John Vivian Reeves-Brown DSC, RN
Born | 20 Jul 1916 | | |
Died | 29 Jan 2003 | (86) | |
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| Ranks20 Jun 1937 | | Lt. | 20 Jun 1945 | | Lt.Cdr. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for John Vivian Reeves-Brown, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Gore (K 481) | Lt. | Frigate | 14 Oct 1943 | Aug 1945 |
HMS Meon (K 269) | Lt.Cdr. | Frigate | 25 Jul 1945 | late 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
1 Mar 1944 (position 45.46, -23.16)
German U-boat U-358 in the North Atlantic north of the Azores, in position 45°46'N, 23°16'W, by depth charges from the British frigates HMS Gould (Lt. D.W. Ungoed, RN), HMS Affleck (A/Cdr. C. Gwinner, DSO, RN (retired)), HMS Gore (Lt. J.V. Reeves-Brown, RN) and HMS Garlies (Lt. R.L. Calpe, DSC, RN).
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