpedo discharge trials.
24 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) returned to New London from Newport upon the completion of her torpedo discharge trials.
27 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted a deep submergence trial in Long Island Sound.
29 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) and USS Jenks (T/Cdr. J.F. Way, USN) conducted exercises in Long Island Sound.
30 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) and USS Jenks (T/Cdr. J.F. Way, USN) conducted exercises in Long Island Sound.
1 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) and USS Jenks (T/Cdr. J.F. Way, USN) conducted exercises in Long Island Sound.
8 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) is put on the marine railway at New London.
10 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) is put back in the water.
13 Jul 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Port Everglades, Florida.
20 Jul 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) arrived at Port Everglades, Florida from New London, Connecticut. At Port Everglade she is to participate in special tests.
24 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) proceeded from Port Everglades to Key West where she arrived later the same day.
25 Jul 1944
During 25/26 1944, USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Key West. USS Escolar remained at sea during the night.
During 25 July 1944, the exercises were carried out with the destroyer USS Dahlgren (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Lapides, USNR) and the patrol vessel USS PCS-1431 (Lt. G.J. Meyer, USNR).
During 26 July 1944, the exercises were carried out with the destroyer USS Dahlgren and the patrol vessel USS PCS-1380 (Lt.(jg) J.J. Connell, USNR).
27 Jul 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
28 Jul 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Key West with the destroyer USS Dahlgren (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Lapides, USNR) and the patrol vessel USS PCS-1423 (Lt. W.C. Hall, Jr., USNR).
31 Jul 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Key West with the destroyer USS Dahlgren (Lt.Cdr. R.E. Lapides, USNR) and the patrol vessels USS PCS-1378 (Lt.(jg) L.E. Burger, USNR) and USS PCS-1426 (Lt. J. Rabun, USNR).
1 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
2 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) departed Key West, Florida for the Panama Canal Zone. She was to proceed through the following poaitions;
A) 22°17'N, 85°20'W at 1254Q/3
B) 21°40'N, 85°20'W at 1559Q/3
C) 21°00'N, 83°30'W at 0104Q/4
D) 16°18'N, 80°45'W at 0146Q/5
She was escorted until Point C by USS PC-1145 (Lt. J.L Hoguet, USNR).
6 Aug 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) arrived at Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone from Key West, Florida. She was escorted in by USS PC-1183 (Lt.(jg) L. Rogow, USNR).
11 Aug 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) departed Balboa, Panama Canal Zone for Pearl Harbour.
27 Aug 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) arrived at Pearl Harbour from Balboa, Panama Canal Zone.
4 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour.
6 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour.
8 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour with USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Lovering (Lt.Cdr. E.P. Bayley, USNR) and USS Hemminger (Lt.Cdr. J.R. Bodler, USNR).
9 Sep 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) and USS Sea Dog (T/Cdr. V.L. Lowrance, USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour with USS Le Hardy (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Holtz, USNR), USS Charles R. Greer (Cdr. A. Jackson, Jr., USNR), USS Canfield (Lt.Cdr. P.E. Cherry, USNR) and USS Seagull (T/Lt. W.S. Hall, USN).
On completion of the exercises USS Sea Dog proceeded to Pearl Harbour escorted by USS Le Hardy.
USS Escolar remained out for night exercises with USS Charles R. Greer and USS Greiner (Lt.Cdr. L.H. Kiser, USN). They returned to Pearl Harbour early in the afternoon of the 10th.
12 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour with USS Le Hardy (Lt.Cdr. E.L. Holtz, USNR) and USS Seagull (T/Lt. W.S. Hall, USN).
13 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
During 13/14 September 1944, USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) conducted exercises off Pearl Harbour. These included night exercises.
18 Sep 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the East China and Yellow Seas. Before proceeding to her patrol area she was to top of with fuel at Midway.
22 Sep 1944
USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN) arrived at Midway. She then went alongside USS Proteus (T/Capt. C.N. Day, USN) for voyage repairs.
23 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1530Y/23, USS Escolar (T/Cdr. W.J. Millican, USN), USS Perch (T/Cdr. B.C. Hills, USN) and USS Croaker (T/Cdr. J.E. Lee, USN) departed Midway as a coordinated attack group. T/Cdr. W.J. Millican was the group commander. They were to patrol in the East China and Yellow seas.
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