John B. Ricker, Jr., USNR
Birth details unknown |
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Warship Commands listed for John B. Ricker, USNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS PC-1176 (PC-1176) | Patrol craft | 20 Nov 1943 | Mid/late44 |
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Patrol craft USS PC-1176 (PC-1176)
6 Jun 1944
Was the primary control vessel for Tare Green Beach - Utah beach. LCC-60 was the secondary control vessel.
From the despatching of the last wave on 6 june 1944 until 17 june 1944, PC 1176 remained at anchor off the center of Tare Green Beach, acting as traffic control vessel during the build-up phase. (1)
- Personal communication
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