William John Walker DSC, RNVR
Birth details unknown |
Died | 14 Jul 1953 | | |
 | Ranks2 Sep 1940 | | T/Lt. | ??? | | T/A/Lt.Cdr. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for William John Walker, RNVR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS MMS 212 (J 712) | T/Lt. | Motor minesweeper | 3 Jun 1942 | 6 Oct 1942 |
Career information
He was on Russian Convoy Duty. He was awarded DSC for his Distinguished work during them. He died on 14th July 1953, whilst on bridge of a ship in Port Sudan. He was buried out there, as at that time they didn't repatriate bodies.
Events related to this officer
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