John Campbell Annesley DSO, RN
Born | 2 Aug 1895 | Kensington, London | |
Died | 26 Apr 1964 | (68) |
| Ranks
Retired: 8 Jan 1948 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for John Campbell Annesley, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Egret (L 75 / U 75) | Capt. | Sloop | 2 Jun 1939 | 19 Jan 1940 |
HMS Enterprise (D 52) | Capt. | Light cruiser | 2 Mar 1940 | 15 Jul 1942 |
HMS Victorious (38) | Capt. | Aircraft Carrier | 15 Aug 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Light cruiser HMS Enterprise (D 52)
19 Apr 1940
HMS Enterprise (Capt. J.C. Annesley, DSO, RN) was fired upon by U 65 but the torpedoes missed.
1 Dec 1940
By the end of 1940 was operating in the South Atlantic, unsuccessfully hunting for Thor, then transferred to the Indian Ocean when Admiral Scheer appeared there but, again, she had no success.
In 1942 she was in the East Indies & Australian waters, operating with sister ship Emerald in the Eastern Fleet.
From the end of 1942 to 10/43 was under refit in the UK, being then allocated to the Home Fleet, mainly for the purpose of hunting down blockade runners in Biscay.
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