Edward Wheeler DSC, RD, RNR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Jul 1950 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Edward Wheeler, RNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Crocus (K 49) | Lt.Cdr. | Corvette | 14 Aug 1940 | 26 Jan 1942 |
HMS Wear (K 230) | Cdr. | Frigate | Ca. mid 42 | 7 Dec 1943 |
HMS Loch Dunvegan (K 425) | Cdr. | Frigate | 21 Feb 1944 | 12 Aug 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Frigate HMS Wear (K 230)
30 Mar 1943
HMS Wear (Cdr. E. Wheeler, RD, RNR) picks up 97 men from the British merchant Nagara that was torpedoed and damaged by German U-boat U-404 about 425 miles northwest of Cape Finisterre in position 46°50'N, 16°40'W. The Nagara founders on 4 April 1943 in position 47°52'N, 14°03'W while in tow of the British rescue tug HMRT Dexterous.
HMS Wear also picks up 46 survivors from the British merchant Empire Bowman that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-404 about 425 miles northwest of Cape Finisterre in position 47°26'N, 15°53'W.
HMS Wear also picks up 103 survivors from the British merchant Umaria that was torpedoed and damaged by German U-boat U-662 about 425 miles northwest of Cape Finisterre in position 46°44'N, 16°38'W. Wear then scuttles the wreck of the Umaria with gunfire.
Frigate HMS Loch Dunvegan (K 425)
24 Aug 1944 (position 72.49, 30.41)
German U-boat U-354 was sunk in the Barents Sea north-east of North Cape, in position 72°49'N, 30°41'E, by depth charges from the British sloop HMS Mermaid (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Mosse, RN) and the British frigate HMS Loch Dunvegan (Cdr. E. Wheeler, RD, RNR).
14 Feb 1945 (position 61.36, -1.35)
German U-boat U-989 was sunk in the Norwegian Sea north of the Shetland Islands, in position 61°36'N, 01°35'W, by depth charges from the British frigates HMS Bayntun (Lt.Cdr. L.P. Bourke, DSC, RD, RNZNR), HMS Braithwaite (Lt.Cdr. P.J. Stoner, RN), HMS Loch Eck (Lt.Cdr. R.C. Freaker, DSO and Bar, DSC, RD, RNR) and HMS Loch Dunvegan (Cdr. E. Wheeler, RD, RNR).
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