James Gilbert Marshall, USN
Born | 8 May 1910 | Nashville, Tennessee, USA | |
Died | 10 Jun 1951 | (41) | Guantanamo Bay, Cuba |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for James Gilbert Marshall, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Du Pont (DD 152) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 25 Jan 1943 | 17 Mar 1944 |
USS Doyle (DD 494) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 26 Mar 1944 | 30 Jun 1945 (1) |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer USS Du Pont (DD 152)
13 Dec 1943 (position 26.29, -29.58)
German U-boat U-172 was sunk on 13 December 1943 in the mid-Atlantic after a 27 hour fight west of the Canary Islands, in position 26°29'N, 29°58'W, by depth charges and Fido homing torpedoes from Avenger and Wildcat aircraft (VC-19) of the American escort carrier USS Bogue and by some 200 depth charges from the US destroyers USS George E. Badger, USS Clemson, USS Osmond Ingram and USS Du Pont.
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