Christopher Henry Rankin, RN
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Christopher Henry Rankin, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS H 33 (N 33) | Lt. | Submarine | 7 Mar 1941 | 6 Jun 1941 |
HMS H 28 (N 28) | Lt. | Submarine | 6 Aug 1942 | 25 Oct 1942 |
HMS Simoom (P 225) | Lt. | Submarine | Oct 1942 | 15 Apr 1943 |
HMS Burnham (H 82) | Lt. | Destroyer | 6 Jul 1943 | late 1943 |
HMS Tyler (K 576) | Lt. | Frigate | 14 Jan 1944 | mid 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine HMS H 33 (N 33)
7 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. R.M. Favell, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. Upon completion of these exercises Lt. Rankin took over command of HMS H 33 from Lt. Favell. (1)
8 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
9 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
10 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
13 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
14 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
15 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) proceeded to Oban to fuel and then back to Tobermory. (1)
16 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
17 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
18 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
20 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
21 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (1)
25 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Falmouth. She departed for Plymouth later the same day. (1)
26 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Plymouth. HMS H 33 arrived with serious defects and was not able to proceed on patrol. (1)
30 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) is docked at the Devonport Dockyard. (1)
6 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted torpedo firing exercises in the Clyde area. (2)
9 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) is undocked. (3)
11 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) departed Plymouth for Rothesay. (3)
14 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Rothesay. She proceeded to Campbeltown later the same day. (3)
15 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
16 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
17 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
18 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
20 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
21 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
22 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
23 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
24 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
25 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
27 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
28 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
29 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
30 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)
1 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
4 May 1941
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
5 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
6 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
7 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
8 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
9 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
10 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Rothesay. (4)
14 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course). (4)
15 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course). (4)
17 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Campbeltown. (4)
18 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
19 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
20 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
21 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
22 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
23 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
24 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Rothesay. (4)
25 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Campbeltown. (4)
26 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
27 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
28 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
29 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
30 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (4)
1 Jun 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)
2 Jun 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Rothesay. (2)
Submarine HMS H 28 (N 28)
6 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. K.H. Joy, RNR) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon returning to harbour after these exercises Lt. Rankin took over command from Lt. Joy. (5)
7 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises H 28 proceeded to Rothesay. (5)
8 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) and HrMs O 10 (Lt. Baron D.T. Mackay, RNN) both departed Rothesay for Tobermory. They were escorted by HMS Z 5 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. S.T. Wenlock, RNR). (5)
9 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Tobermory. (5)
12 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
13 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
14 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
15 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
17 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
19 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
20 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
21 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
22 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
24 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
25 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
26 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. (5)
27 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Tobermory. Upon completion of these exercises she proceeded to Oban. (5)
28 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) departed Oban for Campbeltown. She was escorted by HMS Z 5 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. S.T. Wenlock, RNR). (5)
29 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Campbeltown. (5)
30 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (5)
31 Aug 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (5)
1 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
2 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
3 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
4 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
6 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
7 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
8 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
9 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
10 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
11 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
13 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
14 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
15 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
16 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
17 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
18 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (6)
19 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Campbeltown to Rothesay. (6)
20 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) proceeded from Rothesay to Port Ballentyne (just around the corner from Rothesay) where she was immediately docked. (6)
24 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) is undocked and returned to Rothesay. (6)
27 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted torpedo firing exercises (salvo firing) in the Clyde area. (6)
28 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Ardrishaig. In the afternoon she participated in A/S exercises off that place. (6)
29 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. (6)
29 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. (6)
30 Sep 1942
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. Upon completion of these exercises she proceeded to Rothesay. (6)
1 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) departed Rothesay for Londonderry. (7)
2 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Londonderry. (7)
3 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
3 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
