Robert Marion Brinker, USN
Born | 12 Sep 1910 | Park Ridge, Illinois, USA | |
Died | 9 Sep 1943 | (32) | USS Grayling (SS-209) |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Robert Marion Brinker, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Grayling (209) | T/Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | Jul 1943 | 9 Sep 1943 (+) |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Grayling (209)
26 Jul 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Grayling (T/Lt.Cdr. R.M. Brinker, USN) conducted exercises off Fremantle. During these exercises, HrMs Tjerk Hiddes (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Kruys, RNethN), served as target. (1)
31 Jul 1943
While on her 8th war patrol USS Grayling (Lt.Cdr. Robert Marion Brinker) lands supplies and equipment at Pucio Point, Panay, Philippines.
23 Aug 1943
USS Grayling (Lt.Cdr. Robert Marion Brinker) delivers supplies to Filipino guerrilla forces on Panay. She was not heard from after she had completed this mission.
27 Aug 1943 (position 13.35, 120.45)
USS Grayling (Lt.Cdr. Robert Marion Brinker) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Meizan Maru (5480 GRT) west of Mindoro, Philippines in position 13°35'N, 120°45'E.
- File (Dutch Archives, The Hague, Netherlands)
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