Barton Elijah Bacon, Jr., USN
Born | 18 Oct 1901 | Rockwood, Tennesee, USA | |
Died | 22 Jan 1976 | (74) | Lafayette, Contra Costa, California |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Jul 1956 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Barton Elijah Bacon, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Pickerel (i) (177) | Lt. | Submarine | Apr 1939 | 3 Oct 1942 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Pickerel (i) (177)
8 Dec 1941
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. Barton Elijah Bacon, Jr) was ordered to patrol the coast of Indo-China off Cam Ranh Bay and Tourane Harbor.
29 Dec 1941
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) ended her first war patrol at Manila.
31 Dec 1941
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) left Manila for her second war patrol.
10 Jan 1942 (position 6.19, 125.54)
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) torpedoed and sank the Japanese auxiliary gunboat Kanko Maru (2929 GRT) at the mouth of Davao Gulf, off Cape San Augustin, Philippines in position 06°19'N, 125°54'E.
29 Jan 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) ended her second war patrol at Surabaya, Netherlands East Indies.
7 Feb 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) left Surabaya for her third war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Malaya.
19 Mar 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) ended her third war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
15 Apr 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) left Fremantle for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Philippines.
6 Jun 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) ended her 4th war patrol at Brisbane, Australia.
10 Jul 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) left Brisbane for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Mariana Islands area.
26 Aug 1942
USS Pickerel (Lt.Cdr. B.E. Bacon, Jr) ended her 5th war patrol at Pearl Harbor. She was ordered to the Mare Island Navy Yard for a refit.
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