4 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
5 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
6 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
9 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
10 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
11 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
12 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
13 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
17 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
17 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
18 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
18 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
19 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
20 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
20 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
21 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
22 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. (7)
25 Oct 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Lough Foyle. Upon completetion of these exercises Lt. Weston took over command from Lt. Rankin. Lt. Weston had a bad start as shortly afterwards the steering of H 28 failed and she grounded. She came off within an hour and had sustained no serious damage. (7)
Submarine HMS Simoom (P 225)
27 Dec 1942
P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) departed her builders yard for Holy Loch. She was escorted by HMS Ayrshire (T/Lt. R.W.H. Elsden, RNVR). (8)
28 Dec 1942
P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Holy Loch to begin a period of trials and training. (8)
29 Dec 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted D/G trials off Helensburgh and hypdroplane trials in the Clyde area. (8)
30 Dec 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted full power trials on the Arran measured mile following which she was commissioned at Holy Loch. (8)
1 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (9)
2 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (8)
4 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (9)
6 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to the torpedo firing range at Arrochar (Loch Long). (9)
8 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. (9)
9 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. (9)
10 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. (9)
11 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. On completion of these trials she proceeded to Holy Loch. (9)
13 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to Loch Goil. (9)
14 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted noise trials in Loch Goil. (9)
15 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted log and S.T.U. (mine detection) trials in the Clyde area. (9)
16 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted gunnery and D/F trials in the Clyde area. (9)
17 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area. These included night exercises. (9)
18 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area. (9)
20 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (9)
23 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) departed Holy Loch for Scapa Flow. She made the passage together with HMS P 53 (Lt. G.E. Hunt, RN) that was to proceed to Lerwick. They were escorted by HMS Bergamot (Lt. R.T. Horan, RNR). (9)
24 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow where she was to participate in A/S exercises. (9)
26 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (9)
27 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conduced A/S exercises at Scapa Flow with HMCS Iroquois (Cdr. W.B.L. Holms, RCN) and HMS Brecon (Lt.Cdr. T.D. Herrick, DSC and Bar, RN). (10)
28 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (9)
29 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. Also a practice attack was made on HMS Quail (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Jenks, RN). (9)
30 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (9)
31 Jan 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (9)
1 Feb 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (11)
2 Feb 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. Also a practice attack was made on HMS Quail (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Jenks, RN). (11)
3 Feb 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. Also a practice attack was made on HMS Jason (Cdr. H.G.A. Lewis, RN). (11)
4 Feb 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. Also practice attacks were made on HMS Howe (Capt. C.H.L. Woodhouse, CB, RN) and HMS Malaya (Capt. J.W.A. Waller, RN). (11)
5 Feb 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. Also a practice attack was made on HMS Quail (Lt.Cdr. R.F. Jenks, RN). (11)
6 Feb 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. Also a practice attack was made on HMS Eggesford (Lt.Cdr. D.W. Austin, RN). (11)
8 Feb 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (11)
9 Feb 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Scapa Flow to Lerwick. She was escorted by HMS Pennyworth (T/Lt. R.A. Mason, RNVR). (11)
15 Feb 1943
HMS P 225 (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) was now named HMS Simoom.
On this day she departed Lerwick for her 1st war patrol. She was to patrol off Northern Norway to provide cover for convoy operations to and from Northern Russia.
For the daily positions of HMS Simoom during this patrol see the map below.
11 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) ended her 1st war patrol at Lerwick. (12)
12 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) departed Lerwick for Holy Loch. She made the passage together with HMS Tuna (Lt. R.P. Raikes, RN) and HMS Sportsman (Lt. R. Gatehouse, DSC, RN) escorted by the Norwegian HNoMS King Haakon VII. (13)
14 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) arrived at Holy Loch. (13)
24 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to Kames Bay. (13)
25 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) was docked in AFD 20 at Kames Bay. (13)
26 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) was undocked at Kames Bay after which she immediately proceeded to Holy Loch. (13)
28 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to Rosneath where she was immediately docked in AFD 7. (13)
29 Mar 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) was undocked from AFD 7 at Rosneath after which she immediately proceeded to Holy Loch. (13)
31 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted log calibration trials in Loch Long. These were followed by gunnery exercises. (13)
1 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (14)
5 Apr 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted night exercises in the Clyde area. (14)
6 Apr 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) completed her night exercises in the Clyde area after which she returned to Holy Loch. (14)
9 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted special torpedo trials in the Clyde area with HMS Kingfisher (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) G.H. Gandy, RN). These were followed by gunnery exercises which included a dusk bombardment off Arran. (14)
10 Apr 1943
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (14)
13 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Simoom (Lt. C.H. Rankin, RN) conducted RDF (radar) exercises off Campbeltown. On completion of these exercises she proceeded to Holy Loch. (14)
Frigate HMS Tyler (K 576)
21 Jan 1945
HMS Tyler (A/Lt.Cdr. C.H. Ranking, RN) picks up the sole survivor from the Norwegian merchant Galatea that was torpedoed and sunk off Bardsey Island in the St.Georges Channel in position 52°40'N, 05°23'W by German U-boat U-1051.
27 Jan 1945 (position 52.24, -5.42)
The German U-boat U-1172 was sunk in St George's Channel, in position 52°24'N, 05°42'W, by depth charges from the British frigates HMS Tyler (A/Lt.Cdr. C.H. Ranking, RN), HMS Keats (T/A/Lt.Cdr. N.F. Israel, DSC, RNR) and HMS Bligh (Cdr. B.W. Taylor, RN).
- ADM 173/16748
- ADM 173/16751
- ADM 173/16749
- ADM 173/16750
- ADM 173/17204
- ADM 173/17205
- ADM 173/17206
- ADM 173/17470
- ADM 173/17916
- ADM 173/17916 + File RG24-D-2 / Vol. 7418 (Library and Archives Canada)
- ADM 173/18080
- ADM 199/1881
- ADM 173/18081
- ADM 173/18082
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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